若望是耶穌最愛的門徒,很多名畫、電影總把他描繪成一個溫文爾雅的人。其實,耶穌給他和哥哥雅各伯起了一個「雷霆之子」的綽號,可想而知,他們兄弟倆有很激烈的性格。例如,有一次他們經過一個撒瑪黎雅村莊時,因為猶太人和撒瑪黎雅人之間是世仇,所以,當村民知道他們是前往耶路撒冷時,便拒絕接待耶穌。兩兄弟就求耶穌准許他們叫火從天降下焚毀村莊(路9:54),他們比較今天的ISIS,不遑多讓。 耶穌當然制止他們,但可想而知,濫用權力是相當容易的一回事。
Twenty sixth Ordinary Sunday (Year B)
Theme: The abuses of authority
Just as what Fr. Ng said at the beginning of the Mass, each and every one of us has the duty to build up this parish to share the eternal life bestowed from God. Therefore, we should make good use of the talents, graces and their concomitant authority to serve God and the needy. And when we serve the brethren in need, we serve God. This week, let us continue to see the common mistakes we can make in exercising authority.
Firstly, let us know a bit more about the structure of the Gospel of Mark. Mark simplifies the life of Jesus into two parts with 8:28 as the watershed. What is Mark 8:28? We read this two weeks ago in which Peter declared at Cæsaria Philippi that Jesus was the Messiah. Before 8:28, the gospel talks about Jesus’ ministry in Galilee in the north, proclaiming the kingdom of God, calling disciples and working miracles etc. Starting from 8:28, it talks about Jesus’ predictions of his passion and his moving south to Jerusalem to be crucified and his resurrection. Moreover, in telling the story of Jesus, Mark put in some simple editorial works. For example, from the Gospel of John, we know that Jesus had come to Jerusalem for at least three times to celebrate Passover. That is why we say that Jesus had preached for three years. However, Mark condenses the three trips into one. Furthermore, Mark groups the miracles and teachings in several places. In fact, Jesus might not follow Mark’s sequence to work miracles or teach. Mark put what he thought were related incidents together so as to enhance its readability and the memory of the listeners. The text we read today is one such example. Though “whoever such and such” appears together three times, Jesus might not have said them in one occasion. Perhaps they were spoken in a span of a year or half a year apart. Now, let us follow last week’s perspective of exercising authority to meditate the teaching today.
John was the beloved apostle of Jesus. Many paintings and movies portrayed him as a meek and gentle man. In fact, Jesus gave him and his brother James a nickname, “sons of thunder”. We can imagine how explosive their temper could be. For example, once they passed through a Samaritan village. Since Jews and Samaritans were enemies, and when the Samaritan villagers learnt that they were heading Jerusalem, they refused to receive them. The sons of thunder asked Jesus to permit them to bid fire from heaven to consume them. (Luke 9:54) Their behaviour was comparable to ISIS today! Of course, Jesus stopped them but we can see how easy it is to abuse authority.
Just when somebody wants to acquire absolute power, others go to the opposite extreme. They are lazy to rack their own brains and they have no time to do research. They would rather surrender their autonomy and rely on the authority of experts to choose for them, to make decisions for them. In Hong Kong, people and advertisements like quoting experts because most citizens trust the words of experts and accept their opinions without reservation. Unfortunately, those whose sole target is power usually forget the concomitant responsibilities. Indeed, their responsibilities are very heavy. One casual word might rock the market; drives the whole town into a “white vinegar” buying frenzy or even floods consulates with citizens trying to get a visa. Today, Jesus gave the people in power a warning, those who have power to influence the life of other people. If they abuse their authority to make other people sin; if they ignore their duties and coerce the weak to sin, to fall, to suffer physical or spiritual harms, Jesus guarantees that at the end of the world, their punishments would be worse than death without a proper burial. In Jewish language, “to be thrown into the sea with a millstone hanging around the neck” is an extremely evil cursing, wishing somebody to die without a proper burial. The greater the power is, the greater is the responsibility. When we exercise authority, can we not be careful?
At last, when your conscience is numbed by authority, when God becomes no longer discernible, do you have the courage “to amputate your limbs”, i.e. to resign and step down? When you concentrate on your work which alienates your family relations, taking away your time to read the Bible and to pray, do you have the courage to resign and step down? When you are addicted to your smartphones so much so that you do not give up your seats to the weak, the disabled and the pregnant; when you are addicted to online games, Internet, or even gambling and narcotics, do you have the determination to kick these bad habits?
The fourth Sunday in September is “Education Sunday”. The theme this year is “Jesus Christ is Life”. Education elevates our life and knowing Jesus is indispensable for the elevation of life. Religious education is an essential link. On the other hand, education is a situation with complicated power relations and abuses of authority can easily take place. Today, let us pray for educators and the students entrusted in their hands. May they encounter Jesus Christ and receive his blessing in the process of learning and teaching. Each and every one of us possesses authority to a certain extent. We pray that when we exercise our authority to serve, we ourselves and the recipients of our service may receive God’s blessing. We should beware of the ambition to acquire absolute power, to remember the responsibilities brought along with authority and the determination to withdraw in dysfunctional situations. Otherwise, we will harm ourselves as well as other. Beware!
In the gospel story today, John stopped somebody from using Jesus’ name to exorcise. We should admire John’s loyalty to Jesus. However, if you do not belong to our Shaolin Temple, you are not allowed to use Shaolin kungfu. Or if you are not a Catholic, you are not allowed to say the Lord’s Prayer. Is it reasonable? Pay attention. It is not a matter of factionalism. John would probably be guilty of monopolizing salvation. Do you want to exorcise in Jesus’ name? Join our hierarchy. If you want to receive salvation, you should become a Catholic. These are correct but we cannot say that since you are not a Catholic priest, you are not allowed to exorcise in Jesus’ name or if you don’t believe in Catholicism, you cannot be saved. If you believe in Buddhism, Taoist, Confucianism, Islam or even atheism, you cannot be saved. This is a logical fallacy. Even worse, it attempts to limit God’s ways of salvation, doubting God’s capability to save the world. At root is the fault of power hunger, of man’s desire to enjoy absolute power. When you look at the breath of mind of Moses and Jesus, can you not feel ashamed?
God bless.