
Sunday 12 July 2020

聽的勇氣 The Courage To Hear








Fifteenth Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: Courage Series#1: The Courage To Hear

Today, Jesus says, "Whoever has ears ought to hear." (Matthew 13:9)
Not only do you have ears, but you also need courage to hear.
No man is an island. Our survival and development rely on the interpersonal network we build with others, including family, school, work place, social network … society, country and even the whole world. Just as what our Financial Secretary Mr. Paul says, "USA shall be affected by our sneeze in Hong Kong." This Butterfly Effect is an indisputable common sense nowadays.
As we all know, communication is essential to the success of interpersonal relationships. Among the many channels of communication, listening is the most crucial but is most easily affected by different noises! For example, you consult your physician. What if he never takes his eyes off the computer screen to read your various examination reports and does not listen to your complaints. Furthermore, if without speaking a word to you, he simply sends you away with his prescriptions. Do you have confidence in him, no matter how famous a miracle physician he is? Will you follow his prescriptions, and continue to consult him next time? On the other hand, if you do not listen carefully to his prescriptions or what not to eat, do you think you can be cured? Of course, there are many different kinds of relationships, not necessarily helper and client. But all relationships involve give and take. The roles of giver and taker may interchange. Although you are the taker this time, you always have the opportunity to become the giver. Whatever relationship it is, listening is always essential. On the contrary, prejudice, not listening comprehensively and lack of communication will lead to misunderstanding. When relations sour, both sides suffer.

Today, I want to focus on one particular element which affects listening. It is courage. The taker can easily fall victim to pride and do not have to courage to hear other people or givers mention the gist of the problem. It is unthinkable for a Tai Chi master to be knocked out by a nobody in twenty seconds, for a healthy person to fall sick, for a righteous person to get involved in sexual scandals … parents who have always been givers find it difficult to accept their own ageing and need to be taken care of by children! On the other hand, givers can easily fall victim to a condescendence attitude and do not have the courage to hear the takers say, "I don't need the kind of help you give!" Parents always want to give children the best. When they were young and didn't know what to choose, it was the duty of parents to choose for them. But imperceptibly, children have grown up and have their own choices. The most challenging job for parents is to take the courage to hear the rejection of the best gifts they have prepared for them! "It must be the fault of bad peers, or teachers instilling wrong values or immoral information picked up from the Internet …" All these are but defence mechanisms to soothe oneself!

Reality puts great pressure on living things and on all interpersonal relationships. Every living creature must struggle to survive. Some choose to change the environment, or improve relationships to make them suitable for their survival. Those who lack the resources to change the environment will change themselves to adapt. Confronted by hostile environment or relationships, some choose to sacrifice part of their limbs or ideals. In the short run, the defence mechanism of "look but not understand, look but never see" (13:14) and belief in a better tomorrow will cost the least! Unbeknown to them that this defence mechanism is the very Achilles' heel that destroys interpersonal relationships and the survival environment! In the end, closing up all communication channels, one can only suffer passively and become uncooperative.

As Catholics living in Hong Kong, we may not have the resources to change the environment. Facing social unrests and the pandemic, we may feel helpless. But we still have hope in the Kingdom of Heaven which is full of love and righteousness promised by our God. We shall not passively refuse to cooperate with the government, with people of good will and with God! In the end, shall we abandon the ideal of the Kingdom of Heaven and abandon the Church established by Jesus Christ? Never!
St. Paul says that we are reconciliation ambassadors of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:19-20). The gospel we proclaim is the Truth. This Truth "is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12) But the Word of God is hard to swallow, e.g. love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you etc. It is difficult for people without grace to receive. It is difficult to break down the defence mechanism of "hear and not understand, look and not see" from the outside. It is even more difficult for listeners of gospel to forsake this defence mechanism without great courage and the grace from the Holy Spirit, in particular, politicians. We Christians must also accept the reality and respect the dignity and freedom of our listeners. We easily make the mistake of playing Saviour and do not have the courage to accept the reality that "Christians are sinners" or "We don't want you to talk Jesus"!

Brethren! We Catholics are blessed! In our relationship with our heavenly Father, He is always the giver and we the takers! However, God knows that it is unhealthy to always be takers because takers shall never grow up. Thus, God gives everybody, even if you are the most unlucky and worst loser, the opportunity to be giver! In maintaining the God-man relationship, God always listens attentively and patiently to our prayers. Let's ask ourselves, do we have the courage to hear the teachings of Jesus Christ, the courage to accept the invitation to repent, and the courage to become reconciliation ambassadors of Jesus Christ?
God bless!

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