
Sunday 26 June 2016

以世俗理由拒絕天主的邀請 Decline God's invitation with secular reasons







Thirteenth Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Decline God's invitation with secular reasons

Let us know something about the geography in the Gospel. So far, Jesus had confined his evangelization to the province of Galilee in the north. Now, Jesus was leading a huge crowd of expectant followers heading towards Jerusalem in the south. They had to go through the province of Samaria. Who were the Samaritans? Is there not a parable of the Good Samaritan in the Gospel? Were they not kindhearted? Why were they so hostile towards the Jews? Simply put, King David and his son King Solomon were able to unite the 12 tribes of Israel into a Kingdom. After the demise of King Solomon, the Kingdom was divided into two. Ten tribes formed the northern Kingdom of Israel while the remaining two the southern Kingdom of Judah. The northern Kingdom was conquered by the Assyrians and the ten tribes were exiled to Assyria. The Assyrian Empire created a province of Samaria out of the captured land. They also mobilized alien tribes into Samaria. Through mixed marriages, Samaritan "bastards" were born. Learning from this piece of history, after Judah was conquered by Babylon and the Judah people exiled, they tried to keep their blood pure by saying no to mixed marriages. Moreover, they began to put their own history into writing. They built up Judaism to maintain their identity as the Chosen People of God. After returning home, the Jews despised the Samaritans because of the impurity of their blood. The Samaritans retaliated by refusing to cooperate with the Jews.

When the story opens today, we read how out of his love for the Lord, John nearly got his Master into trouble again. When the Samaritans refused to extend hospitality, James and John wanted to call down fire from heavens to burn down the Samaritan villages. Although John was the beloved disciple of the Lord, the temper of his and his brother's was hot and they got angry easily. No wonder Jesus gave them a nickname "Sons of Thunder". Luckily, John was prudent enough to ask for Jesus' permission before he acted. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous. Just think about what Jesus' mission was. He came to save humanity. Had Jesus ever hurt anybody before? For the sake of a single man, Jesus was willing to sacrifice 2000 pigs. He would never hurt anybody. John's action would show Jesus in a bad light, leaving a damaging stain on Jesus' salvation project.

Then Luke put down three vocation stories to make readers think about their own vocation. God invites each one of us to share His eternal life. This is vocation. A stagnant life is no life at all. Therefore, our first vocation was to receive baptism to enter the Church. Our spiritual was born. After that, our spiritual life is nurtured through prayers, scripture readings and receiving sacraments. Some of us marry to build up families. Through the joys and pains of family life, we are sanctified together with our spouse and other family members. For this group of people, marriage is their second vocation which makes them lead a more Christian life. Some other people are called to be clergy to serve the People of God. They serve as ministers to administer sacraments, to pastor, to teach, to govern and to sanctify the People of God. This second vocation makes them live out the countenance of Jesus Christ.

The main character in the first gospel story today took the initiative to express his wish to follow Jesus. Perhaps his motive was not pure. He might want wealth and glory, power and money. Our motive of marriage might not be pure at first. Perhaps our potential spouse was rich, or had a promising career. Our initial motive to become a clergy might not be pure as well. Being a priest enjoys authority. In Hong Kong, a priest is taken care of by the Diocese. His living is well provided for. But Jesus did not reject the man because of his ulterior motives. Jesus simply reminded him not to expect God to reward him with huge wealth and power in this life. Look, Jesus "had nowhere to lay his head." (Luke 9:58) He would even be buried in somebody else's tomb. If the man insisted on following Jesus, Jesus would subsequently had time to correct him and make him see the truth. Similarly, the initial motives to get married or ordained might not be pure. As long as we maintain a healthy relationship with God, Jesus will subsequently have time to make us see the genuine meanings of married life or consecrated life. Luke likes to leave the endings open. The main character of the stories is the reader himself. In the end, will the reader follow Jesus? Let the reader decide the ending.
In the second story, Jesus took the initiative to call the man. Regrettably, like most people who are hesitant to respond to God's call, we are blinded by secular things that we do not see how abundant God's graces amount to in His call. On the other hand, is it wrong to discharge our filial duty to bury our father? Of course it is right for a son to fulfil his filial duty to bury his father. What is wrong is to make use of the filial duty as an excuse to reject Jesus' invitation. Jesus' response seemed rude but it was not. Think about it. The Author of Life invites you to spread the gospel of life, to proclaim the Kingdom of God to make more people, including yourself, attain life. Now that you reject the invitation from the Author of Life, you refuse to grow in life and in the end, you might become a walking dead, a living zombie. What a pity! When you really bury your father in the future, it will really be "the dead to bury their own dead." (9:60)
The main character of the third story took the initiative to follow Jesus on conditions. His request seemed to be reasonable. It is in the same vein as the story of Elijah calling Elisha. You cannot find fault with it. However, Elijah called Elisha to be his disciple, to succeed him as a prophet. Yes, we follow Jesus to be his disciple, to partake in his prophetic ministry but we cannot succeed Jesus because he is the Son of God! Elijah was only human. Elisha could still turn his head back. But Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the ultimate goal for all humanity to turn to. After choosing to follow Jesus Christ, we have only one goal ahead to strain forward to. There is no other higher ideal to replace this. Where comes the reason to look back?

Dear friends, let us think about it. Do we make use of secular excuses to decline Jesus' invitations? Do we have other ideals to replace the Author of Life who can enrich our lives? Listen, the call may not necessarily be life-long vocations. It can be calls to corporal or spiritual works of mercy to make our life more abundant. Our usual excuses would be "Sorry, I am in a hurry to bury my father ..." Brethren, the ending of this story is decided by you.
God bless.

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