
Sunday 20 September 2020

為甚麼我們這樣思考? Why Do We Think the Way We Think?







保祿在《愛之歌》這樣教導:「愛是含忍的,愛是慈祥的,愛不嫉妒,不誇張,不自大,不作無禮的事, 不求己益,不動怒,不圖謀惡事,不以不義為樂,卻與真理同樂:凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐。」(格前13:4-7)天主是忍耐的,所以我們也要耐心忍受痛苦;天主是慈祥的,所以我們放棄暴力;天主是真理,所以我們以真理為樂,因為真理把我們從奴役中出解放出來,得以自由成長(若8:32);我們包容、相信、盼望和忍耐,因為我們希望看見近人明天會更好。他們都是天主按自己的肖像創造出來的,總有光芒四射的一日。




Twenty Fifth Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: Why Do We Think the Way We Think?

Though this famous parable has been told us for nearly two thousand years, most of us don't seem to have learnt its lesson.
Many people quote from a book written by Cardinal Francis Xavier Nguyễn Văn Thuận, "The Testimony of Hope" (2000), and talk about the "five defects of Jesus". Cardinal Francis Xavier begins humbly with these words, "… I left everything to follow Jesus, because I love the defects of Jesus." (pg.14) In the fifth defect, he quotes this famous parable. "The fifth defect: Jesus doesn't understand finances or economics … If Jesus were named the administrator of a community or the director of a business, the institution would surely fail and go bankrupt. How can anyone pay someone who began working at 5:00p.m. the same wage paid to the person who has been working since early morning? Is this merely an oversight? Is Jesus' accounting wrong? No! He does it on purpose … Perhaps we can ask ourselves why Jesus has these defects. Because he is love (cf. 1 John 4:16). Real love does not reason, does not measure, does not create barriers, does not calculate, does not remember offenses, and does not impose conditions." (pp. 17-18)

Isn't Jesus our administrator or director of the Church? No, it isn't Jesus because the Church hasn't failed or gone bankrupt! If we take the words of the Cardinal seriously and want the Church to reveal the true face of Jesus with His defects, we should reinstate Christ and dethrone the Pope as the Vicar of Christ! Go back and read the last three sentences carefully once more! Why do we keep thinking in the way we usually think, viz. we minimize affection, we use cold logic, we calculate, we set barriers and we impose?

Human beings worship rationality because they believe that on rationality their survival depends. Through evolution, those humanoids that relied on strength, speed, teeth and claws were devoured by stronger, speedier animals and those that relied on the use of reason which enabled them join together into communities to outwit other species survived. They managed to modify the surrounding environment and created for themselves a stable environment to prosper. In the early stages of society, hoarding resources was the major strategy to ensure steady supplies and diligence was a virtue. However, its efficiency was limited, in particular, by the total environment they were living in. Somewhere somehow some risk-taking souls arose to prominence. We can't be sure whether it was greed that bred them. Those brave souls were willing to sacrifice their fruits of labour and re-invest them for bigger gains in the future. Such a strategy snowballed and the rise of capitalism saw greater prosperity and thus stability. At the same time, this rationality has approached the edge of cold calculations because labourers are no different from other productivity tools such as a plough or a bag of fertilizer! Entrepreneurship is an heir of feudalism. Instead of kings and dukes ruling the land in a society of strata, entrepreneurs are. Powers are centralized in the name of efficiency. Only titles change, not essence. In other words, cold calculation is canonized!
On the other hand, the plights of workers during the Industrial Revolution sowed the seeds of socialism, a utopian ideology of a classless society in which all are equal. In order to build a classless society, the proletariats needed to break down the classes. Bloody revolutions became inevitable and violence was condoned. Communists came on stage to challenge entrepreneurs. Blatant violence and restrictions on freedom became inevitable and totalitarianism was crowned.

Does God want to see this? No, Jesus Christ has warned us before, "No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." (Matthew 6:24) In both ideologies, love has no position. Therefore, as a sacrament on earth, the Church can't condone either of them. She needs to remind the world of her God who is love. God has never been a totalitarian. He should be but instead, He gives us total autonomy as persons. As persons, we don't harm our neighbour. Of course, God demands us to love our neighbour as ourselves (Leviticus 19:18) because we are each other's keeper (Genesis 4:9)! Thus, the Church can't be a friend of Communists, though she doesn't exclude the inevitability to work with Communist regimes. The Psalmist teaches us to know our places in the universe "Ex ore infantium et lactantium perfecisti laudem" (Psalm 8:3). We are no more than infants and suckling before God. Jesus further teaches us, not long ago, to accept the kingdom of heaven like small children, "Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:3) Children do not calculate! Following the exhortation of her Master, the Church does not condone the cold calculation of Capitalism.

In his "Ode of Love", Paul writes, "Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things." (1 Corinthians 13:4-7) God is patient, so we must be long-suffering as well. God is kind, so we must rule out violence. God is true, so we rejoice in truth which makes us free from bondage as well as free to grow. (John 8:32) We bear, believe, hope and endure because we want to see our neighbour become better day by day. They were created in the image of God which surely will shine forth in the end.

Then what did the Master mean by "just" when he told the late comers "You too go into my vineyard, and I will give you what is just" (Matthew 20:4)? Once more, we think of human justice instead of God's justice. We think of fairness in the personal sphere in terms of tit for tat and you scratch my back and I scratch yours. In the societal sphere, we uphold the equal opportunities of education, of voting and of equal work equal pay etc. Human societies have achieved much, but the situation is less than desirable. For example, this pandemic has revealed very clearly before our eyes the inequalities existing in our society. When students are confined at home to study online, the digital gap between the rich and the poor starkly shows up! Education is supposed to empower the poor and help them move up the social ladder. Nowadays, it fails to do so. No, such equality concept is not appropriate to talk about God's justice because God has no equals! God's justice is generosity, mercy and salvation. He is happy to see all of us grow to the fullness He intends for each one of us. If we take the daily wage (20:2) to mean salvation which we don't "earn", then our work and services won't count, viz. how long we have been baptized, the pious prayers we have said, the enthusiasm in parish works, the money we drop into the treasury etc. Therefore, our jealousy shall have no basis (20:15). The first workers were jealous because they thought in terms of equal work equal pay. If equality were adequate to describe God, they were entitled to "earn" themselves salvation through cold calculation. It "looks" true in economic sphere but in fact it is a myth. In economics, price is determined by supply and demand. Therefore, your reward is never directly proportional to the amount of effort you put in. But there are many people who want to perpetuate this myth for various reasons. Some want to console themselves and to relieve themselves of daily hardship while some want to exploit others. No, this is not what God wants. In Paul's words, "Until we all attain to … mature manhood, to the extent of the full stature of Christ." (Ephesians 4:13)

Brethren! We need to examine our mode of thinking in order to attain the full stature of Christ, to become mature Christians. Yes, we should make good use of our rationality to seek the Truth which should not be dry and cold because the Truth is liberating. There must be love lest it fails to enrich life. On the other hand, love without truth is blind and will do harm to life. Let's pray to the Spirit of Love and Truth to infuse us with God's life. Amen.
God bless!

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