
Sunday, 27 May 2018

Be Present Physically & Spiritually 靈與肉的臨在

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, Year B
Theme: Be Present Physically & Spiritually

Does anyone of you receive cakes, or cards or gifts on your birthdays?
How long are you able to keep those cakes, cards or gifts?
Why do you want to eat the cakes? Do you throw the cards or gifts away? Why do you want to keep them? In order to remember the love of the people who gave you these. So, next time, don't give cakes. Cakes are eaten and easily forgotten. Give something more endurable instead.

In the gospel reading today, Jesus says, "And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age." (Matthew 28:20) Jesus Christ is able to make this promise because He is the Son of God. He is able to keep His promise. Not only does He stay spiritually with us, but He also stays physically with us in the Holy Eucharist. He loves us. He gives Himself to us in the Holy Eucharist. He is able to do this because Jesus Christ is our God.

However, we are all too human. Sometimes, we may not be able to be present physically as well as spiritually at the same time. Imagine you are speaking with your friend, or your family members or even your child over the phone. She is not here physically. Yet you enjoy the company and share your love over the phone. Imagine again you invite another person to dinner. However, you can sense that she is not there. There is something else occupying her mind. Will you enjoy the dinner? If you have a choice, which one do you prefer, physically present or spiritually present? When we are not able to make the best of both worlds, we prefer the spiritual presence because at least we can share our love. Out of love, we travel here far away from home to work and send money home to our loved ones. Out of love, we give our friends birthday cakes, cards and gifts. Even though we are not able to be present physically, we wish our love may last long enough in the token of cakes, cards and gifts.

Why does Jesus make this promise of staying with us until the end of the age? On one hand, it is an expression of His love. On the other, it is because He gives us a mission to accomplish. To order to ensure that we are able to get it done, He equips us with the strength we need by staying with us. What mission does Jesus Christ commission us? "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them ... teaching them ..." (28:19-20). There are four actions here: to go, to make disciples, to baptize and to teach. In short, Jesus Christ commissions us to build up a bigger family, a community of redeemed people, a People of God, the Church. It is a mission of love, a mission of spreading God's love.

Out of love, we leave behind our families to work overseas. Similarly, out of love, we leave behind the comfort of our homes and the people we are familiar. We go and meet strangers in a foreign land, to know them, to engage them, to serve them, to be present physically as well as spiritually to share God's love with them. We do not choose likeable people to be our employers. Similarly, we do not choose likeable people to make disciples. We reach out to all and do not discriminate: the hungry, the thirsty, those who have no dignity, refugees, the sick as well as prisoners (25:35-36). This is respect. We respect all people alike because all of them were created in the image of God, because we are brothers and sisters in Christ. Of course, we respect their freedom. We cannot impose our faith upon them. Our job is to go and make disciples. Whether people want to be baptized or not, it is God's business. Our job is to be present, both physically and spiritually to tell people that the Father loves them, that Jesus Christ loves them and that the Holy Spirit loves them.

The God we believe in is a great and difficult mystery. Throughout the centuries, theologians have tried to make God understandable to us. They have tried different jargons and images in order to highlight some aspects of our God. For example, God is almighty. Heavens and earth are the manifestations of His power. We call this Creator the Father. "Father" was a good image in ancient times. The father is the origin of a family. He is the breadwinner of the family and sustains the family. So, the "father" has been a good metaphor for God because God created and sustains the whole universe. However, time has changed. Those who go to work and sustain the families are mothers and daughters. So, we should bear in mind the limitations of these jargons when we talk about the mystery of God in terms of the Blessed Trinity. Thus, don't feel offended if people argue that God should be a mother-figure! Bear with them.

If God is such a great and difficult mystery, how can we explain this mystery to people? Don't worry. Jesus promises to stay with us to help us till the end of the age. Just remember the two most essential features of our God. They are His love and His omnipresence. John the Apostle says, "God is love." (1 John 4:8, 16) Out of love, God created us. Out of love, He sends Jesus Christ to save us after we have fallen. Out of love, He continues to send the Holy Spirit to guide us and support us. Out of love, Jesus Christ stays with us physically and spiritually within the Church and outside the Church among the poor and the needy. We see God in face of all these people. But we also make His presence felt when we love. When we love ourselves, our family members, our friends and colleagues, our employers and the people in need, God the Blessed Trinity is physically and spiritually present among us. When we do these, we put Jesus' commands into practice.

The last command Jesus gives us is to teach people "to observe all that I have commanded you." (Matthew 28:20) What has Jesus commanded us to do? He gave us a new commandment during the Last Supper, i.e. to love each other as He has loved us. (John 13:34) Therefore, in our words and in our deeds, we should teach other people to love each other. We should set examples by loving each other just as Jesus Christ has loved us. Is it an impossible mission? No. Jesus Christ is with us.
Brethren, when we meet people, let us engage them by physically and spiritually present like what Jesus is doing. Then, we are able to demonstrate the love of God, the love of the Blessed Trinity.
God bless!










Sunday, 20 May 2018

來自聖神的平安 The Peace that Comes from the Holy Spirit



那邊厢,瑪利亞瑪達肋納跑來報告,說見到復活了的耶穌。門徒們惟有派伯多祿和若望去確定她所說的話。第一,在當代的猶太文化,婦女的證言是不被接納的。第二,要兩個男人的作證,纔會接納是事實。所以,他們派伯多祿和若望去調查。而多默亦自動請纓,去探聽外面的風聲。伯多祿和若望回來報告,墳墓的確空了,耶穌的屍體不翼而飛,但他們沒有親眼看見到復活的耶穌 。所以婦女帶來的,並不是甚麼好消息,甚麼福音,而是更多的疑問和恐懼。






Solemnity of Pentecost, Year B
Theme: The Peace that Comes from the Holy Spirit

Although the story took place almost two millennia ago, the experiences and emotions of the characters are still vivid because we share the same experiences like those of the disciples.
This is the story of the first Easter Sunday. On one hand, Jesus Christ was having a hectic day. He appeared to the pious Mary Magdalene, instructing her to tell his disciples that he had come back to life. Then Jesus hurriedly joined two disciples on the way to Emmaus, explaining to them till evening that the Messiah had to suffer. The two disciples recognized Jesus only at dinner and they hurried back to Jerusalem to tell the Apostles. Subsequently, Jesus appeared to them all. The gospel of Luke and the passage we read today tell this story. Pay attention to the situation of the disciples. The gospel says, "The doors were locked for fear of the Jews." (John 20:19) Their Master had offended the Jewish authority. He was handed over to the Romans and was executed. Luckily, Sabbath was only a few hours away. The Jewish authority did not take immediate actions to uproot them. They expected their doom would descend once Sabbath was over.

On the other hand, Mary Magdalene reported to the Apostles that she had seen the risen Jesus. The disciples had no choice but to send Peter and John to verify her words. Firstly, testimony by women was not admissible in contemporary Jewish culture. Secondly, they needed the testimony of two men to establish the truth. So, Peter and John were sent out to investigate. Moreover, Thomas probably volunteered to scout around for news. Peter and John returned to confirm that the tomb was empty. The corpse of Jesus was gone but they did not see the risen Jesus with their own eyes. So, the women brought more questions and fear than good news.
Who had removed the corpse of Jesus? For what purpose? Did the Jewish authority want to make use of the corpse of Jesus to force them to surrender? Or as an evidence to prove that any resurrection talk would be a hoax? The disciples were hiding in the house like wanted fugitives. Fear not only made them close the doors but also their hearts, made them think along the line of "stolen corpse" but could not see the truth of resurrection. At last, the two disciples from Emmaus had arrived. Now there were at least three people who had seen the risen Jesus Christ! Even if the Jewish customs did not accept women testimony, there were still two male witnesses. Their claim stands! The problem was that they were outnumbered. How could they stand against the Jewish authority? Just at this moment, Jesus Christ appeared and gave them the Holy Spirit, the power from heavens, to help them bear witness to His resurrection!

The first greeting Jesus Christ gave was, "Peace be with you." (20:21) Thus, we see that peace was what the disciples and we are badly in need of. The disciples and we are distressed by many things. We have no peace: The disciples worried about the personal safety. They were confused about the future. Some might regret wasting three years following a wrong man. They might be angry with themselves, with their companions and even with Jesus! Today, we are also worried by many things so much so that we close our hearts and fail to see the will of the Father. For example, parents are sleepless about the education of their children and students about examinations. Young people find no direction for their future and career. Adults are anxious about the economy and politics. Senior citizens worry about their health and their death. All the people, young and old, feel uneasy about conflicts in interpersonal relationships. When you feel that nobody understands you, or even being framed or spent, you feel angry but helpless. From where does your peace come? By what can Jesus Christ grant us peace? By what can he clear away our distresses?

The following sentence Jesus Christ spoke was the key to peace: i.e. to receive the Holy Spirit and forgive sins (20:22-23). Be careful! The "forgive sins" here has nothing to do with the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Today, only bishops and priests can administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Even deacons do not have the authority to administer it. The gospel passage talks about believers who have received the Holy Spirit. They are you and I. You and I can forgive those who sin against us and obtain peace! The authority with which bishops and priests forgive sins against other people comes from the gospel of Matthew when Jesus Christ made Peter the Rock of the Church. (Matthew 16:19)

To forgive those who sin against us is easier said than done. If the Holy Spirit does not give us strength, we cannot forgive. When you are wronged, you are angry but this anger does the trespasser nothing. Yet you are more damaged. Why allow yourself to suffer more! When your grievances come from institutional exploitation or from organized injustice, your anger does not move a bolt in the system but increases the damages on you and those close to you. What is the use of being angry?

Beseech the Holy Spirit! Beg the Holy Spirit to give you the light of truth, to open up your closed heart and enlighten your wisdom to see what hope God's call brings. God calls us to share His life but we have shortcomings waiting for God to prune to become worthy of sharing His life. Perhaps those grievances are arranged by the Father to polish us. As an aphorism goes, "A piece of jade cannot become useful without sculpting." Moreover, we need to wisdom of the Holy Spirit to see clearly what mission God's call assigns. The Father calls us to be ambassadors of reconciliation to bring grace and peace to the world. Do we see this? Beseech the Holy Spirit to grant us the fire of charity, to soften our hearts which have been hardened by selfishness, greed and anger. Let us extend a helping hand to the needy brethren with humility to bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit. They are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23). Are we able to do this?

On Pentecost, we celebrate the Descent of the Holy Spirit. Let us bathe once more in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, to receive His peace and strength. Leave our comfort zones in peace. Go out to the community to proclaim the resurrection of Jesus Christ, accept the salvation of God to receive the forgiveness of sins and the liberation of the heart.
God bless!

Sunday, 13 May 2018

抗衡假新聞 To Combat False News



  1. 互聯網是一個不斷進化的,免費的百科全書,可以想像到的資訊,應有盡有。從前祇有圖書館纔可擁有的【大英百科全書】,今天的維基百科Wikipedia,幾乎可以取代它的地位,更重要的,它是免費的。相信大家手機中的應用程式,大多數是免費的。免費的東西,如何保證它能維持下去?答案就是廣告。稍後會解釋。
  2. 互聯網打破了地域與時間的限制。從前因為天氣惡劣而停課,今天即使停課,同學們仍然可以留在家中,透過互聯網自學和交功課。從前跨國機構召開會議,來自世界各地的人,舟車勞頓,集合一起討論議決。今天透過互聯網和透過視像會議,節省了不少交通和酒店食宿開支;行動不便的人歡迎互聯網,因為「足不出戶而知天下事」不再是夢想,連彌撒也有直播,雖然未能領聖體,但總算履行了做教友的本份!
  3. 互聯網使全世界「民主化」。從前,出版一份報紙,不但須要資金,更須要有份量的稿件。拍攝一齣電影,須要明星和劇本。今天,你和我祇需繳付數十元的月費,便可在互聯網上寫微博、在「臉書」上發表意見、上傳相片到 Instagram,你和我都可以成為記者,報導災難或戰爭的現場;又或者把短片發報到Youtube去,賺取陌生人的Like,吸引讀者訂閱。祇要點擊率達到一百萬,便會有商人接觸你,在你的頻道Channel賣廣告!你和我不必投資上千萬,祇要一機在手,便可以成為大明星、大導演和KOL了!倡議民主的人歡迎互聯網,因為出版事業不再是大財團的專利,每個人都可以在互聯網上發表意見,做記者,做時事評論員,做總編輯!不過,為了增加「點擊率」,「標題黨」便應運而生。在矚目的標題之下,大部份都是「貨不對辦」的垃圾!


網上資訊的另一個缺點是質素。從前知名道高的報紙,會報導事實,揭發真相。可是,今天從網上,從WhatsApp傳來的資訊,有多少是真實的,有多少被人加鹽加醋呢?相信大家收過不少伊斯蘭教如何殘殺基督徒的資訊吧!連聖德蘭修女所創辦的仁愛傳教修會的修女也不能倖免,慘死在這些伊斯蘭國的凶徒手上。例如:2014年曾有一封廣傳的電郵,說ISIS已佔領伊拉克Queragosh城,並在城內有系統地把基督徒斬首。電郵呼籲為Queragosh的基督徒祈禱,並捐助一個所謂「國際危機救援」的組織 2。今年,當伊斯蘭國已被擊退了,這電郵再一次在WhatsApp散播!這種假消息,不但是假,而且煽動仇恨的情緒。倘若我們不假思索,盲目地傳給我們的朋友群組,我們便成了一個不負責任的記者,不負責任的謠言散播者,有違真善美的原則和至真至善至美的天主了!

教宗方濟各把今年,第52屆世界社會傳播節的主題,聚焦在假新聞上 。有甚麼方法驗證消息的真偽呢?首先,要找獨立的媒體,看看相關的報導。其次,我們不能偏聽!雨傘運動展示了一個互聯網的趨勢,就是彼此壁壘分明,互相謾罵,對方的意見,充耳不聞。這樣,我們祇會接受我們喜歡的消息,便容易被人蒙閉了。
最後,教宗說:「因此,確保消息來源的正確性,並小心謹慎的予以傳播,才是推動良善、 促進信任並開展共融與和平道路的真正方法。」3

LII World Communications Day
Theme: To Combat False News

When I was studying in senior primary, our Chinese teachers always advised all pupils to read Wah Yiu Yat Po to raise our Chinese proficiency in order to meet requirements of the Secondary School Entrance Examination. In those years, newspapers were the most powerful mass media. Time passes. Mass media went through the evolution from movies, radio broadcasting, TV and today the Internet. They become more intensive and extensive in affecting our daily life. Once upon a time, only the Department of Defence, Banks and Big Enterprises had computers installed. Today, the computing power of the mobile phones in our hands is 32,000 times more powerful than the computers that sent the Apollo's to the moon1 . If you think this comparison is unfair, let me tell you, the computing power in your hand is comparable to IBM Deep Blue which defeated Kasparov, the Chess Grand Master in 1996. New technology makes life more convenient and productivity more efficient. But just like what an Albanian proverb says, "Fire is a good servant but a bad master." If we are unable to make good use of these technologies, not only will we become victims, but also their slaves. Now, let us know how the Internet affects our life.

  1. The Internet is an ever evolving and free encyclopedia that contains any idea you can think of. Previously, only libraries can have a copy of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Today, Wikipedia can nearly take over its place. Moreover, it is free. I believe most of the Apps in your mobile phones are free of charge. How can we guarantee their survival? The answer is advertisement which we will explain later.
  2. The Internet overcomes space-time limitations. Previously, schools closed on adverse weathers. Today, even if all schools are closed, students can stay home to study and submit homework through the Internet. Previously, executives from all over the world had to fly into one place to discuss and deliberate. Today, through the Internet and video conferencing, a lot of money is saved on transportation and accommodation. People with disabilities embrace the Internet because it is no longer a dream to stay home and know the world. Yes, they literally know the world without leaving their houses. Even masses go live. Though one cannot receive the Holy Communion, he has already fulfilled his Sunday obligation.
  3. The Internet democratizes the world. Previously, one needed capital and quality articles to publish; stars and scripts to make a movie. Today, you and I only need to pay less than a hundred dollars to write blogs on the Internet, to air your voices on Facebook and to upload photographs to Instagram etc. You and I suddenly become reporters to cover disasters and wars live. We may upload video clips on Youtube to earn Likes from total strangers and to attract subscriptions. When the hit-rate reaches a million, publicity people will place advertisements on your channel. You and I do not need to invest millions of dollar. With a phone in hand, we can be movie stars, famous directors and KOL. Democracy advocates embrace the Internet because publishing is no longer controlled by cartels. Anybody can make their voice heard on the Internet. Anybody can be a journalist, a commentator of social issues and a chief editor! However, in order to enhance the hit-rate, "Headline Gangs" emerge. Underneath eye-catching headlines, most likely we only find irrelevant rubbish!

Traditionally, mass media carry out four social functions: to provide information, to entertain, to shape public opinions and to scrutinize government. Information is required to be true and timely, entertainment beautiful. Moulding public opinions and scrutinizing governments aim at goodness. Newspapers, radio and television stations as well as the Internet possess and control huge resources. They should follow the principles of truth, beauty and goodness to discharge the four social functions. In the age of the Internet, the age in which you and I are journalists, do we follow these principles to carry out our missions?

For example, at the dawn of postal service, there had already been abuses of chain letters which carry blessings and curses! When email was developed, people often received hoaxes which took advantage of people's compassion. These emails say so-and-so suffered from cancer, had only a few months to live and had no money. If we forwarded the email to friends, the Internet service provider would donate 3 cents etc. If it were true, the email must carry a virus. Otherwise, how could the ISP track your forward mails? You forwarded your friends out of good intentions. Were you not spreading virus to your friends? Usually these emails carry no date and no origins. That is to say, when you receive these emails, probably the patients mentioned might have died already for more than ten years. Subsequently, after some 20 months, you still receive such emails. How curious! Hadn't the patient already died? More maliciously, the email gave you the telephone number of the doctor or carer in charge. Poor doctor! Imagine how many verification telephone calls he had received! It turns out to be a revenge or even a means of cyber bullying! You become an accomplice!

The quality of information from the Internet is questionable. Previously, well-known papers reported and exposed the truth. But today, how many WhatsApp messages you have receives are immune to alterations or exaggerations? I am sure you must have received many messages about how Muslims butcher Christians! Even nuns of the Missionaries of Charity were victims of ISIS murderers! For example, in 2014, an email went viral. It claims that ISIS had captured Queragosh in Iraq and begun beheading Christians systematically inside the city. This email appeals for urgent prayers and donation to the "International Crisis Relief", a fictitious organization2. This year, ISIS has receded. This email emerges and starts spreading in WhatsApp again. These hoaxes are not only fake, but they also fan up hatred. If we forward them blindly to our friend groups, we become irresponsible reporters, irresponsible rumour-mongers. We go against the principles of truth, goodness and beauty. We go against God who is true, good and beautiful.

This year, Pope Francis made "Fake News" the theme of the 52nd World Communications Day4. How can we tell if a message is piece of fake news? First of all, cross check it with other independent media. Secondly, we cannot afford to listen to one side of a story only. The Umbrella Movement shows a trend on the Internet. People are polarized and exchange punches. They close their ears and do not listen to the other side. In this way, we only hear what we like to hear. Then we can be easily fooled.
Lastly, Pope Francis says, "That is why ensuring the accuracy of sources and protecting communication are real means of promoting goodness, generating trust, and opening the way to communion and peace."
Brethren, do not forward unverified messages from questionable sources.
God bless!


Sunday, 6 May 2018

The Art of Loving 愛的藝術

Sixth Easter Sunday, Year B
Theme: The Art of Loving

Every mature Christian should study the gospel of John. Unlike the other three gospels, John's gospel is not simply a recording of the words and deeds of Jesus Christ. It is a meditation on the life of the Word, the Son of God. Therefore, sometimes it is difficult to follow his train of thoughts. Just as what Fr. Joseph always teaches us, "In his gospel, John takes us on quantum jumps. We always have to jump from the literal level to the symbolic levels." The passage today is probably an exception. It is very straightforward. We don't need to jump because we have come to a theme which John repeats many times in different occasions: LOVE. God is love. Jesus Christ loves us without reservation. We should obey him and love one another because only love bears fruits that will remain.

Unlike other living creatures, human babies are born prematurely. They cannot survive without the help from others. In one sense, it is their weakness. But it also provides them with great potential to learn and advance. Other animals don't have to learn. They survive by instincts. Human babies take several years to learn before they can stand on their own. Now they dominate the whole Creation! They were truly created in the image of God. We hear people say, "No man is an island." All human beings rely on relationships to survive, to grow, to develop, to make advancements and turn the "image of God" within us into reality.

When we look at relationships, some are sour and even deadly because there are selfish people whose motto in life is "What I can't get, nobody can. When I am unhappy, nobody can be happy." In such a "lose-lose" relationship, all parties suffer.
There are beautiful relationships in which all parties become better and better. All parties grow and help each other grow. This is a "win-win" relationship in which love flourishes. For example, Catholic domestic helpers and their Catholic employers are examples of such a "win-win" relationship. The newly-wed couple is another.
In most relationships, one party gains at the expense of the other. It is a "zero-sum" relationship. Immediately, an exploitative employer-employee relationship comes to mind, right? However, because human beings are able to grow and develop the "image of God" within them, the party that gains may be able to amplify the benefits while the party that loses may be able to heal itself. So, the "zero-sum" relationship is only temporary and in the end, both parties are happy. Your relationship with your boss may improve in time. A mother-infant relation which develops into a mother-child relationship and a mother-son relationship is another good illustration of this type of transient "zero-sum" relationships.

When we look deeper, we will discover that love is an essential element to make a relationship healthy, happy and sustain it. Who doesn't want to enjoy a healthy and happy relation? Therefore, many best-sellers teach people "The Art of Loving". For example, Erich Fromm wrote that there are four elements in love: care, responsibility, knowledge and respect. Alas! There is nothing new under the sun. Actually, all these ideas came from Jesus' teachings. So, why don't we go back to the root to find out what Jesus' teaching is!

  1. Jesus describes His relationship with us as one between a good shepherd and his flock (John 10:11). This is care. Whatever Jesus does, he does it for our good. Similarly, whatever we do, we do it for the good of the other party. We fed infants the best milk and sent them to the best school for their good. That is also why we baptize them to make them not just our children but also the children of God so that they may lead a life full of grace.
  2. Jesus gave us the Holy Communion to feed us until the end of the world (Matthew 28:20). He also took up the cross and lay down his life to pay for our sins (John 10:15). This is responsibility. Do you remember the story of Cain and Abel? When God asked Cain the where-about of his brother Abel, we hear the immortal line, "Am I my brother's keeper?" (Genesis 4:9) Yes Cain, you are! This is a tragic example of being irresponsible. As parents, we do not just baptize our children. We help them build up intimate relationship with Jesus and obey God's Commandments. We bring them to the Sunday School.
  3. As our personal Saviour, Jesus calls us by names (John 10:3) and He knows our personal needs. This is knowledge. However, some parents have become Monsters by imposing their personal wishes on their children without knowing whether those actions really do their children any good. They force their children to take many classes on Sundays instead of bringing them to Sunday mass. Monster parents demonstrate a lack of knowledge.
  4. All of us are free because God our Creator is free. He does not force us to believe in Him or to do His will. This is respect. God even respects His creatures! Do we treat other people with respect? Do we take advantage of others, exploit them and trample on their dignity? Alas! Human beings even abuse their freedom to do harms to themselves and others. What does Jesus do? He cleans up our mess by dying on the cross for us! This is more than respect. This is LOVE, Jesus' love.
But wait, Jesus' love should be unconditional. Why then does Jesus tell us to obey his commandments in order to remain in his love (15:10)? That is an order and there is no respect for our freedom. Isn't it contradictory? Think again. Jesus is our God and we are His sheep, His creatures (Psalm 100:3). When God gives a commandment, it is for our good. It is to help us actualize the "image of God" within us. In obeying His commandment, we may remain in His love and our joy may be complete (John 15:11).

Brethren, let us bear in mind at least these four elements of love: care, responsibility, knowledge and respect. Let us bear in mind our call to actualize the "image of God" in us and in others. Let us put into practice Jesus' command and love one another like what He has done for us.
God bless!







  1. 耶穌把祂與我們的關係,形容為善牧與羊群的關係(若10:11)。這就是「關懷」。無論耶穌做甚麼,總是為了我們的益處。同樣,無論我們做甚麼,都應該為對方的益處而做。我們以最好的奶餵哺我們的嬰兒,我們送他們到最好的學校讀書。所以我們為嬰兒洗禮,讓他們不但成為我們的子女,更成為天主的子女,好能度一個充滿恩寵的生活。
  2. 耶穌賜給我們聖體聖事,直到今世的終結(瑪28:20)。祂為我們的罪,背負十字架,並捨棄了自己的性命(若10:15)。這就是負「責任」的表現!還記得加音和亞伯爾的故事嗎?當天主問加音,他的弟弟亞伯爾在哪時,加音說了一句不朽的名言:「難道我是看守我弟弟的人?」(創4:9)加音,你當然是!這是一個不負責任的悲劇性例子。作為父母,我們不但為子女施洗,我們更應幫助他們與耶穌建立親密的關係,和遵守天主的誡命,我們帶他們到主日學。
  3. 作為我們個人的救主,耶穌按著名字呼喚我們(若10:3),祂知道我們需要甚麼。這就是「認識」。可惜,有些父母變成「怪獸家長」,在不清楚他們的行動,是否對孩子有益時,便把自己的意願,強加在子女身上。他們迫子女在星期日參加很多學習班,而不是帶子女參加主日彌撒。這些怪獸家長,是典型缺乏認識的例子。
  4. 我們是自由的,因為創造我們的天主是自由的。祂並沒有強迫我們相信祂,或者服從祂的旨意。這就是「尊重」。連天主也尊重祂的受造物!我們以尊重待人嗎?我們有佔人便宜,剝削他們,並踐踏他們的尊嚴嗎?唉!人甚至濫用他的自由,傷害自己和他人。耶穌怎麼辦?祂死在十字架上為我們善後!這不祇是尊敬,這是愛,耶穌的愛。
