
Sunday 14 March 2021

菁英主義 Elitism


另一方面,在羅馬帝國眼中,這些拒絕向羅馬眾神獻祭的基督徒是「無神論者」,是戰敗和疫症的最佳「代罪羔羊」,可以把人民對統治者的忿怒,轉嫁到他們身上!蒙天主的護祐,基督徒以「家庭教會」、「地下教會」的形式,走過艱難的歲月,在君士坦丁凱撒統治時,終於可以享有宗教信仰的自由,不受干擾地公開表達他們的信仰。 基督徒在自由交換經驗的日子,發現了不少基本信條上的分歧。這些神學上分歧的觀點,各有擁護者,足以分裂教會!君士坦丁為了防範未然,在公元325年召開尼西亞大公會議。不錯,教會的大公會議是羅馬帝國的皇帝召開的。所以說「政教分離」的人,是生活在空中樓閣,不在人類的歷史中!當時教會急於處理的神學問題,就是「天主子是否天主」,即「三位一體」的問題!在牧民問題上,要決定「復活節」在哪一天。尚待處理的問題是如何接納教難時背教的信徒及神職人員問題…基督信仰開始系統化了。


曾幾何時,禮儀的改革讓信友可以更積極主動起參與彌撒。跟著,有不少的爭論出現了: 舉行彌撒時,應朝向東方,而且祭台上應該放一個十字架、念「天主經」的時候,教友不應模仿神父把雙手攤開、站著手領聖體對聖體不虔誠,對耶穌基督不敬、不應送聖體給離婚教友、應該把同性戀者拒諸門外、教會應該發聲明譴責暴力…這些基督徒「以自身的努力成義,並崇尚人性的意志和個人的能力…偏執法律,迷戀於社會和政治的得益,炫耀禮儀、教義或教會的威望,為管理具體事務的能力而自詡,為自我提升和自我實現的項目而著迷。」(GE#57)連神職人員也不能倖免!「白拉奇主義/菁英主義」並不是教會的專利,社會上、政治上俯拾皆是。上世紀政府公務員是大學畢業的社會精英,將來是「根正苗紅」的愛國人士。




Laetare Sunday, Year B
Theme: Elitism

In the beginning, Christianity grew amid various persecutions. When the Church had a taste of peace, she corrupted. Is humanity so irreparable that it lives in adversity and dies of comfort? Jesus Christ was a Jew. Strictly speaking, all the first generation disciples were Jews. (Although the Roman centurion proclaimed his faith under the cross, we do not find records of his following Jesus in the gospels.) Jews believed in one true God but Christians believed a carpenter to be the Son of God. Thus, in the eyes of Jews, these Jewish Christians were heretics. That was why before his conversion, Saul zealously persecuted Christians.
On the other hand, in the eyes of the Roman Empire, these Christians were atheists because they refused to offer sacrifice to the Roman deities. They were handy scapegoats for defeats and plagues. People in power could easily avert commoners’ anger and frustration towards rulers to Christians! Thanks to God’s protection, Christians were able to weather through those difficulties in the form of domestic churches and underground churches. At last, in the time of Constantine Caesar, Christians were able to enjoy religious freedom, expressing their faith in public without fear.
When they came together to freely exchange their experiences, they discovered many disagreements among basic articles of faith. Each of those divergent theological opinions had their own supporters, numerous enough to split the Church! To nib schism in the bud, Constantine convened the Nicaea Council in 325 A.D. Yes, the ecumenical council was convened by the Roman Emperor. Those who insist on the separation between state and religion are living in castles in the air and not in human history! The urgent theological business to handle is the question whether the Son of God is God, the Trinity problem! On the pastoral side, they needed to decide the date of Easter. Business on the pipeline was how to deal with apostate believers and clergy who wanted to return to the Church … Christianity began to systematize.
Nothing can be more wrong if we think that these controversies could be settled once and for all. Indeed, these heresies keep coming back in subsequent generations in new disguises! For example, Pelagianism. In his apostolic exhortation “Gaudete et Exultate” issued in 2018, Pope Francis pointed out that it is one of the “two false forms of holiness that can lead us astray”. They “reflect an anthropocentric immanentism disguised as Catholic truth … a narcissistic and authoritarian elitism” (GE#35).

Enjoying what your hands provide” is without any doubt a virtue. The Book of Proverbs uses “splendid wealth” to advocate the virtue of diligence (Proverbs 12:27). Paul insisted on working night and day while at the same time proclaiming the gospel so as not to burden any of the disciples (1 Thessalonians 2:9; 2 Thessalonians 3:8). He set up a respectable exemplar. God definitely likes this diligent attitude. However, in matters of justification and salvation, men are unable to save themselves. Simply put, we have only one life. How can a murderer who kills or maims more than one person repay his debts? Thus, our salvation comes from God’s grace, not our own efforts. From the second reading today, we have, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God; it is not from works, so no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9) But how can men forget their labour? From the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:4) to the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:19), men want to affirm their status with their achievements. From the controversy over fasting (Mark 2:18) to the parable of the Pharisee and Publican (Luke 18:11-12), men want to compare their achievements! Thus, Pelagianism has its market. In the fifth century, they believed that the Original Sin had not damaged the human nature. Even without grace, men were able to satisfy God’s demand with their own will and efforts. After all, God would not demand the impossible. St. Augustine refuted Pelagianism. But it refuses to die away easily because men like to compare. This is the authoritarian elitism which Pope Francis mentioned above.

Liturgical reforms aim at encouraging more active participation of the faithful in mass. Then many controversies follow: priests should celebrate masses facing the East and there should be a crucifix on the altar; when saying the Pater Noster in mass, the congregation should not open their arms in the manners of priests; it is impious to receive the Holy Communion in hand and standing, this is not respectful to Jesus Christ; the divorced should be denied the Holy Communion; homosexuals should not be admitted; the Church should condemn violence … These Catholics insist on “justification by their own efforts, the worship of the human will and their own abilities … an obsession with the law, an absorption with social and political advantages, a punctilious concern for the Church’s liturgy, doctrine and prestige, a vanity about the ability to manage practical matters and an excessive concern with programmes of self-help and personal fulfilment.” (GE#57) Even the clergy are not exempted. Pelagianism/Elitism is not the Church’s monopoly. It is not in short supply in the social and political spheres. During the last century, civil servants were elitist graduates. In the future, they will only be patriots of crimson background.

The controversy over grace and good works is not settled by letters from Paul and James. St. Augustine was unable to uproot Pelagianism which persistently emerges again and again within and without the Church in different guises of clericalism, elitism, racism and white supremacy etc. Obviously, taking side is unable to solve the problem. Balancing them is the only exit. Putting aside James’ immortal quote “faith without works is dead” (James 2:16), Paul does not ignore work. Nothing counts, “but only faith working through love” (Galatians 5:6). Obviously, grace and works are the two legs we need to walk to heaven. Missing one of them, the journey will fail. Thus, insisting on “Sola xxx” doesn’t work. Moreover, isn’t it contradictory to have five solae, making them not sola together? Being sloth and does not work with God is a waste of grace. Without truth and love, works would become Pelagianism/Elitism!

Brethren! Today is Laetare Sunday. It is indeed a harsh time when the pandemic is still rampant and democracies all over the world are undergoing oppression. What can make us joyful?
The Father is merciful. He does not want to see sinners perish. But He also honours the free will He grants us and would not force us to believe in Jesus Christ. He would save us even if we don’t become elites. This is the first reason to make us joyful. When we believe in the Son He sent, observe the love each other commandment Jesus Christ gave us, become our brothers’ keepers and are able to serve the needy to make this world a little bit warmer. This is the second reason we can be joyful. John says, “And this is the verdict, that the light came into the world, but people preferred darkness to light … But whoever lives the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be clearly seen as done in God.” (John 3:19, 21) Charity agrees with truth because God is love. Our works are done in God and we are not judged. This is the third reason why should be joyful.
Therefore, rejoice! God bless!

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