
Saturday 10 March 2018

偽善的天主教徒 Hypocritical Catholics






Hypocritical Catholics
(Luke 18:9-14)

Unfortunately, the Pharisee in the story today is a portrait of most Catholics! It is because they do not proclaim the gospel!
Some Catholics receive baptism for the benefits of themselves or their relatives. Getting a Catholic identity allows them to enjoy the benefits and welfare provided by the Church. This is blatant hypocrisy and they are truly Pharisees.

Some Catholics were genuinely baptized. They are pious in liturgy. Every day they go to mass, go to confession, receive Holy Communion, recite Rosary, Novenas and adore the Eucharist etc. Not only that, they help the parish enthusiastically build up the parish family. Whenever there are retreats, talks, spirituality workshops, pilgrimages and even degree courses in Religious Sciences, you will find their presence and fervent participation. They are truly respectable and impeccable. They can be called righteous. What flaw can you find in them? The problem is: Can you find any difference between them and the nearly perfect Pharisee described in the gospel? I can't see any.

Oh, there is! These pious Catholics always go into the confessional to confess their sins but the Pharisee does not! I think these Catholics are like the tax-collector who became justified when he returned home! Unfortunately, among the sins confessed, do these pious Catholics feel sorry that they have not observed the first Commandment to proclaim the gospel to their neighbour? If they skip this sin and do not think that refusing to evangelise is a sin, they are like the self-righteous Pharisee in the gospel. If they confess and do not change, continue not to evangelize, I am sorry, they have abused the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Jesus' precious blood is wasted!
Heavenly Father, cleanse us of all complacent thoughts in our hearts. Help us realize our inadequacy and desire Your help. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. 「熱心天主教徒所告的罪之中,有沒有懺悔自己沒有履行最大誡命,把福音傳給近人呢?」




