
Sunday, 2 February 2025

Love Hurts 愛到痛

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
Theme: Love Hurts 愛到痛

The meditation of today’s gospel is dark, though it is one of the five Joyful Mysteries that we are meditating. Life is truly mystical and paradoxical. It is paradoxical because it tastes sweet and sour at the same time. It is also mystical because joy and sorrows always mingle. So, allow me to meditate on the pains of this Joyful Mystery.

The Feast of Presentation is joyful because we are celebrating the incarnation of the Son of God. God broke into human history to kick off His salvation project. “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to ransom those under the law …” (Galatians 4:4-5a). Remember that God transcends time. Thus, what St. Paul writes about “when the fullness of time had come” is only meaningful to men who live in history. The “woman” has already been foretold in the Law/Torah (Genesis 3:15). In God’s mind, He already had the idea to send His only begotten Son to take flesh to save Adam and his descendants. In an earlier enigma, “… From [the tree of knowledge of good and evil] you shall not eat; when you eat from it you shall die. The LORD God said: It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suited to him” (2:17-18). Isn’t this statement an obvious reason for the creation of Eve? Why is it an enigma?

Firstly, Adam would have been immortal if he had listened to and obeyed God. Then, it would have been unnecessary for Adam to have descendants. Even if it is not good to be alone and having descendants is a necessity, God would have cloned innumerable copies of Adam. Yet, God created Eve out of Adam! Notice that both Adam and Eve would have exactly the same DNA and ignoring mutations for the sake of argument, all subsequent human beings would be mere clones of Adam! Therefore, making a helper suited to Adam must be an enigma carrying more meanings than the creation of Eve! I buy the theological opinion that the Blessed Virgin Mary is the “new Eve” who not only gave flesh to the Son of God but works closely with Him and the Holy Spirit to give birth to other members in the Mystic Body of Christ as well! The BVM is the helper suited to the Son of God. It is simply unimaginable to have the Nativity of the Lord without the Blessed Virgin Mary! Similarly, it would be God’s unthinkable blunder had Jesus forgotten to say “Woman, behold your Son” on the cross (John 19:26b)!

Satan has enslaved humanity long enough. The Torah, which helps humanity to seek the LORD and would have been sufficient to save humanity, has itself been abused by the contemporary legal experts to persecute the Son of God. After proving that the Old covenant is insufficient to redeem, God unfolds further His redemption project. “And the LORD whom you seek will come suddenly to His Temple” (Malachi 3:1b). This is what the Feast of Presentation celebrates; namely that the LORD, the Messiah suddenly came to His own Temple, thus fulfilling the pledge He made through prophet Malachi. Joseph and Mary were devout Jews. They obeyed the prescriptions of the Torah, took the 40-day old infant Jesus to Jerusalem and offered sacrifice to present infant Jesus to God (Luke 2:22). In so doing, the Son of God satisfied the prescriptions of the Torah and He did more than that. He was “born under the law, to ransom those under the law” (Galatians 4:4b-5a). But God’s plan is catholic, meaning its scope is universal. The Son of God ransoms more people than the Jews, those under the Torah. The word of God never fails. In time, He shall honour His pledge to Abraham, namely that “All the families of the earth will find blessing in you” (Genesis 12:4b). We are blessed and joyful indeed to be born of the Blessed Virgin Mary and born under the law to celebrate this feast of the Presentation of the Lord today.

However, my meditation inevitably gravitates towards Simeon’s word, “And you [the BVM] yourself a sword will pierce” (Luke 2:35a). Of course, Simeon was referring to the sorrows inflicted upon the BVM in her collaboration with the Son of God to redeem humanity. It is more than inevitable collateral damages of God’s redemptive project, once the BVM pronounces her Fiat out of her free will (1:38). In general, all Christian denominations before Reformation uphold two Marian dogmas which defend the divinity and humanity of the Son of God, namely the BVM is the Mother of God in 431 and her Perpetual Virginity in 649. The Catholic Church professes two more Marian dogmas, namely the Immaculate Conception of the BVM in1854 and her Assumption in1950. After all, the BVM is also a creature. The Catholic Church acknowledges the necessity of her need of Christ’s redemption when the Church declared the dogma of her Immaculate Conception. Simply put, God the Father had prepared before Creation an immaculate ground for the incarnation of His only begotten Son. Thus, the BVM enjoys an exemption from the contaminations of the Original Sin the very moment of her conception. As a result, the BVM has an immaculate heart so pure that she is blessed with a beatific vision of God throughout her existence (Matthew 5:8). Thus, not only does she see God, she knows God’s will which she does not understand. And yet she obeys, anticipating all the sorrows and pains without shielding. If the heart is the throne of love, the love of the BVM towards her divine Son as well as all members of the Mystical Body of Christ must be the purest of all. In contrast, our hearts are filled with lust, greed, pride and wrath etc.; and our egos inflate. We protect our interests and our emotions with smart defence mechanisms, such as denial, projection, repression and transference etc. so that we may suffer less physical and emotional pains. Thus, the sword that pierces the Immaculate Heart of Mary would be unimaginably agonizing! She loves until it bleeds. Her love reminds me of an inmate I visited in the Tai Lam Centre for Women, with a difference. Love can be impure and still hurts!

I have visited only a handful of Chinese inmates in the Tai Lam Centre for Women. One of them was a Catholic on remand who survived a double-suicide with a married man, not her husband, in a hotel room. By Common Law, she was charged with murder and scheduled to appear in a legal court. During my visits, she requested seeing one particular priest for confession. I made the arrangement and sometime later, she died of cardiac arrest before appearing in court. I believe that her attempted suicide was genuine, though the situation was questionable. She must have gone through unspeakable agony before deciding to end her life with a man whom she should not have loved. But I believe that her contrition was genuine and her sins absolved through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. She might repeat Simeon’s words, “Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace” (Luke 2:29a). May her soul rest in peace, amen!

Beloved brethren! Our hearts are inevitably impure. Don’t be discouraged because the Father is happy to give us His Holy Spirit with whom He renews the face of the earth (Psalms 104:30). With continuous renewal, our hearts will become pure one day. Let this hope sustain us with patience on our pilgrimage on earth. Amen.
God bless!

2022 Reflection
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