
Sunday 7 October 2018

為甚麼要離開父母? Why Shall We Leave Our Parents?


向中國人傳福音,邀請他們加入天主教,就必須克服重重來自中西文化差異的障礙。中國文化強調孝道,慎終追遠,飲水思源。本來,中國人的「孝道」與「十誡」「孝敬父母」的誡命不謀而合,在勸中國人信教的時候,相當合拍。可惜,當慕道者自己閱讀【創世紀】的時候,或者慕道班導師講述天主教婚姻倫理,有關耶穌基督禁止離婚的課題時,更或者參加主日彌撒,聽到耶穌基督引述【創世紀】的論述時,當他們聽到「人要離開他的父母,依附自己的妻子,二人成為一體…」(谷10:7-8;創2:24) 這是不能接受的,因為有違孝道,令婆媳不和,家無寧日等等。所以,我們有必要好好處理這個課題,幫助慕道者,甚至已領洗的教友,明白天主頒布這項「離開父母」命令的愛意。








Twenty Seventh Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: Why Shall We Leave Our Parents?

In order to evangelize the Chinese and invite them to join the Catholic Church, we have to overcome many obstacles of cultural differences. Chinese culture stresses filial piety, ancestral worship and remembrance of our origin. At first glance, the "Honour Your Parents" commandment resembles the Chinese filial piety. Thus it is a handy inroad to convert Chinese. Unfortunately, when the catechumens start reading Genesis, or the catechists start explaining Catholic ethics on marriage, about how Jesus Christ forbids divorce, or even when you attend Sunday mass, hearing Jesus Christ quote Genesis in his divorce discourse, "A man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh." (Mark 10:7-8, Genesis 2:24) This is unacceptable for Chinese. It goes against filial piety, stirs up clashes between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law and there is no peace at home anymore etc. Thus, we need to handle this topic in depth to help the catechumens and even baptized laity understand God's love behind this "leave parents" precept.

First of all, we have to admit that the Chinese are very pragmatic. They work harder than all other peoples on this planet. But the Chinese are a little bit selfish. For example, when they interact with their neighbour, they take the "mind your own business" approach. When they are invaded by foreign countries, they do not unite and even betray each other in order to survive. All these examples show how pragmatic and selfish the Chinese can be. Filial piety emphasizes "remembering your origin". It is but a cover-up of a selfishness blatantly enshrined in the aphorism: "To prepare for old age, raise children. To prepare for famine, hoard grains". This aphorism is applicable only to agricultural societies built upon extended families. Nowadays, in post-industrial societies which favour nuclear families, this aphorism no longer works. "Raise children to prepare for old age" was probably appropriate in generations where "It is rare to reach seventies". Today, are people over sixty five able to take care of their parents in their nineties? At the moment, the government public housing policy forces married children to move out while developers build flats which cannot accommodate two generations. Thus, nowadays in Hong Kong, "leaving parents" is not an option, but a necessity! The burden of taking care of senior citizens rests squarely on the shoulder of the government. The service of the Little Sisters of the Poor is only a drop in the ocean!

Let us look at the context of the "leaving parents" precept.
According to Genesis, after the Lord God had created Adam, He felt that "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suited to him." (Genesis 2:18) At first, God led different animals before Adam who couldn't find a suitable partner. Thus, God put Adam to sleep, pull out a rib to make for Adam a woman. When Adam saw this beautiful woman, he exclaimed, "This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh." (2:23) All you married gentlemen, have you ever uttered this sentence to your wives? If you have, congratulations! You are truly man!
At that time, there were only one man and one woman on earth. Adam and Eve were husband and wife only. They were not yet parents. But the scripture reads immediately, "That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body." (2:24) Notice that "A man leaves ..." is not an advice but a command! Adam and Eve did not have parents. This part of the command did not apply to them. But they still obeyed the part of "the two of them become one body". Thus, "A man leaves his parents" command applies only to the rest of humanity.
Then, which relation is more important, parental or spousal? Which one comes first, parental first then spousal, or spousal first then parental? Superficially, the two relations are very much entangled. But the story of Adam of Eve has decided which one is more important. Without spousal relation, how can people beget children and become parents? On the other hand, parental relation cannot generate spousal relation. Otherwise, it is incest!

Let us look at God's intention. He wants to give man a helper suited to him (1:18). Are parents helpers suited to their children? Categorically no! Parents are the first nutritionists for their children. They provide children balanced diets to make them grow healthily. Parents are the first tutors for their children. They tell them stories, teach them speaking to stimulate their intellectual development. Parents are the first counsellors for the children. They listen attentively to their stories and channel their emotions. Parents are the first magistrates for their children. They teach them morality and right from wrong! Lastly, parents are the first catechists for their children. They help them know Jesus Christ and show them their final destiny. Thus, parents cannot be helpers suited for their children. Don't parents want their children to surround them at their deathbed? How can they age together with their children? It is the responsibility of spouses, not parents to age together. Thus, children grow up in such happy families should leave their parents and build up new families to spread out the love of their parents.

However, many couples become parents unprepared. Consequently, many small children meet many frustrations on the path of growth. Not only are they not fed properly, some are even injured due to negligence on the part of parents. Even worse, some parents bring home bottled emotion from works and dissipate it with violence on vulnerable children. Just think about it, how much do these children want to run away from home to look for "true love" and to build their happy families? As such, do youngsters raised in families without good exemplar and without warmth have sufficiently mature psychological qualities to build up happy families? In many cases, tragedies arise again in the new families, becoming a curse that passes on throughout generations. What can youngsters raised in unhappy families do? Should they continue to stay with their abusive parents to suffer? Or should they leave their parents and start a new life? I don't have any definite answers. All cases are different.

"Each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." The challenges each family confronts are different. No doubt, the working environment of Hong Kong has taken away quality time from all families. The economy of Hong Kong, in particular the prices of flats are smothering the life of many families. The cultural milieu advocates consumerism and individualism, thus inflicting damages to many spousal relationships with extra-marital affairs. Many disordered sexual behaviours are popularized. All these adverse factors are battering the marriage and family institutions which God blesses.

Brethren, for the sake of our next generation, let us receive God's teaching with humility. Husbands and wives love each other in the spirit of chastity. Work hand in hand, with meekness and mercy to build up a loving family to raise the children given by God. Even if there have been failures, as long as there are new families, there is still hope for all humanity.
God bless!

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