
Sunday 31 July 2016

如何在天主前致富 How to get rich toward God









我想再一次提醒大家不要跌進「功利主義」的陷阱。即是說,倘若你是為了天堂銀行的戶口豐滿而幫助窮人,你的回報率將會大打折扣。倘若你是出於愛德,出於渴望親近看不見的天主而去親近可以看見的窮人、難民、病人和在囚的人,恭喜你,你會得到不折不扣的回報。這也是在慈悲禧年,教宗呼籲大家多做的神形哀矜。請大家爭取機會,好像玩Pokemon Go一樣,主動留意身邊的「精靈」,身邊那些沒有能力報答你的需要幫助的人。

Eighteenth Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: How to get rich toward God

How much money is sufficient to live in Hong Kong today? This is a question most people ask.
There is no model answer. It depends on how luxuriously you want to live. Let us think along the four essential areas: clothing, food, housing and transport. Then we may get a rough estimate.

Suppose you are single and do not need to support your parents. Clothing: suppose you need to change your clothing once a year, including your briefs, shirts, trousers, jacket, socks and shoes. You spend roughly $3,500 a year, about $300 per month. Food: In average, you spend $150 for three meals a day, about $4,500 a month. Suppose you do not own a flat. You may rent a room for about $4,000 in Tin Shui Wai here, not including power and water supply. Further imagine you work in Central and take West Rail with a Nam Cheong Pass which costs you $500. Adding extra $20 return fares, you spend a total of $1,200 on transport. That is to say, excluding entertainment, social gatherings, medical consultation, tax reserves and insurance, you roughly spend $10,000 a month. The only way to save up money is to cut your clothing and food because the costs of housing and transport are beyond your control. In short, if you earn less than $10,000 a month, don't ever fancy to follow the instruction of Genesis to "leave his father and his mother and cleave to his wife, and they become one flesh ..." (Genesis 2:24) If you live with your parents, you can save $4,000 rent and $1,500 dinner fees, a 55% of total expenditure. Parents always care about their children. They want to help them save up enough money to build up their own family. If the situation allows, they may exempt you from paying them $5,500 board and bread fee.

Who does not want to save up some cash in hand for contingency purposes? How much saving would make saving greedy? From the rough analysis above, if after spending all you need to spend and there still remains more than $10,000, congratulations! You probably are a bit greedy, or put it more politely, you are ambitious and your earning power is higher than most people. Therefore, you should revise your fund-management plan. Should you buy bonds or unit trust? Should you invest your money in stocks or real estate? Everybody knows that there is risk in investment. Price may go up or down. But in this world, there is one kind of investment which always goes up and never goes down. What kind of investment is this?

Do not ever think that a Christian is not allowed to be rich. The Beatitudes in Matthew advises us that in order to be blessed, we should be spiritually poor. It does not mean materially poor. It means to make good use of money, to manage it but at the same time ready to abandon it, not to be controlled by it. The gospel today has a similar teaching. It advises us not to hoard riches. Jesus' parable illustrates a reality: since you are not able to carry anything away after you die, who will inherit the treasure you have accumulated? What you treasure, your children may not value. I have accumulated thousands of books all these years but I do not expect my children to enjoy reading them. Or perhaps we can leave them money to help them. However, would it rather be more practicable to teach them how to make money, to deal with people and contribute to the society than to leave them millions of dollar?

Christians should make good use of the money at hand to become rich towards God. This is what Jesus himself taught about the philosophy of fund management: To make use of the money in this life to help the poor. When you help the poor, you are serving the Jesus Christ present in them, thus transferring your fund into your account in heaven, to become rich toward God. There are many investment instruments in the financial market. Most of them are either "high risk high returns" or "low risk low returns". And of course there are bogus ones. Then, is there such "high risk high returns" strategy in helping the poor? There is and this advice comes directly from Jesus!

Next month, in the gospel reading of the 22nd Sunday, Jesus teaches that "when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind because they cannot repay you." (Luke 14:13-14) They belong to "high risk investment". But at the same time, they are "high returns" because God will repay you for them. Therefore, Jesus' investment strategy is to choose to help those who cannot repay you.

Lastly, I would like to remind you not to fall into the trap of utilitarianism. That is to say, if you help the poor with the intention to inflate your heavenly account, your reward will be diminished. If you do it out of charity, out of the desire to come close to the invisible God through coming close to the poor, the refugees, the sick and the imprisoned who are visible, congratulations, your reward will not be deducted. These are the corporal and spiritual works of mercy advocated by the Pope in this Jubilee of Mercy. So, take this opportunity to seek out, like playing Pokemon Go, "monsters", those needy neighbour who cannot repay you.
God bless!

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