
Friday 9 March 2018

傳福音就是守最大的誡命 Evangelization is Observance of the First Commandment







Evangelization is Observance of the First Commandment
(Mark 12:28b-34)

As a Catholic, is there anything which "love your neighbour as yourself" more than evangelization? None! Therefore, if we do not evangelize, we have not done the second Commandment!
When we can choose, we definitely choose the best for ourselves, e.g. clothes, food, housing and transport. For those things which we cannot choose, e.g. parents, gender and heredity diseases etc., we can only try our best to accommodate them. This is how we love ourselves.

As children of God, including those baptized in infancy, we have no choice. But as Catholics, we do have a choice. At the beginning, we can choose atheism, Buddhism, Islam, Baptist Church or Taoism etc. Since we have chosen, that means we have chosen the best --- the gospel of Jesus Christ. It helps us weather through adversities in life. Since the gospel of Jesus Christ is the best choice, we should put its teaching into practice. We should not selfishly possess it and bury it underground. Thus, can you give me a reason not to fulfil the second Commandment and refuse to proclaim the gospel to your neighbour? No!

If you were baptized as an infant, you may complain that it was not your choice. It was the choice of your parents. Therefore, you do not have the obligation to live up the teachings of the gospel. Wrong! Previously, did we not say that for those things we have no choice, we should accommodate them? That is to say, your parents had discharged their duty and given you their best gift to you. They have fulfilled the teachings of the gospel. Now it is your turn to best accommodate this faith.

Lastly, God is love. He desires all to be saved (Ezekiel 18:23, 1 Timothy 2:4, 2 Peter 3:9) If we do nothing for those people who have no faith, allow them to perish because they have not heard the gospel, have you loved God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and all your strength? Therefore, woe to those Catholics who do not evangelize because they have not observed the first Commandment!
Heavenly Father! Forgive us for not loving You with all our hearts and strength. Grant us sufficient strength to love You. Amen.

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