
Sunday 19 June 2016

認識自己的十字架 Know Your Own Cross






我們的十字架有甚麼特徵呢?耶穌說「天天背著」,所以不要以為是突發事件,你英雄地挺身而出,替人頂罪,便是「背十字架」。對不起,除非你是是長期病患者 ,或者每天都做「代罪羔羊」,你的工作是接投訴電話或者在酷熱天氣之下,穿著上大熊貓的衣服,在鬧市中派傳單,宣傳環保。否則,這不是你的十字架。

The Twelfth Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: Know Your Own Cross

Before we meditate on the gospel today, let us catch up with what we have missed. Two weeks before, we read about how Jesus raised the only son of the widow of Nain, restoring her hope so that she would be taken care of in her old age. Last Sunday, we read about how Jesus forgave a sinful woman, restoring her hope in life so that she might turn a new leaf in life. After that, Jesus continued to spread the gospel and worked miracles to give the Jews hope. That included driving a legion of demons into 2000 pigs which jumped over the cliff and were drowned, thus liberating a possessed man. Jesus then raised the 12-year-old daughter of Jairus, the ruler of a synagogue. He sent out the Twelve to preach and then multiplied 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed 5000. Jesus' career had reached its zenith. Then we arrived at the story today. So, study hard to catch up these stories.

Indeed, Jesus' achievement had peaked from a secular point of view. People who had eaten from Jesus knew that he was no charlatan that persuaded people to endure suffering patiently. He was a saviour, a messiah who could actually relieve the sufferings of the people. Following him, one had no worry for necessities. One lost nothing but gained a lot in doing so. Furthermore, Jesus possessed a great power to mobilize people which all politicians could only dream of. Had Jesus willed it, he would have been able to transform this crowd into a fearless army to pit battle against the Roman legions. But Jesus did not do that. He was misunderstood. He came to fill, not the belly but the human hearts. He came to drive away, not the mighty Roman legions, but the invisible and yet ubiquitous influence of the Devil. Thus, Jesus chose the Twelve to live with him for three years, to train them, reveal the truth of the Kingdom to them, hoping that through them, more people might know the mercy of God, might obtain the salvation of God.

It was a critical moment when Jesus' popularity reached the zenith. Jesus was worried lest the Twelve might fall prey to a secular mentality. Thus, he conducted a simple opinion poll, "Who do the people say that I am?" (Luke 9:18) Some thought that Jesus was John the Baptist because Jesus was full of justice, fearless of the powerful and criticized their mistakes. Some said Jesus was Elijah because he raised the dead son of a widow. Some thought that Jesus was one of the old prophets because his words and deeds made their oracles meaningful. The answers above seemed to be correct. But in the gospel of Luke, these answers came from the lips of Herod who had killed John the Baptist. We cannot afford not to be careful!
The next question Jesus asked was the key point, "But who do you say that I am?" (9:20) The opinions of catechists, of deacons, priests, bishops or even the Pope's about Jesus are theirs, not yours. You may refer to them as a reference, as a guide to seek the truth but they cannot replace your own conviction. Similarly, many saints, those successful people of the Church throughout the ages, have established a close relationship with Jesus Christ during their life time. But it was their relationship with Jesus, not yours. Therefore, the answer Peter gave could only be our reference. It cannot be a model answer any deviation from which would be wrong. Whatever your answer, so long as you decide to follow Jesus, are willing to accept Jesus as your personal Saviour, believing that he is able to bring you back to our heavenly home, we may continue to meditate on the revelation of the Father and to experience the love within Jesus' heart.

When Jesus' career reached the zenith, he revealed the salvation plan of the Father to his disciples, foretelling his passion and resurrection for the first time. The Blessed Trinity came down in person to sacrifice and redeem men, to raise their level so that they might partake in the eternal and sacred life of God. There is only one way, "whoever loses his life for my sake, he will save it." (9:24) Of course, Jesus did not ask every one of us to die a martyr like him. Instead, we should live our daily life in a spirit of martyrdom. This is what Jesus demands of every believer. Indeed, Jesus has already accomplished his mission. He has died on the cross for all humanity to repay the debts of all the sins in the past, the present and the future. Now is the time we cashed this cheque. The way to cash it is "to deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." (9:23)

Let us know our own crosses. Before we meditate, pay attention to the following two points. (1) The following is my opinion for your reference only. It is not a model answer. (2) Your cross is unique and you should not compare and complain to God that others' crosses are lighter!
What are the characteristics of our crosses? Jesus says, "take up his cross daily". Therefore, it cannot be something that arises out of a sudden. You bravely stand out to bear the blame/brunt for the others. Sorry, unless you suffer from chronic diseases, or are a scapegoat day in day out, say, your job is to answer complaint phone calls, or donning a panda costume to distribute environmental protection pamphlets in the afternoon heat of summer. Otherwise, it cannot be your cross.
Crosses are uncomfortable, painful, something you don't want to do in your daily life. It is human nature to take the easy way out. In our daily life, we establish habits to make our life comfortable. We build up comfort zones. Jesus tells us to get out of our comfort zones to cash in God's cheques. The horizontal bar on the cross represents interpersonal relationships and the vertical bar the relationship between God and you.
So, when we are used to blaming others or pushing the responsibilities on others; when it is always the others' faults not ours, you should know that it is time for you to carry your cross and follow Jesus. When you enjoy using your mobile to watch drama series, to play online games to fill up your lonely hearts, to relieve daily frustrations, but when you look up from your phone and find that you have missed the station you should get off, or everybody, including your family members who are close to you, are all gone, you should know it is high time you jumped out of your comfort zones, carried your cross in order to obtain the freedom of your heart, to restore the lost relationships. When you think that harder work will gain greater rewards so much so that you forget about God, about people around you and even hurt your colleagues or kinsmen, you should know that the comfort zone you work so hard to build up is actually an invisible prison. Therefore, you should carry your cross and follow Jesus. Love those around you. Love God and break out of this prison.
Let us meditate. What is your comfort zone? What is your cross?
Let us pray to God, asking for the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with love and power, to carry our daily cross, to follow Jesus and jump out of our comfort zone.
God bless.

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