
Saturday, 2 November 2024

傳教事業,大功告成 Evangelization Mission Accomplished



問題又來了,復活後的人都升到天上,與一眾仙家/先知相遇,包括佛祖、觀音、關帝、天后、穆罕默德、梅瑟、厄里亞等等,哪一個纔是公審判的主持人呢?當真正的主持人出場後,我們怎樣確定是屬於祂的人呢?保祿寫信給羅馬教會時,引用了先知的話,帶出一個很有意義的教訓。保祿說「的確,『凡呼號上主名號的人,必然獲救』」(羅10:13; 岳3:5)。即是說,我們必須認識並緊記上主的名號,尤其是在復活後不能夠忘記,在公審判時能說出!

接着保祿寫出一連串的推論,可以說是「福傳大憲章」。「但是,人若不信祂,又怎能呼號祂呢?從未聽到祂,又怎能信祂呢?沒有宣講者,又怎能聽到呢?若沒有奉派遣,人又怎能去宣講呢?」(羅10:14-15a)我們領洗成為基督徒,已經接受了耶穌基督的派遣(瑪28:19)。最低限度,我們也應該向自己的親友同事宣講天主的慈悲。相信與否已經不屬我們的責任了。這是天主聖神的工作,是天主子的承諾:「凡看見子,並信從子的,必獲得永生;並且在末日,我要使他復活」(若6:40) 。



Gospel Chase (VI)
Evangelization Mission Accomplished (John 6:37-40)

For reasons which we should be prudent to remain reticent, we cannot find “absolute justice” on earth. Many people were wrongly convicted and politically persecuted, the opportunity for their wrongs rectified is next to zero. But the righteous God would not allow such injustice to exist forever before Him. Therefore, on the Last Day, there shall be a Last Judgment to straight the wrongs done to the oppressed! Judging the dead is a meaningless political show. Therefore, on the Last Day, “The Lord Himself, with a word of command, with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God, will come down from heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). This is Christian faith which other religions might not buy. But they must have their ways to handle “absolute justice”.

Problem arises when after resurrection, all people would rise to the air. We will be meeting a lot of legendary dignitaries and prophets, including the Buddha, Guanyin, Guandi, Queen of Heaven, Muhammed, Moses and Elijah etc. Who would preside over the Last Judgment? When the real president emerges, how can we be sure that we belong to Him? When Paul wrote to the Romans, he brought up a very meaningful teaching. Paul says, “For ‘everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved’” (Romans 10:13; Joel 3:5). That is to say, we should know and remember the name of the LORD. In particular, we cannot forget it after resurrection and must be able to call it out at the Last Judgment!

Then Paul wrote a sequence of deductions which can be coined as the “Magna Carta of Evangelization”, “But how can they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach? And how can people preach unless they are sent?” (Romans 10:14-15a) When we were baptized as Christians, we were already commissioned by Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19). At least, we should proclaim God’s mercy to our relatives, friends and colleagues. Believe it or not is no longer our responsibility. This is the work of God the Holy Spirit, the pledge of the Son of God, “That everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have eternal life, and I shall raise him on the last day” (John 6:40).

Beloved brethren! May we enjoy eternal life with our beloved ones on the Last Day. Amen.
God bless!

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