
Wednesday, 30 October 2024

傳教容易信教難 It is EASY to Evangelize but DIFFICULT to Believe


天主固然「願意所有的人都得救,並得以認識真理」(弟前2:4),但事實擺在眼前,願意信教得救的人並不多。一方面,大部份已經奉教的教友,認為傳教是聖職人員的任務,與自己無關。他們樂意為聖召祈禱,為傳教事業捐獻,卻不願意向身邊的親友「講耶穌」。即使知道身為教友有傳福音的本份,也會以不同的藉口,把輕而易舉的傳福音工作,看成登天的難事:我沒有時間、我沒有口才、我怕講異端,誤人子弟、我怕被拒絕、我怕政權打壓、我怕…其實,時間是天主賞賜的,「在天主前一日如千年,千年如一日」(伯後3:8; 詠90:4),何來沒有時間呢?說話的又不是你,而是聖神透過你說話(瑪10:20; 谷13:11),何來沒有口才呢?又怎可能說異端呢?如何你怕被拒絕,你一定沒有享受過靈魂的舒暢,天主的安慰了!「憂愁焦思雖然齊集我的心神,祢的安慰卻舒暢了我的靈魂」(詠94:19)。倘若你怕現世的政權,「你們不知道我們連天使都要審判嗎?」(格前6:3)對於凱撒,何懼之有呢?

另一方面,聽到天主願意與罪人修和的福音後,不是人人都會輕易接受這真理的。今天的福音指出,聽眾要有「竭力由窄門而入」(路13:24)的心理準備;相信耶穌基督有如參加障礙賽,聽福音的人要「過五關,斬六將」,衝破很多關卡。首先,他們要排除宗教信仰是迷信的偏見;其次,宗教信仰不是教人行善避惡的倫理道德那麼簡單;第三,認真面對我們一手創造的科技,並不能消滅邪惡,帶來公義與幸福;第四,人擁有永生的可能;最後,末日已經迫在眉睫!且看「人工智能」正迅速崛起,不斷挑戰「人之所以是人」的防線。「智人 homo sapiens」已經失守了,下一道防線是「道德/價值觀」,最後是「靈性/永生」。很多人仍然躲在自己的「安樂窩」裡,不知大限將至。



Gospel Chase (III)
It is EASY to Evangelize but DIFFICULT to Believe (Luke 13:22-30)

Of course God our saviour “wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4), but in reality, not many people are willing to believe and be saved. On one hand, most of the laity think that evangelization is the task of the clergy. It is none of their business. They are willing to pray for vocation and donate for evangelization, but are reluctant to “talk Jesus” among relatives and friends. Even if they know that it is the duty of the baptized to proclaim the gospel, they would deploy various excuses to make evangelization as difficult as flying to the moon: I have no time; I am not eloquent; I fear I may speak heresies, misleading the audience; being rejected feels bad; I fear that the state would suppress; I fear … In fact, time is given by God, “That with the LORD one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day” (2 Peter 3:8; Psalms 90:4). How can we have no time? “It will not be you who speak but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you” (Matthew 10:20; Mark 13:11), how come we have no eloquence? And how can the Spirit speak heresy? If you are afraid of being rejected, your soul must have never enjoyed God’s comfort! “When cares increase within me, your comfort gives me joy” (Psalms 94:18). If you are afraid of worldly rulers, “Do you not know that we will judge angels?” (1 Corinthians 6:3). Then what is so fearsome about Caesar?

On the other hand, after hearing the good news that God wills to reconcile with sinners, not everybody will receive this truth easily. The gospel text today says that the audience should psychologically be prepared “to strive to enter through the narrow door” (Luke 13:24). Believing in Jesus Christ is like participating in steeplechases. The audience need to overcome many obstacles. Firstly, they need to eliminate the prejudice that faith in God is irrational. Secondly, religious faiths are not simply morality that teaches people to do good. Thirdly, we need to acknowledge that the technology that we create is unable to eliminate evil and to bring justice as well as happiness. Fourthly, men possess the potential of eternal life. Lastly, the end is close at hand! Take a look at the recent quick rise of AI which continuously challenges our bulwark of “What makes human human”. Homo Sapiens has lost. Our next defence is “morality/value system” and the last one is “spirituality/eternal life”. Many people are still hiding in their comfort zone, not knowing that the end is imminent. Pray that God continues to look upon us. Amen!
God bless!

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