
Tuesday 30 August 2016

習非為是 Getting Used to Accepting Wrongs Right





"What is this word? For with authority and power he commands the unclean spirits, and they come out." (Luke 4:36) Just think about it, why was it amazing for demons to obey the commands of God? It was the most logical of all. You have not seen enough.
In previous generations, it was taken for granted that hawkers should hand over protection fees. It was not an option if you wanted to survive, to continue earning a living. After a while, you would not feel being exploited. In previous generations, cops expected to find a thick bundle of banknotes inside an envelope every morning when they opened their drawers. It was not an option if you wanted to work with other colleagues in action. After a while, you would not feel being unjust.

It is said that a lie will become a truth when it is told a thousand times. Knowing that it is only a groundless urban legend, but when everybody is talking about it, there must be some truth in it. Men get used to accepting wrongs as right. The first time you commit a sin, make a mistake, you feel extremely guilty about it. After a few times, your conscience is buried. After getting used to it, you do not feel that it is immoral. Instead, it is not a big deal to go against God's commandments.
In Jesus' time, it was a norm to observe Sabbath whereas it was wrong for Jesus to cure diseases on Sabbath. Lepers and the possessed were sinners. They deserved God's punishment. Sickness and possession were norms whereas it was abnormal for Jesus to cure them, to liberate them. Death was a norm whereas it had to be a rumour that Jesus raised the dead. Leading an army into Jerusalem to drive out the Romans was the most logical step to restore Israel whereas it was regretful to follow Jesus into Jerusalem only to be crucified. Trading in the Temple, cheating the pilgrims were norms whereas it was subversive for Jesus to cleanse the Temple, to disrupt social stability and to instigate rebellion. He must be conspiring to overthrow the state ...
When men get deeply entangled in falsehood, they will deny truth when they encounter it and even want to eliminate it. How terrible!
Heavenly Father, lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen.

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