
Sunday 12 June 2016

虔誠敬拜 An act of Adoration









  The Eleventh Ordinary Sunday (Year C)
Theme: An act of Adoration

Last week, we heard of the story of a pitiful widow in Nain. She was extremely lucky because Jesus arrived at the city gate just in time. People were carrying the corpse of her only son to the graveyard and preparing to give him a proper burial. Jesus saw the situation, had compassion on the widow. He stopped the bier and brought the dead man to life and gave him back to his mother. It was a happy ending. Let us imagine what would have happened to the widow if Jesus had arrived at Nain one week or one month later.

First of all, she would have lost all her family supports. She was married and no longer belonged to her father's house. She could not turn to her brothers to seek support. Secondly, she did not have a son who had been her only legitimate link with whatever her husband had. That is to say, she had lost all claims on her husband's property. Where else could she go? She was totally on her own with nobody to support. If she were some sorts of a skilled worker, such as a carpenter, potter, farmer or fisherman etc., she could still feed herself. But that would be very unlikely in Jesus' time. Most likely, she would become a prostitute and ended up being a beggar at an old age. In neither profession would you earn any respect in any place or at any time. I said "profession" because these two groups of people are easy targets of human trafficking controlled by gangsters. Nowadays in Hong Kong, we see many of them travel across the border to make a living here.

In the gospel story today, we might be seeing a widow turned prostitute showing her love towards Jesus. What had Jesus done to her in the first place to deserve such a fabulous treatment? If the woman had truly been a widow like that of Nain, Jesus had surely come too late and had failed to console her and deliver her from her plights so much so that she ended up becoming a prostitute. In such case, Jesus was partly to blame for arriving too late and making a prostitute out of her! Now that she had become a prostitute, had Jesus cured her of sexually transmitted diseases if she had contracted any? Did Jesus buy her freedom if she was controlled by gangsters? What had Jesus done to restore her fame or status? Nothing. Jesus had not done anything in particular towards her in the first place. Therefore, what the woman did was not done out of gratitude in return for good things Jesus had done to her.

Of course, being grateful is a virtue which we must cultivate. Without parental love in the first place, a baby cannot subsequently survive. Therefore, it is right to honour our parents. Without teachers instructing us what the right things to do in the first place, we end up in jail or in hell. Therefore, it is right to respect teachers. It is right to return favour, to show gratitude. But what reasons can we give to explain the behaviour of the woman towards Jesus?

I think, to the woman in the story, Jesus was the personification of her hope. The woman led a life of darkness and despair. She saw no hope in the future and hell would surely be her final resting place. Day in day out, she was abused by her clients in private. She was discriminated as a sinner in the public. She was indoctrinated to believe that God would not forgive a woman who slept with so many men. But suddenly, a ray of hope dawned upon her. Jesus came to cure diseases. He would also cure hers. Jesus came to drive away demons to free the possessed. He would also clear her guilty conscience. Jesus came to invite prostitutes and tax-collectors to eat at God's table, to grant them a place in the Kingdom of Heaven before the Pharisees and to partake in the mercy of the Father. To quote the Prayer of the Jubilee of Mercy, Jesus is "the visible face of the invisible Father, of the God who manifests his power above all through forgiveness and mercy." This prostitute saw a merciful God in Jesus who came to heal her wounds, to free her from bondage and to promise her a place in heaven. Therefore, her behaviour was an act of adoration, an act of worship before a merciful God. She had faith that no sins were so great that God would be unable to forgive.

On the material level, she still had to continue to earn her living as a prostitute, but with an attitude. She would still have to endure the abuses of clients, the discrimination of the public and the curses of religious leaders etc. But deep inside her heart, she knew that God would not condemn her. God would be merciful to her. With the empowerment of God, she might one day even be able to shake off the bondage of prostitution. So, don't be surprised if she continued to work as a sex-worker after Jesus had forgiven her sins. Jesus was very realistic. I would like to draw your attention to the text once more. Unlike the story of the "adulterous woman" in the gospel of John in which not only did Jesus not condemn the adulterous woman and told her not to sin anymore (John 8:11), but here in this story, Jesus did not tell the prostitute not to sin anymore. Of course, Jesus had done many things not mentioned in the gospels. Therefore, it is also possible that Jesus had told her and Luke forgot to put it down in writing. Surely, Jesus would not encourage us to continue to commit sins because it is harmful to our body and soul, our relationships with fellow men and with God. But the silence strongly suggests that Jesus was very considerate.

So, what have we learnt from her story?
First of all, be patient. God has His schedule. Even if God does not deliver you immediately, have faith in Him. He would come to your aid sooner or later.
Secondly, greater love earns greater salvation. Simon the Pharisee might have even greater sins but he had missed the chance. As a Christian, we should love and adore Jesus Christ with all our heart and soul like the prostitute in the story.
Thirdly, Jesus' silence speaks loud and clear. He is pragmatic. So should the Church be! On one hand, the Church does not condone sins but on the other, she must be considerate, like Jesus, towards people living in difficult situations. As members of the Church, we should refrain from passing judgments on people, like Simon the Pharisee. We should be ambassadors of mercy, bringing the forgiveness of God to whoever is in need.
God bless.

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