
Sunday, 25 February 2018

我們必須下山 We must Descend from the Mountain





  1. 無論人類如何邪惡,天主對人類仍然不離不棄。為那些犯罪的人,憑自己的努力,根本沒有能力補償自己的過錯。試問一個令數十個無辜的人喪失生命的校園槍擊手,憑自己的一條生命如何補償呢?天主明白人不能自救,祂竟然安排自己的聖子死在十字架上,為人類贖罪。祂的慈愛,令人難以明白。無論人類如何不中用,祂竟然放心把祂的教會建立在因為怕死而三次否認祂的伯多祿身上,並把教會委託給那些好大喜功,好逸惡勞,但又軟弱無能的人管理。祂的慈悲,真是難以估計。
  2. 伯多祿看到了耶穌基督復活的光榮之後,心滿意足了。用今天的靈修術語,天主賞賜伯多祿靈修的最高境界。「師傅,我們在這裡真好!」(谷9:5)的確,在聖堂內祈禱,領聖事,參加禮儀,促進個人的靈修真好;又有彼此關懷的兄弟姊妹,又有團體活動,促進友誼真好!我們也會好像伯多祿一樣說:「師傅,我們在這裡真好!」但我們不能永遠停留在高山上,享受這份溫馨。因為我們的信仰是憑兩條腿走路的。一是靈修,二是關顧窮人,兩者互相配合,缺一不可。祇顧服務,與社工有甚麼分別呢?我們很快便會油盡燈枯!祇顧靈修,我們可領會到天主的旨意。但大自然中的山川雨雪,何嘗不領會天主的旨意呢(依55:10)?那麼,我們與一塊石頭有甚麼分別呢?因此,我們必須下山,按天主的旨意實行愛德,關愛窮人!


Second Sunday of Lent, Year B
Theme: We must Descend from the Mountain

The gospel passage today begins with "And after six days" (Mark 9:2). So what had happened six days earlier?
The public ministry of Jesus Christ was coming to an end. He was prepared to go to Jerusalem to suffer and complete His salvation mission. Jesus Christ needed to set up the Church, leaving behind a visible institution to give invisible grace to the world, the Fundamental Sacrament. Who would lead this Church? Thus, six days earlier in Caesarea Philippi, Jesus did a simple opinion poll with His disciples. As far as they knew, what did people say about him? Afterwards, when the disciples gave their answers, Jesus asked a crucial question, "But who do you say that I am?" Among the twelve, only Simon dared to answer, "You are the Christ." (8:27-29) The gospel of Matthew further reports that with this answer, Jesus Christ understood that the Father had chosen Simon to be the foundation stone of the Church. Thus, Jesus gave Simon a new name Peter and on this rock He would build His Church. Evil forces shall not prevail against her. And Jesus gave Peter the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven etc. (Matthew 16:17-19)

Since Jesus Christ gave the salvation project to the Church, naturally He would reveal to them the outline of His action plan. When He told them that He would die and come back to life after three days, Peter was the first to rebuke Him! The reaction of Peter was disappointing. Jesus Christ had overestimated the capacity of His disciples. Jesus Christ had to reach Jerusalem before the Passover to suffer because by that time, many people would gather in Jerusalem. But time was running out. What remedial measures could He do? He had to give the inner circle of disciples an extra lesson! So six days later, Jesus brought the three disciples up a high mountain to show them His actual being, make them understand what resurrection meant and there was nothing to fear in death! This was the context of the Transfiguration.

This incident teaches us two lessons:

  1. No matter how evil men are, God shall never abandon them. Since sinners, on their own, have no way to compensate their faults. Think about a shooter who kills tens of innocent people on the campus, what could he do to compensate with his only one life? God understands that men could not save themselves. He arranged His own Son to die on the cross to redeem our sins. His love is difficult to fathom. No matter how impotent men are, Jesus Christ entrusted the foundation of His Church on a Peter who out of fear denied Him three times, and entrusted the management of His Church to those ambitious, sloth and impotent people. His mercy is difficult to estimate.
  2. After seeing the resurrection glory of Jesus Christ, Peter was satisfied. Using the jargon of spirituality today, God has granted Peter the highest level of spirituality. "Master, it is well that we are here!" (Mark 9:5) Truly, it is good for our spirituality to pray in the Church, receive sacraments and partake in liturgy. We have brethren who love and care about us. We have social functions to promote friendship. Naturally, we shall say like Peter, "Master, it is well that we are here!" But we can never remain on the high mountain to enjoy the comfort. It is because our faith is built on two legs: Spirituality and Option for the Poor. The two complement each other. We cannot walk on one leg! If we focus only on service, we are not different from social workers! We will quickly burn out! If we focus solely on spirituality, we are able to grasp the will of God. But don't mountains, rocks, rain and snow do the will of God? (Isaiah 55:10) Then, how are we different from a rock? Thus we need to descend from the high mountain to practise charity according to God's will to serve the poor!
During this Lenten Season, let us work hard in praying, fasting and almsgiving to repay God's mercy and put our faith into practice.
God bless!

Sunday, 18 February 2018

聖神的催促 The Urge of the Holy Spirit







First Sunday of Lent, Year B
Theme: The Urge of the Holy Spirit

In Year B, we can enjoy in greater details the gospel written by Mark.
Biblical scholars have come to the following consensus on language of Mark: his Greek was coarse, not elegant. It has little literary value. But just because of this, the gospel of Mark is full of dynamics. For example, after the baptism of Jesus, Matthew says, "And lo, the heavens were opened unto him" (Matthew 3:16, ASV). Luke simply says, "The heaven was opened" (Luke 3:21). But Mark says, "The heavens rent asunder" (Mark 1:10). If you think that it is a coincidence, let us read again the story of Jesus' temptation today. Matthew says, "Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil" (Matthew 4:1). The word "Then" gives the readers an impression that the baptism and the temptation were separated for a length of time. Let us see how Luke dealt with it. After writing the baptism of Jesus, Luke separated it from the temptation with 16 verses of the genealogy of Jesus (Luke 3:23-38). Then, Luke says, "And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan, and was led in the Spirit in the wilderness during forty days, being tempted of the devil" (Luke 4:1-2). The two Evangelists hint that the two events were separated. Let the experts settle this topic. As for us it is enough to ask why we have the impression that the two events were linked. This is the work of Mark.

The gospel passage we read today uses the word "straightway" to lock the baptism and the temptation together. Moreover, Mark uses "driveth him forth" instead of "led". Even if Mark's Greek was not elegant, he was able to demonstrate the dynamics of the Holy Spirit. Let me share with you my experience of being driven by the Holy Spirit!

Before I was ordained in 2015, I had been a teacher of Religious Studies for 39 years in two different Catholic schools. To be candid, my working experience as well as life experience are too shallow. After ordination, His Excellency, Cardinal John Tong not only assigned me to serve in St. Jerome's Church but also two more ministries: biblical pastoral work and HK Catholic Commission for Labour Affairs. Biblical pastoral work is my cup of tea but labour affairs are new to me. I need to start from square one humbly.
In April 2015, Pope Francis declared the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican Council with an Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy in the papal bull "Misericordiae Vultus" to remember God's mercy. Other than opening of holy gates of mercy, pilgrimages, granting plenary indulgences, "24 Hours for the Lord" prayer services and the commissioning of missionaries of mercy to dioceses all over the world to absolve grave sins, works of mercy for particular groups of people were done each month. For example, children, teenagers, the elderly, catechists, workers, the sick, refugees and prisoners etc. In response to the Pope's call, the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong set up an ad hoc committee to implement those works of mercy. Members were made up of representatives from HK Central Council of Catholic Laity, Little Sisters of the Poor, St. Vincent de Paul Society, the Community of Sant' Egidio, a young member from the Diocesan Liturgical Commission, a staff member from the HK Diocesan Audio-Visual Centre and of course a committee member from the HK Catholic Commission for Labour Affairs.

I am a member of the Commission. In one meeting, members were electing a representative to join the ad hoc committee. At that moment, I felt the urge of the Holy Spirit mentioned in the gospel today. The feeling was difficult to describe, sort of a warm stream winding in my blood and a vibration of the heart. I repeatedly prayed, "Lord, is this your will?" At last, I put up my hand to volunteer. Indeed, this was not a decision with thorough deliberation. As for experience, I was new. I knew little about the workers in the context of Hong Kong. I knew next to nothing about Labour Ordinances and the exploitations suffered by the outsourced janitors. There were many members more experienced than I was. As for programming skills, I was able to run religious activities in schools. But diocesan functions are of a more demanding magnitude! Thus, I was probably too naively impulsive when I volunteered on that day.

Even if I were impulsive out of naivety, I believe that the Holy Spirit was leading me. Looking back at the whole event, I can feel deeply the meaning of mercy. It is a tolerance of other people's faults, a refusal to abandon them and an insistence on hope. We began visiting outsourced janitors in Tin Shui Wai and discovered that they did not resist the gospel. In fact, many "non-believers" desire to know the good news of Jesus Christ. Evangelization is not as difficult as we imagine. This is the third year we organize "Comfort Reunion Banquet" for them as a work of mercy. We have extended to the northern part of Tin Shui Wai. Although after I was ordained, I was given a Prison Chaplain Pass which allows me to roam freely within designated prisons, I only started using it because of the Jubilee of Mercy. I seriously pay visit to those Jesus Christ's who have lost their freedom! From their stories, I gain much spiritual inspiration and they enrich my life experience. Not only are these opportunities to practise Corporal Works of Mercy, they are also spirituality exercises. The goodness of a tree is determined by its fruits (Matthew 7:17-18). Thus I am certain that it was the Holy Spirit who urged me to volunteer on that day.

Brethren, God had spoken to Elijah in a still small voice (1 Kings 19:12). From this we think that God's will is difficult to grasp and that He likes to speak to us in a still small voice at the depth of our hearts. Thus, we emphasize praying to God and dialoguing with Him in a quiet environment. That is correct. However, we should not forget the Holy Spirit which we are not so familiar. Open yourself up to the Holy Spirit. Know Him and let yourself be known. He is like a wind which blows where He wills (John 3:8). The Holy Spirit may console us in a breeze. The same Spirit might drive the newly baptized Jesus Christ into the wilderness. Similarly, like a hurricane, the Holy Spirit might urge the 120 disciples to proclaim good news on Pentecost (Acts 2:2-4). And He can drive us with different intensities to bear the nine fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).
God bless!

Sunday, 11 February 2018

憐憫必得勝審判 Mercy Triumphs over Judgment


為了保障人能安全地在一個團體生活,團體會定下一些規矩讓成員遵守。為了團體的益處,人必需犧牲一些自由,法律便出現了。今天的第一篇讀經,便反映出這樣的一個現實。痲瘋是一種高度傳染性的疾病,在發現盤尼西林之前,這是不治之症。為了保障其他人的安全,痲瘋病人要接受隔離。(肋13:45)這種隔離並由此引申的歧視,在我們今天的眼中,非常不人道。不過在舊約,天主曾以痲瘋病懲罰過人(戶12:10;列下5:27;編下26:19),所以,一般人會把痲瘋病看待為天主的懲罰。因此,檢驗證明一個痲瘋病人是否痊癒,不是醫生,而是司祭。(肋13:6, 13, 17, 23 ...

痲瘋病有如罪一樣,既傷害自己,也傷害別人。因此,痲瘋病人是罪人的一個象徵。其實,痲瘋病是一個很好的象徵,它出現在皮膚上,覆蓋著皮膚並慢慢侵蝕進去。同樣,我們都是按天主的肖像所創造,但罪惡包裹著這肖像,使它蒙污,更侵蝕著它,使它瓦解。因此,罪人有兩條可以走的路:就是誓不認錯,或是尋求天主的治療,天主的寬恕 。誓不認錯的後果是滅亡,但為甚麼仍然有罪人選擇繼續犯罪呢?是因為他們心存僥倖,濫用了天主的慈悲;抑或是他們以為自己罪大惡極,不敢相信天主的慈悲會寬恕他們呢?我們不得而知。今天的福音,展示了罪人應有的態度──謙卑。這個痲瘋病人,跑到耶穌跟前跪下,求耶穌潔淨他。(谷1:40)耶穌基督是他惟一的希望,他便不顧禁令,跑到耶穌跟前。他跪下,表達了罪人應有的謙卑。

現代人過份自信,覺得可以把一切玩弄在指掌之間。他有如天主,操控一切,他不需要耶穌基督,不需要對耶穌基督懷有任何希望!這份自信使他們不覺得天主與他們同行,他們的成就或是挫折,與天主無關,他們與天主日漸疏離。天父目睹自己的肖像如此,是何等難過哩! 另一方面,這個痲瘋病人違反禁令,我們可以接受嗎?倘若他擅闖城市,散播病菌,危害他人的安全,這是不能接受的。但他違反禁令,是尋求「專家」的治療,這是應該的。當罪人一日及早與天主的修和,早日對身邊的人有益處,何樂而不為呢?



Sixth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: Mercy Triumphs over Judgment

In order to protect the safety of people in a community, regulations must be set up for members to follow. For the benefits of the community, members have to sacrifice some of their freedom. Laws appear. The first reading today depicts such a reality. Leprosy is a highly infectious disease. Before the discovery of penicillin, it was incurable. To protect the safety of the others, lepers had to be quarantined (Leviticus 13:45). This quarantine and the prejudice it derived is inhumane to modern eyes. But in Old Testament times, God had punished some people with leprosy (Numbers 12:10, 2Kings 5:27, 2Chronicles 26:19). Thus, people saw leprosy as a punishment of God. Naturally, to inspect whether a leper was cured was the job not of physicians, but priests. (Leviticus 13:6, 13, 17, 23 ...)

Like sins, leprosy harms oneself as well as the others. Thus lepers are a symbol of sinners. In fact, it is an excellent symbol. Leprosy appears on the skin, covers it and slowly erodes into it. Similarly, we were created in the image of God. But sins cover this image, contaminate it and even erode to disintegrate it. Thus sinners have two choices: either to refuse to pledge guilty or to seek God's healing, God's forgiveness. Refusing to pledge guilty will only lead to demise, but why would some sinners choose to continue sinning? Would it be because they want to take chances, to abuse the mercy of God? Or they think that their sins are so grave that they dare not to believe that God would forgive them out of mercy? We don't know. The gospel reading today shows us the proper attitude of sinners --- humility. This leper came to kneel before Jesus, beseeched Jesus to cleanse him (Mark 1:40) Jesus Christ was his only hope. He disregarded the injunctions, came before Jesus and knelt down to show a humility proper to sinners.

Modern people are over-confident. They feel that everything is within their grips. They are like God, dominating everything and have no need of Jesus Christ, of putting their hope on Jesus Christ. This overconfidence renders them unable to see that God is with them, blinds them of the relationship between God and their successes and failures. They are moving away from God day by day. When the Father sees His images suffer like this, how upset He shall be!
On the other hand, can we accept the leper's breaching the injunctions? If he trespasses into a city to spread the fungus and harming the safety of the others, it is unacceptable. But he breached the injunctions to seek expert cure. This is appropriate. The sooner a sinner seeks reconciliation with God, the more benefits he brings to his neighbour. Why not? Arrogance is the Achilles' heels of men. It blinds him of his inadequacy and prevents him from seeking God's cure. This leper who knelt before Jesus had done the right thing!

On the other hand, Jesus would have cured the leper immediately with only a word. But why did Jesus touch him? It was not a necessity. Moreover, when Jesus touched this leper he would become unclean and could not contact others until evening. (Numbers 19:22) Why did Jesus take this risk? The explanation in the gospel is simple: Jesus was moved with pity! (Mark 1:41) Is pity an excuse for not obeying the law, the same as James, the Apostle says, "Mercy triumphs over judgment"? (James 2:13) Did Jesus come not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it? (Matthew 5:17) Exactly! Behold, Jesus later told the cured leper to be inspected by a priest and to offer sacrifice according to the law. Thus, Jesus did not come to abolish the law. That Jesus disregarded the law by touching the leper was to fulfill the law with mercy! In order to protect the benefit of the majority, the law can only sacrifice the benefit of the minority. Doubtless to say, the injunction on lepers protects the benefits of the majority, but it ignores the needs of lepers. Don't forget, lepers and sinners also possess the image of God! Touching the leper, Jesus showed the sick and sinners mercy and care to fulfill the impersonal laws. The law was made for man, not man for the law. (Mark 2:27) Of course, we can imagine that the moment before Jesus touched the leper he had already cleansed the leper. Thus Jesus was touching a cleansed man. He did not violate the injunction. This speculation is acceptable.

Out of love, the Father created us in His image. When we were tortured by sins, out of mercy, the Father called us to be baptized and restored our identity as children of God. He further called us to lead a married, or a consecrated or a clergy life in order to blush up the glory of the image of God, to be sanctified. We should learn from the leper, kneel before the Lord in humility to beseech His mercy.
God bless!

Sunday, 4 February 2018

不戀棧過去的成就 Let Go of Previous Achievements










Fifth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: Let Go of Previous Achievements

The gospel passage today is the continuation of the story we read last week. Let us recollect some background details.
First of all, Capernaum was a fishing village on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee, like Hong Kong before it was ceded to Britain. Although the gospel describes her as a city, that is to say, there was a wall surrounding the land on which people lived, a gate for people and merchants to go through, something like the walled-villages in the New Territories, archaeologists were not able to locate any remnants of a city wall. Therefore, the gospel probably refers to the population of Capernaum which might be comparable to that of cities, i.e. around 1500, and not to her city wall.
According to the gospel of Mark, after Jesus had received the baptism of the Baptist in River Jordan, he spent 40 days in the wilderness to undergo tests from Satan. Then he returned to the urban area, using Capernaum as his evangelization base. Jesus followed Jewish customs to enter a synagogue on the Sabbath to preach. People were amazed by his teaching which was full of authority. In fact, Jesus' authority was not empty talks but was back up by exorcisms and healings.

There are two important messages in the passage today.
As a Chinese aphorism goes, "When there is no more birds flying in the air, good bows are buried. When cunning rabbits die out, running hounds are boiled." This Machiavellian aphorism aptly explains how strategists in royal courts should position themselves. If you enjoy the fruit of your efforts and do not know the proper time to stay away, you end up being beheaded. Surely, this aphorism is correct in power games. But do not belittle it and think that it applies to power games only. Indeed, there is wisdom for life.

From a personal developmental perspective, enjoying the fruits of one's effort is reasonable and appropriate. It affirms our values, elevates our confidence and encourages us to move on to higher goals and thus facilitating personal growth. If one indulges in achievements in the past and is not willing to jump out of the comfort zone the achievements have built up, is there anything left to motivate one to transcend the old self, actualize one's potentials and move ahead to more lofty causes? By then, you are not beheaded by an ungrateful emperor, but are smothered to death by your old self. Only by letting go of the present achievements can one be motivated to grow up.

Similarly, our spiritual development is the same. Reciting prayers and receiving sacraments are trademarks of Catholics. Many of them carry rosaries in their pockets and go to confession as well as receiving the Holy Communion every Sunday. This has become their habit. But is that enough? Does God really want you to lead such kind of life? I am not criticizing this life-style as not pious enough because God gives a lot of grace to the faithful whose life-style is as described. However, I always believe that God has prepared more grace for us than that. In fact, God has prepared much more grace for us, wishing us to jump out of our comfort zone to join the banquet He has laid out for us, delicious dishes after delicious dishes. Do you take out a time slot to pray every day? Do you read the "Daily Gospel" and discover God's will? Do you visit the elderly who live alone and outsourcing janitors who work in Tin Shui Wai, sick people in hospitals or refugees with volunteers from the St. Vincent de Paul Society? In this cold snap, do you knit neckerchiefs to give them? Do you, even in your prayers hear God's call, ask the Holy Spirit to give you strength to answer God bravely and generously? At every stage, when we were baptized to be a Catholic, when we serve the needy in the community as a disciple of Jesus, when we answer God's call to be a shepherd of His flock, God has prepared abundant grace for us, waiting for us to put forth a new step.

In the gospel passage today, we read of the great achievements of Jesus in Capernaum when He newly emerged from the wilderness. He preached and drove out an unclean spirit in the synagogue. He stayed in the house of Andrew and Simon, attracting the whole city to flock there to beg him cure diseases and drive out demons. Mark says, "And the whole city was gathered together about the door" (Mark 1:33). Although "the whole city" was a bit exaggerating, we can imagine that this was not achieved in one single Sabbath. No matter what, the public ministry of Jesus was surely successful. But Jesus was not carried away by this achievement. Before people got up, Jesus had already gone out to a lonely place to pray (1:34). Although Jesus Christ is the Son of God, he kept on praying alone in some quiet places, especially during some crucial moments, to talk with the Father to seek His will.

Brethren, the example Jesus set us reminds us of the need to examine our praying habits. Probably we are too busy. We can only have time to pray when we travel to work, or only say grace before meals or before going to bed. But was Jesus not busy as well? The modes of prayer mentioned above are not quality prayers because we have not given ourselves sufficient time to receive the Father's revelation of His will. I believe all of us are very confused by the rumours of the Curia reaching a deal with mainland China. Some of us are even angry of Vatican's seemingly kowtow to an atheist regime. This is a testing time of our faith. Thus, we need to follow Jesus' example to spare time to look for a space to calm down and have an intimate talk with the Father to seek His will. Let me assure you, even if the worst comes to the worst, we should trust God that He is able to turn evils into blessings!

Secondly, Jesus Christ did not cling to his achievements in Capernaum but continued to preach the good news to the next towns (1:38). Of course, you may think that Jesus Christ was ambitious. He would only be contented, not with Capernaum but with the whole world. Right! Just because we share the same ambition with Jesus Christ, viz. to restore the identity of God's sons and daughters of each and every one around us so that in the future, we shall partake in the eternal life of the Father. Thus, we should not stay inside the comfort zone of our past achievements. We should brave the hardship ahead and answer generously the invitation of the Father.
God bless!