Theme: Be Present Physically & Spiritually
Does anyone of you receive cakes, or cards or gifts on your birthdays?
In the gospel reading today, Jesus says, "And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age." (Matthew 28:20) Jesus Christ is able to make this promise because He is the Son of God. He is able to keep His promise. Not only does He stay spiritually with us, but He also stays physically with us in the Holy Eucharist. He loves us. He gives Himself to us in the Holy Eucharist. He is able to do this because Jesus Christ is our God.
However, we are all too human. Sometimes, we may not be able to be present physically as well as spiritually at the same time. Imagine you are speaking with your friend, or your family members or even your child over the phone. She is not here physically. Yet you enjoy the company and share your love over the phone. Imagine again you invite another person to dinner. However, you can sense that she is not there. There is something else occupying her mind. Will you enjoy the dinner? If you have a choice, which one do you prefer, physically present or spiritually present? When we are not able to make the best of both worlds, we prefer the spiritual presence because at least we can share our love. Out of love, we travel here far away from home to work and send money home to our loved ones. Out of love, we give our friends birthday cakes, cards and gifts. Even though we are not able to be present physically, we wish our love may last long enough in the token of cakes, cards and gifts.
Why does Jesus make this promise of staying with us until the end of the age? On one hand, it is an expression of His love. On the other, it is because He gives us a mission to accomplish. To order to ensure that we are able to get it done, He equips us with the strength we need by staying with us. What mission does Jesus Christ commission us? "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them ... teaching them ..." (28:19-20). There are four actions here: to go, to make disciples, to baptize and to teach. In short, Jesus Christ commissions us to build up a bigger family, a community of redeemed people, a People of God, the Church. It is a mission of love, a mission of spreading God's love.
Out of love, we leave behind our families to work overseas. Similarly, out of love, we leave behind the comfort of our homes and the people we are familiar. We go and meet strangers in a foreign land, to know them, to engage them, to serve them, to be present physically as well as spiritually to share God's love with them. We do not choose likeable people to be our employers. Similarly, we do not choose likeable people to make disciples. We reach out to all and do not discriminate: the hungry, the thirsty, those who have no dignity, refugees, the sick as well as prisoners (25:35-36). This is respect. We respect all people alike because all of them were created in the image of God, because we are brothers and sisters in Christ. Of course, we respect their freedom. We cannot impose our faith upon them. Our job is to go and make disciples. Whether people want to be baptized or not, it is God's business. Our job is to be present, both physically and spiritually to tell people that the Father loves them, that Jesus Christ loves them and that the Holy Spirit loves them.
The God we believe in is a great and difficult mystery. Throughout the centuries, theologians have tried to make God understandable to us. They have tried different jargons and images in order to highlight some aspects of our God. For example, God is almighty. Heavens and earth are the manifestations of His power. We call this Creator the Father. "Father" was a good image in ancient times. The father is the origin of a family. He is the breadwinner of the family and sustains the family. So, the "father" has been a good metaphor for God because God created and sustains the whole universe. However, time has changed. Those who go to work and sustain the families are mothers and daughters. So, we should bear in mind the limitations of these jargons when we talk about the mystery of God in terms of the Blessed Trinity. Thus, don't feel offended if people argue that God should be a mother-figure! Bear with them.
If God is such a great and difficult mystery, how can we explain this mystery to people? Don't worry. Jesus promises to stay with us to help us till the end of the age. Just remember the two most essential features of our God. They are His love and His omnipresence. John the Apostle says, "God is love." (1 John 4:8, 16) Out of love, God created us. Out of love, He sends Jesus Christ to save us after we have fallen. Out of love, He continues to send the Holy Spirit to guide us and support us. Out of love, Jesus Christ stays with us physically and spiritually within the Church and outside the Church among the poor and the needy. We see God in face of all these people. But we also make His presence felt when we love. When we love ourselves, our family members, our friends and colleagues, our employers and the people in need, God the Blessed Trinity is physically and spiritually present among us. When we do these, we put Jesus' commands into practice.
The last command Jesus gives us is to teach people "to observe all that I have commanded you." (Matthew 28:20) What has Jesus commanded us to do? He gave us a new commandment during the Last Supper, i.e. to love each other as He has loved us. (John 13:34) Therefore, in our words and in our deeds, we should teach other people to love each other. We should set examples by loving each other just as Jesus Christ has loved us. Is it an impossible mission? No. Jesus Christ is with us.
How long are you able to keep those cakes, cards or gifts?
Why do you want to eat the cakes? Do you throw the cards or gifts away? Why do you want to keep them? In order to remember the love of the people who gave you these. So, next time, don't give cakes. Cakes are eaten and easily forgotten. Give something more endurable instead.
Brethren, when we meet people, let us engage them by physically and spiritually present like what Jesus is doing. Then, we are able to demonstrate the love of God, the love of the Blessed Trinity.
God bless!