
Monday, 28 October 2024

英雄莫問出處 Saints Were Sinners Before


單憑《新約》的記載,我們對十二宗徒的出身和事跡,除了幾位著名的宗徒外,其餘的所知不多,惟有求諸教會的傳統了,例如「阿耳斐的兒子雅各伯」(路6:15)。聖經沒有說「阿耳斐」是誰,教會傳統告訴我們,阿耳斐是耶穌的養父,大聖若瑟的兄弟,所以這位「次雅各伯」便是耶穌基督的堂兄弟!又因此,今天教會紀念的猶達,又稱為達陡的(瑪10:3;谷3:18),也是耶穌的堂兄弟了!至於號稱「熱誠者」的西滿,固然我們知道「熱誠者」是一個愛國主義者的暴力組織,但拜占庭的傳統說他就是加納的納塔乃耳(若1:45),在加納婚宴中當司席的那一位(2:8)1 ,他與主耶穌也有千絲萬縷的關係。後來,西滿在波斯傳教時,與猶達相遇,兩人一起為福音作見證而殉道。





Gospel Chase (I)
Saints Were Sinners Before (Luke 6:12-19)

From the New Testament alone, we know very little about the origins and deeds of the Twelve except for a few famous ones. We can only rely on Church Tradition to know more about them. For example, “James the son of Alphaeus” (Luke 6:15). The Bible does not mention who Alphaeus was but from Church Tradition, we know that Alphaeus was a brother of Joseph, the foster father of Jesus. Thus, this “James the Lesser” was a cousin of Jesus Christ! And thus, Jude, who was also known as Thaddeus (Matthew 10:3; Mark 3:18), was also Jesus’ cousin! As for Simon the Zealot, of course we know that Zealots were patriotic terrorists, but Byzantine Tradition tells us that he was the Nathanael of Cana (John 1:45)1, the headwaiter in the wedding banquet at Cana (2:8). Somehow he was related to Lord Jesus. Later while preaching in Persia, Simon met Jude and both of them suffered martyrdom together.

Bearing witness to God’s mercy is not the privilege of a minority. Building a better world is the responsibility for all of us. Regrettably, we tend to mystify saints imperceptibly and romanticize their lives, making them lofty legendary heroes. Thus, martyrdom/bearing witness becomes an impossible mission which only saints can achieve. Unbeknown to us, God loves to call uneducated and impulsive fishermen, “Boanerges” with explosive characters, greedy tax-collectors, terrorists resorting to violence without remorse, waiters for the rich, traitors who had difficulty mixing with others … to accomplish the salvific project for Him. I’m sure it was not easy to infuse His graces on this bunch of people. But for God, is there anything impossible (Luke 1:37)?

Beloved brethren! If God is able to make these “low end” people accomplish marvels, can we reject God’s commission to pass the good news to people we meet?
God bless!

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