
Sunday 3 November 2019

君子善假於物 A Virtuous Man Is Good At Utilizing Things










Thirty First Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: A Virtuous Man Is Good At Utilizing Things

Why did Zacchaeus want to see Jesus?
According to the gospels, many contemporary Jews wanted to see Jesus Christ for different reasons: Some wanted to fill their hunger, solving the problem of poverty (John 6:26); some sought healing, solving the problem of health care (Luke 5:15); some probably heard of Jesus and out of curiosity wanted to listen to Jesus' teachings to satisfy their intellectual needs (Matthew 5:1); some thought that Jesus was the Messiah, they wanted to follow Him to overthrow the Roman colonial rule, thus solving their political problem (Mark 8:29). The reasons were various.

Then, what kind of a person was Zacchaeus? What motives prompted him to see Jesus? Was it out of curiosity? Zacchaeus was the chief tax collector, serving the Romans. He was hated by his fellow Jews. We could imagine that he worked really hard to solve his problems. He accumulated wealth to compensate for the respect he had lost. Thus, he would not waste time doing things not profitable. Thus, Zacchaeus would not see Jesus out of curiosity! Jesus had exorcised demons. Was Zacchaeus or his family members possessed? If he had been, Zacchaeus should have knelt before Jesus to beg him (Luke 8:28, 9:38). He shouldn't have climbed up a tree to watch Jesus from afar. Jesus healed diseases. But Zacchaeus was able to climb a sycamore tree in order to see Jesus (19:4). He wasn't sick, nor did he seek healing for his family members. Jesus multiplied loaves of bread but Zacchaeus was wealthy. He didn't need Jesus to multiply bread. Jesus calmed the storm but Zacchaeus' life was not in immediate dangers. Thus, what else was there in Jesus that attracted Zacchaeus?

It must be the gospel Jesus Christ proclaimed and His acceptance of sinners that caught Zacchaeus' attention.
Jesus Christ came to proclaim the Kingdom of Heaven in which "My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it." (8:21) What is the word of God? As a tax-collector, a stakeholder of the society, he would not want to overthrow the Roman rule. Zacchaeus would misunderstand the gospel less. He would never believe that Jesus Christ would be a revolutionary leader, inciting people to rebel! He tended to believe that Jesus Christ would build up a world in which people love each other and respect each other, a society in which people shall not be discriminated because of their professions or economic status.
Contemporary religious authorities raised their brows because of Jesus Christ's acceptance of sinners. Traditional faith not only demanded believers to observe Moses' commandments, but also expected them to cut off from sinners. The first verses of Jewish prayer book say, "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in company with scoffers. Rather, the law of the Lord is his joy; and on his law he meditates day and night." (Psalms 1:1-2) Thus, Jesus Christ's sharing table with tax-collectors, prostitutes and sinners was a scandal. He was declaring war against Judaism! On the other hand, as a tax-collector, Zacchaeus was cut off by his fellow Jews. There was no hope in reconciliation. Every day, he was living in rejection and discrimination coming from a religious institution. It could be regarded as an institutional violence. In the eyes of Zacchaeus, Jesus' acceptance of sinners was putting into action the gospel, the truth which He proclaimed. In Jesus Christ, Zacchaeus saw hope. He wanted to be liberated from this institutional violence. Thus Zacchaeus "was seeking to see who Jesus was" (19:3). Where did Zacchaeus' hope come from? It should come from the call of Matthew, a fellow tax collector which enkindled his hope in Jesus Christ.

In the eyes of the Jews, Zacchaeus was a sinner. But if we apply Confucian evaluation, Zacchaeus was a virtuous man! How? Xunzi explains in his "On Learning" that a virtuous man was no different from ordinary men. A virtuous man is just better able to utilize things to achieve his target. That is to say, everybody is able to become virtuous when he makes good use of things around him. Didn't Zacchaeus make good use of things around him? Look, "he was short in stature" (19:3), "so he climbed a sycamore tree in order to see Jesus" (19:4). Consequently, not only did Zacchaeus see Jesus, but something which he dared not even to dream of also happened. Jesus took the initiative to stay at his house! From the perspective of doing business, Zacchaeus suddenly discovered that he was dealing with a very generous party! Of course, Zacchaeus was sincere. His desire to be liberated touched the mercy of God! How would God be a miser towards someone who sincerely desires to be saved?

Thus, a benevolent cycle started! You scratch my back, I scratch yours more! Thus Zacchaeus took a step further. He made good use of his wealth, "Half of my possessions I shall give to the poor, and if I have extorted anything from anyone I shall repay it four times over." (19:8) Had Zacchaeus intended to buy fame, he would not have given half of his possessions to the poor. A little bit over the normal would have been sufficient. Similarly, according to Moses' law, making twofold restitution only was required to repay cheating. Zacchaeus would not have to repay four times (Exodus 22:6-8). Thus Zacchaeus' sincerity had earned him Jesus' salvation (Luke 19:9)! Pay heed that everybody's road to sanctification is different. Unlike Matthew who had abandoned all to follow Jesus Christ to preach the gospel and build the Kingdom of Heaven, Zacchaeus' future was not mentioned in the gospel. Suffice to know that Zacchaeus' actions did not bring him immediate advantages! Don't forget that Jesus Christ would soon be rejected by the crowd to be crucified. After the Pentecost, the disciples would continue to be persecuted in Jerusalem. The Kingdom of Heaven was nowhere in sight!

For all Christians, Zacchaeus has set up a very good exemplar. Firstly, he knew his sins. Many of us are afraid to see the truth. After baptism, many Catholics ignore confession as well as the importance of reconciliation with oneself, with the Church and with God. Not recognizing one's sin is detrimental to one's faith because one doesn't need God anymore! Secondly, Zacchaeus desired God's liberation. As Catholics, do we feel a lack of freedom in our daily life? Do we always please others, and our emotions controlled by the actions of the others? Can we quit addictions of smoking, drinking, gambling and mobile phones? Do we desire God's liberation? Lastly, Zacchaeus made good use of things to come close to God! Do we make good use of our time to pray, to study the bible, to receive sacraments? Do we follow Jesus Christ's teachings to help the needy, to bear wrongs patiently and to counsel the doubtful? More than that, do we share, like St. Matthew the Apostle, our experience of salvation with others so as to enkindle their hope in Jesus Christ? Do we accept sinners like Jesus Christ or cut them off?

Brethren, let the example of Zacchaeus inspire us to review our faults, to desire God's salvation and to make good use of things around us to come close to God.
God bless!

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