First Sunday of Lent, Year B
Theme: The Urge of the Holy Spirit
In Year B, we can enjoy in greater details the gospel written by Mark.
Biblical scholars have come to the following consensus on language of Mark: his Greek was coarse, not elegant. It has little literary value. But just because of this, the gospel of Mark is full of dynamics. For example, after the baptism of Jesus, Matthew says, "And lo, the heavens were opened unto him" (Matthew 3:16, ASV). Luke simply says, "The heaven was opened" (Luke 3:21). But Mark says, "The heavens rent asunder" (Mark 1:10). If you think that it is a coincidence, let us read again the story of Jesus' temptation today. Matthew says, "Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil" (Matthew 4:1). The word "Then" gives the readers an impression that the baptism and the temptation were separated for a length of time. Let us see how Luke dealt with it. After writing the baptism of Jesus, Luke separated it from the temptation with 16 verses of the genealogy of Jesus (Luke 3:23-38). Then, Luke says, "And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan, and was led in the Spirit in the wilderness during forty days, being tempted of the devil" (Luke 4:1-2). The two Evangelists hint that the two events were separated. Let the experts settle this topic. As for us it is enough to ask why we have the impression that the two events were linked. This is the work of Mark.
The gospel passage we read today uses the word "straightway" to lock the baptism and the temptation together. Moreover, Mark uses "driveth him forth" instead of "led". Even if Mark's Greek was not elegant, he was able to demonstrate the dynamics of the Holy Spirit. Let me share with you my experience of being driven by the Holy Spirit!
Before I was ordained in 2015, I had been a teacher of Religious Studies for 39 years in two different Catholic schools. To be candid, my working experience as well as life experience are too shallow. After ordination, His Excellency, Cardinal John Tong not only assigned me to serve in St. Jerome's Church but also two more ministries: biblical pastoral work and HK Catholic Commission for Labour Affairs. Biblical pastoral work is my cup of tea but labour affairs are new to me. I need to start from square one humbly.
In April 2015, Pope Francis declared the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican Council with an Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy in the papal bull "Misericordiae Vultus" to remember God's mercy. Other than opening of holy gates of mercy, pilgrimages, granting plenary indulgences, "24 Hours for the Lord" prayer services and the commissioning of missionaries of mercy to dioceses all over the world to absolve grave sins, works of mercy for particular groups of people were done each month. For example, children, teenagers, the elderly, catechists, workers, the sick, refugees and prisoners etc. In response to the Pope's call, the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong set up an ad hoc committee to implement those works of mercy. Members were made up of representatives from HK Central Council of Catholic Laity, Little Sisters of the Poor, St. Vincent de Paul Society, the Community of Sant' Egidio, a young member from the Diocesan Liturgical Commission, a staff member from the HK Diocesan Audio-Visual Centre and of course a committee member from the HK Catholic Commission for Labour Affairs.
I am a member of the Commission. In one meeting, members were electing a representative to join the ad hoc committee. At that moment, I felt the urge of the Holy Spirit mentioned in the gospel today. The feeling was difficult to describe, sort of a warm stream winding in my blood and a vibration of the heart. I repeatedly prayed, "Lord, is this your will?" At last, I put up my hand to volunteer. Indeed, this was not a decision with thorough deliberation. As for experience, I was new. I knew little about the workers in the context of Hong Kong. I knew next to nothing about Labour Ordinances and the exploitations suffered by the outsourced janitors. There were many members more experienced than I was. As for programming skills, I was able to run religious activities in schools. But diocesan functions are of a more demanding magnitude! Thus, I was probably too naively impulsive when I volunteered on that day.
Even if I were impulsive out of naivety, I believe that the Holy Spirit was leading me. Looking back at the whole event, I can feel deeply the meaning of mercy. It is a tolerance of other people's faults, a refusal to abandon them and an insistence on hope. We began visiting outsourced janitors in Tin Shui Wai and discovered that they did not resist the gospel. In fact, many "non-believers" desire to know the good news of Jesus Christ. Evangelization is not as difficult as we imagine. This is the third year we organize "Comfort Reunion Banquet" for them as a work of mercy. We have extended to the northern part of Tin Shui Wai. Although after I was ordained, I was given a Prison Chaplain Pass which allows me to roam freely within designated prisons, I only started using it because of the Jubilee of Mercy. I seriously pay visit to those Jesus Christ's who have lost their freedom! From their stories, I gain much spiritual inspiration and they enrich my life experience. Not only are these opportunities to practise Corporal Works of Mercy, they are also spirituality exercises. The goodness of a tree is determined by its fruits (Matthew 7:17-18). Thus I am certain that it was the Holy Spirit who urged me to volunteer on that day.
Brethren, God had spoken to Elijah in a still small voice (1 Kings 19:12). From this we think that God's will is difficult to grasp and that He likes to speak to us in a still small voice at the depth of our hearts. Thus, we emphasize praying to God and dialoguing with Him in a quiet environment. That is correct. However, we should not forget the Holy Spirit which we are not so familiar. Open yourself up to the Holy Spirit. Know Him and let yourself be known. He is like a wind which blows where He wills (John 3:8). The Holy Spirit may console us in a breeze. The same Spirit might drive the newly baptized Jesus Christ into the wilderness. Similarly, like a hurricane, the Holy Spirit might urge the 120 disciples to proclaim good news on Pentecost (Acts 2:2-4). And He can drive us with different intensities to bear the nine fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).
God bless!