
Sunday 20 December 2015

慈悲之母 Mother of Mercy





瑪利亞也感覺到自己已經懷孕。原來天主已經開始了祂的贖世工程,在自己身上施行了偉大的神蹟,就是天主子降生成人的偉大神蹟。現在她正懷孕著耶穌,並帶著耶穌去祝福依撒伯爾和她懷著的若翰洗者。從此,她要成為盛載著天主聖寵的器皿,並分施天主聖寵的人。用教會的術語,聖母成為了一件「聖事」,而且是一件聖寵流溢的聖事,以至她亦成了聖事的施行人。這就是天使向瑪利亞請安:「萬福,充滿恩寵者 ,上主與妳同在」的意義。



最後,我呼籲各位,在這慈悲禧年,把整部路加福音,一本充滿慈悲的福音,細心閱讀幾次。相信天主的慈悲,多辦告解,領受天主的慈悲。並效法聖母,懷著天主的慈悲,關懷身邊遇上困難的兄弟姐妹。 天主保祐。

Fourth Advent Sunday (Year C)
Theme: Mother of Mercy

The Jubilee of Mercy has started. The Pope asks us to kick off with the Jubilee celebrations a renewal of contemplating God's mercy and through joining activities in the Jubilee, receive God's mercy and share God's mercy with the world. On section 24 of the Bull of Indictment, the Pope told us to ponder on the BVM, the Mother of Mercy, to rediscover the joy brought about by God's mercy. Today, let us meditate on this Mother of Mercy.

The story today follows immediately after the "Annunciation". Archangel Gabriel told Mary God's will for her to become the mother of the Saviour, and that her cousin Elizabeth had been pregnant for six months in old age. Mary immediately came south to Judah to see her cousin from the northern province of Galilee. After the journey of a couple of days, she entered the house of Zachariah and saw her cousin. Seeing Elizabeth, Mary greeted her. Today, we hear the response of Elizabeth after hearing the greeting.

Mary became pregnant within a few days after the angel's announcement. She might not even be aware of the pregnancy herself. But Elizabeth could feel it because John the Baptist leapt for joy when the greeting voice of Mary reached Elizabeth's ears. At this very moment, she was filled with the Holy Spirit. First of all, for six months, God had taken away her reproach among men for being barren, opening up her world. (Luke 1:25) Secondly, the Holy Spirit enabled her to feel that her cousin was pregnant and she was carrying the Son of God, the Saviour, her Lord. Lastly, she was honoured for the mother of her Lord visited her. She opened her lips and started praising the BVM. The Church adopts this beautiful piece of text to become a prayer of the Church, a part of the Ave Maria.

Now, Mary could feel that she was pregnant. Indeed, God had already started the redemptive project. God had worked a great wonder on her, i.e. the miracle of the incarnation of the Son of God. Now, she was carrying Jesus and brought him along to bless Elizabeth and John the Baptist. From then on, Mary became a vessel carrying God's grace and a dispenser of grace. In Church jargon, Mary has become a sacrament, a sacrament overflowing with grace so much so that she became a dispenser of grace. This is the meaning of the archangel's greeting, "Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee."

God is merciful. Therefore, Mary who is full of God's grace is also full of mercy. Like God, Mary is empathetic with the plights of humanity. Thus in Cana, when the host had run out of wine, Mary prodded Jesus to work the first miracle to change water into wine to relieve the embarrassment of the host even when Jesus' time had not yet come. When Jesus began his public ministry, Mary followed behind at the distance. She was able to see the sufferings of the people, probably quietly begged Jesus for them, to cure their diseases, to drive out demons and to feed 5000 men with 5 loaves and 2 fish. When Jesus was crucified on the cross, he entrusted the Church and the whole world into the hand of Mary, to beg her to be the Mother of the Church and the Mother of the World, she did not refuse. She quietly obeyed. In the years ahead, she became the Mother of Mercy, taking care of the needs of the Church and all humanity. When she saw with her own eyes how her son died on the cross for the sins of the world, not only did she feel the pains of the loss of her only son, but out of mercy, was willing to take up these pains for all kinds of pains of humanity. After she was assumed into heavens, she still cares for the difficulties and needs of humanity. In different ages and locations, she appeared to us, urging us to repent and turn good. Therefore, in the Blessed Virgin Mary, we can also contemplate the merciful face of God.

Just as what Elizabeth has said, Mary is blessed because she believes that there would be a fulfilment of what was spoken to her from the Lord. She believes in the mercy of God and is willing to work with God's mercy for the sake of mankind. Mary is the first Christian and also an exemplar for all Christians. She believes in the promise of God and humbly cooperates with God to bring Jesus Christ to this world. Moreover, she is full of motherly mercy, caring for the difficulties and needs of mankind.

At last, I exhort you to finish reading in depth the gospel of Luke, a gospel of mercy, several times in this Jubilee of Mercy. Believe in the mercy of God. Make confessions to receive God's mercy. Imitate Our Lady to show loving care to the needy whom we meet with God's mercy. God bless.>

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