
Sunday 18 April 2021

不怕失敗纔能更新 Embrace Failures To Renew



今天的答唱詠唸來頗為諷刺,「上主,請祢向我們顯示祢光的儀容。」(詠4:7)福音卻告訴我們,耶穌基督顯現給門徒時,「眾人害怕起來,想是見了鬼神」(路24:37),主耶穌要出盡九年二虎之力,纔能令門徒接受祂復活了的喜訊!也難怪,人始終是「習慣的動物」,要花一段時間,辛辛苦苦地建立起一套習慣,可以是行為上的習慣,或者是思想上的習慣。要改變這些習慣真的不容易。 耶穌基督在公開傳道的最後階段,曾三次透露給門徒知道祂的救世大計,就是受難後復活,目的是徹底地摧毀罪惡和死亡。可惜,「人死不能復生」的觀念,實在牢不可破。雖然舊約曾有厄里亞和厄里叟復活過死人,但這些都是極罕有的個案;雖然耶穌基督的一少撮門徒,也曾經在三個不同的場合,見證過祂復活死人,但不足以保證耶穌基督死後可以復活。正如厄里叟雖然生前曾復活死人,但他死後,並沒有復活一樣!在描述耶穌復活後顯現的故事中,路加不同於馬爾谷,他所記述的耶穌基督,並沒有怪責門徒的無信,而是耶穌基督憐憫門徒的軟弱,想盡辦法幫助他們相信。





Third Easter Sunday, Year B
Theme: Embrace Failures To Renew

In response to the instruction of the Roman Curia, Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong makes “Pastoral Conversion of the Parish Community” the focus of diocesan actions in the coming three years. That is to say, evangelization shall be the primary aim of all parishes. A parish shall be “a community among communities”, a community whose raison d'être shall be evangelization. All the members, structures and activities shall manifest the all-inclusive communion of the Blessed Trinity according to the particular circumstances parishes find themselves in. This conversion shall be total, including personal conversion of all members and the whole community so as to make the gospel more attractive to all the people around and help them join the communion of the Blessed Trinity.

Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong holds a three-day Clergy Study Camp usually in January to pool all the brains together to come up with some sorts of consensus and adjustments for pastoral care to be implemented in the parishes in the coming year. This year, the study camp was postponed to April because of the pandemic which has disrupted the routine liturgical life of the faithful. For example, masses could only be publicly celebrated online. For a rather long time, the faithful could only receive the Holy Communion spiritually. Just before the Holy Week, public masses would be publicly celebrated but in order to reduce the risk of infection, the government limits the seating capacity to 30%. In order to meet the spiritual needs of the faithful, many parishes celebrate extra masses in order to thin out the congestion! On the other hand, probably the faithful have got used to attending online masses, physical church attendance is found to be less than expected! So far, we can’t tell whether it is because of the limitation of seating capacity or that the desire to physically join mass has decreased. Interpolating from here, in the foreseeable future, it is not easy to measure how effective the implementation of pastoral conversion of the parish communities shall be!

The Responsorial Psalm we read today was a bit paradoxical, “Lord, show us the light of your face!” (Psalm 4:7) But the gospel tells us that when Jesus Christ appeared to the disciples, “But they were startled and terrified and thought that they were seeing a ghost.” (Luke 24:37) Lord Jesus worked hard to help them accept the joy of resurrection! Well, what else could we do? After all, men are “animals of habits”. They spend a lot time to develop a set of habits, be they habits of operations or habits of thoughts. It’s not easy to modify these habits. During the last days of the public ministry of Jesus Christ, He revealed to the disciples the action plan of salvation, viz. to die and then come back to life in order to conquer sins and death. Unfortunately, that nobody is able to come back to life after death is casted hard in people’s mind. Even though Elijah and Elisha had raised some dead people, those cases were rare. Although Jesus Christ had raised the dead in three different occasions in the presence of a small group of disciples, that did not guarantee that Jesus would come back to life after death, just as Elisha did not come back to life despite the fact that he had raised the dead! The apparition narratives of Luke are less harsh than those of Mark. Jesus did not blame the disciples for their disbelief. Instead Jesus Christ shows mercy towards the weaknesses of the disciples, helping them believe by all means.

First of all, Jesus Christ keeps His stigmata after resurrection. These stigmata were unique. They belong to Jesus Christ only. Only Jesus Christ has come back to life. The others are gone for good. Even if people survived crucifixion, they only had 4 wounds and not five. Even though the fifth wound might not be mortal, it made sure that Jesus had to die (John 19:34)! Jesus Christ showed the disciples the stigmata He kept to convince them that they were not seeing a ghost but the Jesus Christ who had been crucified! “Look at my hands and my feet, that it is I myself” (Luke 24:39a) Then, in order to prove that He is not an angel-like spirit or ghost, that He had flesh and bone, Jesus Christ invited them to touch Him (24:39b). The disciples “were still incredulous for joy and were amazed” (24:41) because it was too good to be true! It went beyond their expectations! What can I compare their reaction with? It was like a Cantonese opera in which a handmaid married a man servant whom she had known for many years. It turned out that the man servant was a prince in exile for many years. Now, he ascended the throne and she became a queen overnight! Too good to be true!
Lastly, the risen Lord ate a piece of baked fish in front of them to show them that He has not forsaken His humanity after resurrection. He’s still willing to rejoice and suffer with all sinners. Rejoice because He has defeated death and is will to share the glory of resurrection with us. Suffer because there are still a lot of sufferings brought about by sins which have not yet been wiped out completely. Many people are still living in unrighteous institutions, still living in the bondage of structural sins. The risen Jesus Christ is willing to embrace the painful situations of all humanity!

Therefore, renewal of the parish and the parishioners is as challenging as that encounter of the disciples. It is to break away from complacent mind sets and open up to God who is always a God of surprises. He is delighted to give us grace and joy which we dare not to imagine. Paul says well, “What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9, Isaiah 54:3) When Christians have taken resurrection for granted, they will easily forget how difficult it was for the early Church to accept resurrection after death. Had it been easy to accept, men would not have feared pains and failures. That was also one of the key points brought up in the Clergy Study Camp! Who is willing to embrace pains and failures? Parishes and parishioners who want to renew must possess this psychological characteristic!
Paul says well, “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of His body, which is the Church” (Colossians 1:24) Only when we are not afraid of pains and failures can we evangelize! “That repentance, for the forgiveness of sins, would be preached in His name to all the nations …You are witnesses of these things.” (Luke 24:47-48) Yes, we are witnesses of these things. In Paul’s word, “We are ambassadors for Christ, as if God were appealing though us … be reconciled to God.” (2 Corinthians 5:20)

Brethren! Are we willing to be ambassadors of reconciliation? Are we willing to help the world reconcile to God? Then, don’t be afraid of pains and failures. Renew ourselves to take up the mission of evangelization.
God bless!

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