
Friday, 1 November 2024

身教更有力 Actions Speak Louder Than Words




他們當中,有些人選擇了神貧的生活方式,不為世物所約束,自由自在地為更有價值的永生作見證;有些人雖然遭受不幸,以致終日以淚洗面,但他們仍然展示出天主的安慰和心靈的舒暢(詠94:19);天主喜歡使競爭者相咬相吞,同歸於盡(迦5:15),讓溫良的人反而承受土地;天主喜歡為那些備受剝削的人出頭,祇要他們向祂呼求,天主便會使他們「飽享穀、麥、酒、油、小牛小羊;他們的心靈要好像受灌溉的田園,再也不感憔悴」(耶31:12);憐憫人的人展現出天主慈悲的面容,讓身邊的人和自己,回心轉意,投奔上主,接受到天主的憐憫。一如經上記載:「因為上主你們的天主是慈悲的,是仁愛的;如果你們轉向祂,祂決不會轉面不顧你們」(編下30:9b)。人們不再有如舊約時代的以色列人一樣,害怕看見天主,以為看見天主的面容,必死無疑(出3:6; 申18:16; 民13:22; 列上19:13…)。懷著痛悔的心情,這樣的心怎會不潔淨呢?能夠懷著敬畏的心情,問心無愧,經常在上主面前行走,看見天主,真是指日可待!



Gospel Chase (V)
Actions Speak Louder Than Words (Matthew 5:1-12a)

Possessing the charisma of St. John Chrysostom is of course good but evangelization does not need an eloquent and persuasive tongue because it is the Holy Spirit who speaks through you. Indeed, we do not fully understand our target audience. We really don’t know which words are able to touch their soul and their heart to accept God’s mercy towards them. I opine that as far as evangelization is concerned, actions speak louder than words.

Today, the Church celebrates the Feast of All Saints to commemorate our predecessors who have laid down the foundation for the Kingdom of God. There have been many anonymous heroes whose paths of sanctification are different from each other’s. They should also be successful in evangelization and have contributed to the building up of the Kingdom of God. Thus the Son of God has prepared a room for them (John 14:2-3) in heaven. Their paths of sanctification must also be their means of evangelization. They proclaimed the good news of the Lord with their actions.

Among them, some chose to lead a life of spiritual poverty, not constrained by worldly possessions and bore witness in freedom to the more superior values of eternal life. Some suffered misfortunes and mourned all days but they were able to show God’s consolation and spiritual joy (Psalms 94:19). God likes to make competitors bite and devour one another (Galatians 5:15), leaving the meek to inherit the land. God likes to advocate for the exploited. When they call upon His name, they would enjoy, “The grain, the wine, and the oil, flocks of sheep and cattle; They themselves shall be like watered gardens, never again neglected” (Jeremiah 31:12). The merciful manifest God’s merciful countenance, help their neighbour together with themselves to repent and turn to the Lord and receive His mercy. As it is written, “The LORD, your God, is gracious and merciful and He will not turn away His face from you if you return to Him” (2 Chronicles 30:9b). People are no longer afraid to see the face of God like the Israelites were in the Old Testament. They thought that if they saw His face, they would surely die (Exodus 3:6; Deuteronomy 18:16; Judges 13:22; 1 Kings 19:13 …). How can a contrite heart not be pure? Walking with a pious fear before God without a guilty conscience, the day to see God can be numbered!

Beloved brethren! Those are just ordinary life styles. Following them would sanctify and evangelize. It is not difficult at all. Let us encourage and support each other.
God bless!

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