
Sunday 4 April 2021

領洗就是重新做人嗎? Is Baptism Turning A New Leaf?




從另一個方向想,為甚麼要追求「不死」呢?很多統治者手執大權之後,下一步便想盡辦法追求「長生不老」。既健康,又不會衰老,這不是現代人夢寐以求的「不死」嗎?那麼,「長生不老」可以算是「永生」嗎?可惜「長生不老」同樣是過往的業績,「長生」沒有永遠的保證,並不保證將來有同樣的成就。況且,肉體上的不衰老,並不保證心靈上沒有痛苦!試想想祇有你一個人長生不老,看著心愛的人衰老死去,這份心靈上的孤獨不痛苦嗎?其實,追求「不死」 或者「長生不老」所表現的,都是一種逃避現實的懦弱消極心態,而不是一種面對死亡的勇敢積極心態!






Easter Sunday, Year B
Theme: Is Baptism Turning A New Leaf?

Liturgical reforms of Vatican II aim at highlighting the meanings of our articles of faith. “Lex orandi, lex credendi” --- How you pray shows what you believe. For example, in previous generations, after finishing catechetical instructions and seeing the parish priests, catechumens could receive baptism. I myself was instructed during secondary school and was blessed enough to be baptized at the Feast of Annunciation. After reforms in Vatican II, most of the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults would take place during Easter Vigil. Have you noticed the changes in vocabulary? Previously, it was called the “Feast of Annunciation”, now the “Solemnity of Annunciation”. Previously, it was simply called baptism. Nowadays it is the “Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults”, viz. Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist form one unit, manifesting their relation! Moreover, the rite is not performed any time in the year, but mostly during Easter Vigil to highlight the meaning of dying and rising with Christ (Romans 6:8). These reforms are good because modern people are literate. Besides piety, they need to meet their rational needs.

Today, I would like to help the catechumens clarify two easily mixed-up concepts.
First of all, is eternal life equivalent to immortality?
Superficially, there is no difference between the two. Death is the end of life. Immortality means life doesn’t end. It keeps going on. Isn’t it eternal life? No! A candidate who comes first in every examination is not able to guarantee to come first forever. A person who never falls sick cannot guarantee that he’ll never fall sick. There can be an Achilles’ heel in a bullet-proof monk. Even though the sun has risen everyday in the east for trillions of years, there is no guarantee that it will rise in the east tomorrow! Immortality is only a past record. It doesn’t guarantee life to have no end. Moreover, ageing without dying is absolutely not what people in developed countries want! Without the guarantee of ageing and sickness free, nobody wants to be immortal! But eternal life guarantees eternity. Thus, Jesus Christ proclaims eternal life and not immortality (John 3:15).

Let’s think along another line. Why do people pursue immortality? After securing total control of a country, many tyrants sought longevity without ageing. Aren’t being healthy without ageing the immortality sought by modern people? Then, is longevity without ageing eternal life? It’s a pity that longevity without ageing is also a past record without guarantee of good performance into the future. Moreover, no ageing physically does not guarantee no pains mentally! Just think about it, leading a healthy and long life, you see your beloved ones die one by one. Isn’t this loneliness painful? In fact, seeking immortality or longevity without ageing shows a negative attitude of a coward who runs away from reality and not a courageous and positive attitude towards death!
Invincibility is temporary. Sooner or later, you will meet a stronger rival! But the ability to recoup to make a comeback to win makes one invincible! Let me take an example from chess. Both sides make mistakes. The loser is the one who makes the last blunder! To err is human. So, the victor is not somebody who makes no mistake but the one who is able to recover from the blunder and continue to fight! That is to say, genuine immortality is not that one never dies, but one who comes back to life again after death. This and this alone is the genuine guarantee of immortality!

Secondly, is baptism turning a new leaf?
Again no! Because of the effect of losing the original graces (aka Original Sin), it is human nature to make mistakes. One must repay or compensate the mistakes one makes. Only after being forgiven or satisfying compensation can one turn a new leaf and starts once again! In most situations, losing one’s freedom is part of the compensation or one of the many ways to compensate. Thus after a prisoner is discharged, he regains freedom and returns to the society to turn a new leaf in life. But life is harsh, many discharged prisoners commit crimes again, in and out of prisons many times … Of course, some may gain a foothold successfully and even become prominent in the society.
Before a person believes in the Lord, he is a slave of sins. After believing in the Lord and getting baptized, relying on the resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ, he is no longer a slave of sins and is liberated. Although freedom is regained in both baptism and discharge from prison, baptism is not same as discharge from prison. Prisoners may be in and out of prisons many times but one is baptized only once. A prison discharged from prison turns a new leaf in life. But baptism makes the baptized a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17)!

The second reading today is written well. Allow me to quote a big chunk, “If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above … For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ our life appears, then you too will appear with him in glory.” (Colossians 3:1, 3-4)

Receiving baptism is to die and bury with Christ who is truly risen. Thus, relying on Him enables us to be raised and thus to attain eternal life. Thus receiving baptism guarantees eternal life. Receiving baptism is not to turn a new leaf in life, but to put on a new-self because there are many defects in the old-self which hinder us from leading an eternal life, a life in union with the Triune God.
What short of life will not hinder eternal life? Paul continues, “Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another … And over all these put on love, that is the bond of perfection … And let the peace of Christ control your hearts … And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, as in all wisdom you teach and admonish one another, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father.” (3:12-17) Truly, one does not turn a new leaf through baptism, but becomes a new creature!

Brethren! Nobody was present the moment Jesus Christ came back to life. There were only people who saw the risen Christ who did not remain on earth. He relies on this bunch of fragile sinners to be the witnesses of His resurrection. They were chosen by God, had become new creatures through the resurrection of the Lord. They didn’t have any obstacles in attaining eternal life. During the Rite of Christian Initiation, we were given “the Spirit as a first installment” (2 Corinthians 5:5). Since we have chosen eternal life, let us not enjoy it alone. Share it with people we love and care.
God bless!

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