
Sunday 2 February 2020

Difficulties Are Tools of Purification 困難就是磨練

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, Year A
Theme: Difficulties Are Tools of Purification

Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. We celebrate His sudden arrival at the Temple (Malachi 3:1) to meet His people. Who are His people? Simeon is a representative of His people. The gospel says, "This man was righteous and devout, awaiting the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him." (Luke 2:25) He is righteous, meaning he keeps all God's commandments. This is a sign of faith and charity. He is devout, totally committed to God. This is a sign of faith and hope. He awaits the consolation of Israel. It means, like all the Jews at that time, they were waiting for the Messiah to liberate them from the Roman colonial rule. Their life had never been easy ever since they were conquered by the Babylonians. Then sovereignty changed hands continually, Persians, Greeks and finally the Romans. Now, salvation arrived, but in the form of a new born baby. Is God joking?

Everybody knows that life is never easy. When we look at the others, in particular our successful friends and our employers, we usually see the fortunes they have. We admire their health, their wealth, their social skills, their knowledge and achievements etc. but we seldom see the blessings we have. Well, life is never simple. The fortunes and achievements we see are almost always superficial. Underneath are layers and layers of struggles which we do not see, either because they don't want us to see or because those are truly God's blessings to equip them for greater responsibilities and challenges. Our God is invisible. We need faith to guide us where to find Him. Moreover, it takes a clean heart to see God and His blessings (Matthew 5:8). The good news is that difficulties and hardship are tools to refine us, to purify us so that we may be able to see God, to offer sacrifices pleasing to God (Malachi 3:4).

Where can we find God and see Him? In the Temple? In the Church?
A recurring theme in the gospels is that God shall appear in the most unexpected manners. Like today, Simeon discovered salvation in infant Jesus! Our God is a God of surprises! When clouds of darkness gather, we know that behind the clouds, there is the bright shining sun. This is faith.
It seems that our God loves to play hide and seek with us. I'm sure all of you are familiar with what Jesus teaches us about the Last Judgment. He encourages us not to turn to the rich and the powerful to find Him, but to find Him among the poor and the needy. He says, "Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40) Here, Jesus talks about the rewards waiting for those who do works of mercy: to feed the hungry, to give drink to the thirsty, to clothe the naked, to give shelter to the homeless, to care for the sick and to visit the imprisoned (25:35-36). As followers of Jesus Christ, we believe in His words and His promises of our rewards in the future. At the moment, what we need to do is to serve the needy with joy because we are deemed worthy to serve and to suffer for the Lord (Acts 5:41).

At this moment, who are the needy? When most citizens are in fear of infection of the novel coronavirus, we can see many needy people around us. There are the exhausted frontline doctors and nurses. There are senior citizens queuing up for hours in vain to buy surgical masks, to highlight just a few. Everybody is under threat. We too are under threat. But are we able to offer a helping hand? Yes, we are. We have advantages over the others!
First of all, most of us do not read Chinese. I suppose you do not indulge yourselves in reading social media in Chinese. Therefore, you shall not be affected by at least half of the misinformation, rumours and fake news floating around the world! You shall less easily become panicking. You shall be in a better position to calm your friends and employers down because you are able to cross check the information from overseas!

Secondly, we are Christians. We have faith and we believe in God. We have hope and we put our hope in God. We have love and we are ready to share God's love with others. In short, we are less self-centred. We are always ready to reach out to lend a helping hand, thus serving our Lord Jesus Christ among the needy! With the support of the Holy Spirit, we are the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13). Let our charity and prayers be good seasonings, making our sacrifices pleasing to God. Stay home and do not go out unless it is necessary. In this way, we lessen the burden on the front line medical staff. If we are able to manage, visit the elderly and spare them a surgical mask. When we stay indoors, remember to pray for the front line medical staff who are working overtime and in constant dangers of being infected. We are the light of this world (5:14). Let our good work show off our faith and hope in God, "to shine on those who sit in darkness and death's shadow." (Luke 1:79)

Before we finish, it would be unfair not to say a few words about Anna, the widow and prophetess. Though the gospel does not record any words spoken by Anna, we should pay attention to her age which was 84. Let us suppose she was 84 when she met infant Jesus in the Temple. Let us further assume that Anna was an ordinary Jewish girl who was usually given to marriage at 14. She became a widow seven years later at 21, which was 63 B.C., the year Judah became a Roman colony. Therefore, her widowhood was a symbol of all the Jews suffering under Roman colonial rule! How did she spend her days of suffering? "She never left the Temple, but worshiped night and day with fasting and prayer." (2:37) Furthermore, "she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem." (2:38)

Brethren! Anna and Simeon are our examples. Even in time of difficulties and sufferings like today, we persevere in our faith in God. We embrace those difficulties and sufferings with joy because they purify us, to enable us to see God. We continue to worship Good with fasting and prayer. Let us bear witness to God's love for us with our charitable works in our daily life.
God bless!

Picture Credit:

2007 Reflection









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