The Second Advent Sunday, Year C
Theme: Active Anticipation
Before we meditate on today's gospel message, let us clarify the identities of some people in the passage.
At the birth of Jesus Christ, the Jews were ruled by a puppet king controlled by the Roman Empire. He was Herod the Great. After his death, the sovereignty of the land was shared by his sons who were known as "tetrarch" in the passage. Herod the Great fathered two Philip's. One of them was not the tetrarch of the region of Ituraea. The wife of this Philip felt that he was not ambitious enough and so abandoned him. She brought along her daughter and married Herod Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee. It was this Herod who later killed John the Baptist.
Let us return to the passage today. Since nobody knows when the world ends and we only know that it will come at the most unexpected time, our only strategy is to follow the gospel teaching of last Sunday, "Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from ... the anxieties of daily life ... Be vigilant at all time and pray ... and to stand before the Son of Man." (Luke 21:34-36) In his Pastoral Letter for Advent 2018, Bishop Michael Yeung says, "We are expected to do more than just passively wait. It is a call to prayer and action, to be doers and not just hearers of the Word." Thus, in order to live up to the gospel teaching, our anticipation is not a passive waiting but an active anticipation with concrete actions.
First of all, let us know without doubt what meanings and what blessings we have when we are called to become Catholics? We cannot be ignorant to the fact that entering the Catholic Church, we may enjoy the eternal life of the Father at the end of the world. But do we enjoy a 100% guarantee that by becoming a Catholic, we shall inherit for sure the eternal life of the Father at the end? It is fair that righteous people go to heaven and sinners go to hell at the end. But don't forget, we cannot pass judgment before a person dies. Even though a Catholic is cursed by everybody in the society for what she has done, we cannot judge that she will definitely be condemned to hell. Similarly, even if a person is highly regarded and praised by all members of the society, nobody can be sure that a room in heaven has been reserved for him. Thus, being baptized a Catholic is no guarantee of eternal life at the end. However, we Catholics do know the secret door which opens to eternal life.
What is this secret door? Once Jesus Christ says, "I am the way and the truth and the life." (John 14:6) That is to say, He is eternal life. If only we can establish a good relationship with Jesus Christ, we shall attain eternal life. How do we establish such a good relationship? We must know a person before we can establish a relationship. Thus, we must know Jesus Christ before we can establish this relationship. We know and confess that He is the Son of God, the visible mercy of the invisible Father. This is the truth. It is not some scientific laws, but the very being of God, the truth on which our salvation rests. Jesus also says, "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven." (Matthew 7:21) That is to say, not everyone who prays all day crying Lord, Lord will attain eternal life. Rather, like what Bishop Yeung says, we need to lead our life according to the instructions of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the gospel in order to build up a good relationship with Him. When we persevere to the end, we will inherit eternal life.
Then, what gospel teachings and what concrete actions shall we do in preparation for the end? Shall we, from now on, stockpile food and fresh water, gas masks, anti-radiation jackets and even gold bars to barter necessities? All these commodities might perhaps be essential when wars erupt. However, they are useless to cater for the end. Let us find out what is revealed in the gospel passage today!
The gospel passage says, "The word of God came to John, the son of Zechariah in the desert." (Luke 3:2) Nowadays, we don't need to go to the desert in order to hear the word of God because we can find it in the Bible, especially in the gospels. But "the desert" is meaningful! There are no urban hassles and hustles. It is a tranquil environment conducive to the reception of God's word. Thus even if a bible is easily accessible, we still need to find, even to set up a sacred space to get away from secular hassles and hustles in order to listen to the will of the Father! What is the will of the Father? Didn't what John the Baptist did after hearing the word of God show the will of the Father?
The gospel says, "He went throughout the whole region of the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins." (3:3) John the Baptist was the precursor of Jesus Christ to proclaim a baptism of repentance. He prepared the hearts of the Jews to receive the Saviour. All of us Catholics are John the Baptist's, precursors of Jesus Christ. If John the Baptist did not go to China to preach but proclaimed his messages nearby, we too do not need to go overseas, to undeveloped countries to evangelize. Like John the Baptist, we evangelize nearby in the neighbourhood of Tin Shui Wai.
Next Sunday, December 16, we will organize an Evangelization Carnival at Tin Yuet Estate. Our slogan is "Extravagant Joy to welcome Christmas, Beatitude and Peace to Tin Shui Wai". With performances and stall games, we bring the joy of the gospel to the citizens of Tin Shui Wai in the Carnival. Indeed, God has prepared for us a joyful liberation from the bondage of sins. The gospel is truly jubilant and rejoicing. This time, we make use of easily acceptable ways to spread the message of salvation in Tin Shui Wai. By becoming volunteers, we follow the example of John Baptist to prepare the people in Tin Shui Wai to receive the coming of the Saviour and to make this Christmas a meaningful one. This is indeed a good opportunity to serve Christ and to establish a good relationship with him. It matters a lot for our eternal life. I believe you can join us as volunteers on that day, or invite your friends to attend or even pray for God's grace so that this programme will run smoothly. This is a huge gift which God bestows on Tin Shui Wai. Please help deliver this gift!
God bless!