
Saturday 17 April 2021

道不可離 We Can’t Depart From the Way








We Can’t Depart From the Way(John 6:16-21)

Men are truly fragile. How could God not worry? Look, after witnessing the miracle of 5 loaves and 2 fish, the disciples had had their full and strength to row more than 5 Km over rough waters, but were unable to recognize the Lord walking on the water and began to be afraid (John 6:19)! If the miracle of 5 loaves and 2 fish was a rehearsal for the Last Supper, the expected outcomes in the Agony in the Garden would not be optimistic!

The Son of God is the Word of God, “All things came to be through Him” (1:3) “And in Him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:17) Protestant bibles render “the Word” “the Way” and this translation is reasonable. Chinese classics says similar things “One cannot depart from the Way for a moment. If you can, it is not the Way.” (The Golden Mean) It agrees with the teachings in Colossians.

After performing the 5 loaves and 2 fish miracle, in order to evade the crowd, Jesus left the disciples behind for a while, “withdrew again to the mountain alone.” (John 6:15) The disciples were unexpectedly fragile at that moment. Perhaps it was because they had departed from the Truth, their hearts were locked and they had lost their autonomy. What else could they do?

` This incident tells us a piece of truth. Even though Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks and distributed to the crowd to consume, the loaves in that miracle were not the body of Christ! Thus, no matter how hard the disciples laboured over the seas, their efforts were futile because the Lord had not accompanied them in their hearts! After Jesus Christ had been arrested, had suffered the passion and before He came back to life, He was able to support the caged disciples through the Holy Eucharist until His Resurrection! These three days were much harder than the 5 Km on sea! So be it! This is the power of the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

Life was hard during this pandemic when there was no public masses and no holy communion. But we firmly believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God is the Way and the Truth and the Life. He shall never abandon us. Deserting us, He would not be the Logos, not Lord Jesus Christ.
Father! Thank you for Your mercy. The Truth is no longer abstract principles but the Son of God who takes up our flesh and shall never abandon us. How blessed we are! Send us forth. Strengthen our legs to trot the globe and bear witness for the Lord. Amen.

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