
Sunday 10 July 2016

自愛愛人 Loving Yourself, Love Others









Fifteenth Ordinary Sunday (Year C)
Theme: Loving Yourself, Love Others

Jews placed importance on the Torah because it was given by God who was invisible. But Moses went up Mount Sinai and received the two tablets on which God wrote the Ten Commandments with His finger. It was something concrete that came down from the heavens, a revelation that helped people receive salvation. Thus, the Jews took the Ten Commandments seriously. The Ten Commandments are universal moral principles which guide our daily life. However, they do not discriminate the rightness and wrongness of concrete details. For example, how should we rest on Sabbath? Can we cook with live fire? How far are we allowed to walk? Can we move house, set our bed or cut our hair? Therefore, Moses followed the spirit of the Ten Commandments and the social situation at that time to hammer out 613 precepts, telling people what should be done and what was forbidden to do. These precepts help people deal with queries arisen in daily life. From this perspective, they were similar to the "Almanac" of ancient Chinese agricultural society which instructed people on which day to dig the ground, to plant the seeds etc. Such an Almanac was adequate to guide farmers to lead their whole life. Similarly, the 613 Mosaic precepts were sufficient for a Jew to obtain salvation during his life time.

The gospel according to St. Mark tells of a teacher of the Torah who challenged Jesus, asking Jesus which among the 613 precepts the greatest commandment was. Jesus was the Son of God. How could such an easy question unseat him? Jesus leisurely gave him the answer. Luke's narrative is different. First of all, the question was different. Although the question posed was different, it would end up the same "greatest commandment" question. Why? It was because for the contemporary Jews, there could only be one answer to the question of inheriting eternal life. It was "to observe the 613 Mosaic precepts handed down from the heavens". Why not "believing in Jesus to have eternal life"? Sorry, it was a latter invention of Christians. Since we could inherit eternal life by the observance of Torah and there were so many precepts, naturally the follow-up question would be, "among the many precepts, which is the greatest, the most important commandment"? Therefore, whichever way people asked, it would end up returning to the question of the greatest commandment.

According to the narrative of Luke, Jesus did not answer the question himself. He asked the teacher of Torah back, giving the questioner an opportunity to answer his own question. Some people opine that Jesus showed his intelligence and wisdom in doing so. However, I think Luke did not try to manifest Jesus' wisdom, but his mercy. Although the teacher of Torah posed the question to trap Jesus, Jesus accepted him mercifully. From the first reading today, we learn that God has put the truth, "in your mouth and in your heart, so that you can do it." (Deuteronomy 30:14) Therefore, even though the teacher of the Torah was an enemy of Jesus, he still possessed the truth. Jesus was able to unearth the truth in him, allowed him to speak out the truth. The merciful Jesus wished that speaking the truth, the teacher of the Torah was able to understand not to go against God anymore but to love the Lord and his neighbour. How merciful is the Lucan Jesus! Brethren, we are followers of Jesus. Do we have the breadth of mind to tolerate our antagonists? Even though we are enemies, do we still believe that God has buried in their hearts the seed of eternal life and the truth of salvation?

"Love your neighbour as yourself" was not taught by Jesus, but by Moses. Today, I would like to reflect with you on the topic of whether we love ourselves. Isn't it funny? Loving oneself and fighting for our own benefits are the most naturally thing to do. How can we not love ourselves? But in reality, we have always done harmful things to ourselves without our knowing it. Let me take "Observe the Sabbath" as an example.

You are sitting in the Church, attending mass. Haven't you fulfilled the "Observe the Sabbath" commandment? If without regard of the weather, you attend all Sunday masses, what else can God ask of you? True, according to the letters of the Law, you are impeccable. But God looks at the quality rather than the quantity. Jesus has once said, "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." (John 4:24) This commandment reminds us to put down the work at hand for a moment. Take a break so that we may be able to worship God with spirit and truth. Therefore, if you want to build up your career or to pursue your ideal so much so that you indulge in your work and do not give yourself a break to enjoy a happy hour with God, will it do you any good? If you work like a workaholic, or get addicted to substances in order to run away from some difficult relationships, will it do you any good? If in order to earn a living; to feed your wife and children, you take several jobs at the same time and subsequently fall sick, will it do you any good? Mobile phones have become a daily necessity. Unfortunately, they tend to occupy all your time. Whether you walk or sit, eat or poo, your mobile is always in your hand. Not only are your eyes and fingers strained, your heart becomes closed. You are not able to see the needs of your neighbours, to see Jesus who is waiting for you to serve him. Will it do you any good? You do not love yourself. Do you still have spare strength to love your neighbour and with that, love God?

In the gospel today, the teacher of Torah asked Jesus, "Who is my neighbour?" The question is egocentric, beginning from oneself. Jesus told a parable to teach him to put himself into others' shoes, to begin from the needs of the others. Jesus asked, "Which of these three proved neighbour to the man who fell among the robbers?" If we cannot observe the spirit of the Sabbath, leaving ourselves a little time to rest, to recoup; if we do not leave a little room to enjoy the happy hour with God, for Him to reveal the truth to you, you do not love yourself. How can you love your neighbour as yourself?

Be merciful to yourself. Be merciful to your neighbour. Put down your work for a while. Hug yourself. Hug your family members. Hug your neighbour. Hug God.
God bless.

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