
Thursday 18 October 2018

我輸了給時間 I Lost My Race Against Time






I Lost My Race Against Time (Luke 10:1-9)

We have all watched post-typhoon news and have seen many fallen trees and how all the land bound traffic have come to a halt. There were also reports of floodings. But do you know how much loss farmers in the New Territories have suffered? It was not yet harvest time but all the produces were submerged and destroyed under water! Let us imagine what would happen if we allow the harvest to stay in the field? Swarms of birds and locusts would come to eat up all the produces and efforts of farmers. Those dropped to the ground would rot. What a waste if we don't reap the harvest in time! Thus, Jesus told the seventy two disciples, "The harvest is abundant but the labourers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out labourers for his harvest." (Luke 10:2)

Unfortunately, modern people live in industrial societies and have lost touch with nature and agriculture. They do not feel the urgency of reaping the harvest. Reaping is to save the harvest from birds, locusts and rotting. In a similar manner, evangelization which helps people attain God's liberation and redemption is also a race against time, a competition against Satan! Catholics used to relying on the pastoring of the clergy. They have become passive. Evangelization has become the responsibility of the clergy. The laity think that it is enough to pray for vocation and pray for evangelization! It is a serious issue. Do we want to see our beloved ones separated on the other side of the abyss (16:26) Can we make our beloved ones believe in Jesus simply by prayers? If we really love them but do not work for their eternal life, is our love genuine?

We don't have to become a biblical scholar, a theologian or a missionary. Just like St. Luke whose feast we celebrate today, he had been a physician before he was converted and was still a physician after his conversion. We believe that he took care of the health of the Blessed Virgin Mary in her advanced age. Thus, St. Luke was able to write his gospel with a lot of first-hand information. St. Luke was no scholar nor theologian. He was still a physician taking care of his patients. But he repositioned himself, serving his patients with the spirit of the gospel. In his gospel, we find beatitudes everywhere. There, the poor and the meek were given voice. The Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son spell out the true meaning of mercy. St. Luke also wrote the Acts of the Apostles, depicting how those who hungered and thirsted for God's salvation sought peace and unity among people, how they were not deterred by persecutions and led a life of grace in joy. St. Luke shared the joy of salvation with his medical skills, his words and deeds. During his times, Luke the physician was a learned man. Not only is his writing style elegant, but his gospel is also prayerful: Ave Maria, Benedictus, Magnificat and Gloria etc. are preserved and handed down to future generations. St. Luke is truly a prayerful man. In his prayers, he sought God's will.

Brethren, if Luke the physician could do it, you and me can.
Let us learn from St. Luke. Read his corpus which is full of mercy and prayers. Let his teachings guide our life to love Jesus, to be happy to serve Jesus and to persuade others to believe in Jesus.
God bless!

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