
Sunday 12 May 2019

回應聖召 Answering God's Call








Fourth Easter Sunday, Year C
Theme: Answering God's Call

God is love (1 John 4:8) and we were created in the image of God to govern the universe which was created in such a way that is suitable for humanity to live (Genesis 1:26). He gave us different graces, different number of Talents to accomplish this mission (Matthew 25:14-30). Since God is love, this mission is a mission of love. From the Parable of Talents in Matthew, we understand that God is not harsh at all. He does not ask us to do ground-breaking works. He just wants us not to bury our talents, but to lead a life according to our conscience without regrets. This is the first call to all humanity, applicable to everybody. Thus, in the Parable of Sheep and Goats, when the risen Lord comes to judge the living and the dead on the Judgment Day, He demands only the minium requirements, using the six Corporal Works of Mercy as the criteria to enter eternal life (25:31-40). In the Parable, the King does not mention baptism or going to Sunday masses. He only demands us to love and to care about the needy!

But the world is contaminated by sins and becomes evil. What we breathe everyday is polluted air. What we eat and drink are water and food polluted with poisonous chemicals and viruses. Those are detrimental to our physical health. More seriously, we are fed with callous entertainments and fake news on the mass media. These are harmful to our spiritual health. God is love. How could He bear to see us struggling helplessly? Thus He gives those who answer His call special graces to become His children and gives us the Holy Spirit to counter secular evils (Luke 11:13). This is God's second call to all humanity. That is, to become Catholics with the Rites of Christian Initiation. Joining the Church, we can continue to receive other sacraments to be protected and taken care of. Through receiving Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion, we partake in the threefold ministries of king, prophet and priest. As kings, we work on behalf of God to extend the Heavenly Kingdom through serving the needy. As prophets, i.e. spokesmen of God, we declare the Truth to countact lies and fallacies. Lastly, as priest, just as what Jesus Christ teaches, "God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth." (John 4:24) As Catholics, we have the responsibility to discharge the priestly ministry by offering spiritual worship and prayer for ourselves and as representatives of all those who do not yet believe in God. For example, we say the Rosary and offer masses.

As the People of God, entering the Church through baptism is a long road to sanctification. We need companions. These co-pilgrims form the Church. Today, there are 1,313,000,000 all over the world, about 17.7% of the world population. But there are only 414,500 clergy. That is, each clergy serving about 3,167 Catholics. Among the permanent residents of the Catholic Hong Kong Diocese, there are 399,000 Catholics. Together with 212,000 other nationalities, there are 611,000 Catholics in total, about 8.17% of the Hong Kong population. There are 322 clergy in the Diocese, i.e. in average each clergy serves nearly 1,900 laity. But this number seriously underestimates the actual situation. It is because only about one-third of clergy directly take part in pastoral work, getting in touch with the laity to meet their spiritual needs. The other two-thirds have to commit themselves in the governance and teaching roles. 1,313,000,000 members make a huge organization which absorbs a huge number of administrators and teachers. In particular, the teaching office is essential. It is because the Church is grounded in a world which entertain all sorts of fallacies. For example, the value of a person is measured by his ability of making money and not his human dignity. In a utilitarian society, the value of life and inter-personal relationship is measured by its utility, thus creating a "death culture" in which anything which is of no utility can be dispensed of. Thus abortion and euthanasia are legalized in many parts of the world. The society advocates personal freedom and ignaores duties and common good. Thus after the decriminalization of homosexuality, gender plurality is drummed up and same-sex marriage is legalized. In so doing, marriage and family life which God bless are shaken and damaged. The Church stands alone in the world to become its salt and light (Matthew 5:13). She needs a large number of clergy to focus on the study of theological ethics to establish the correct social teachings of the Church, allowing the Pope to promulgate encyclicals and apostolic exhortations to give correct teachings to the People of God who are being challenged so that they may sanctify themselves, sanctify others and transform the world! 414,500 civil servants of the Church are undertaking a Herculian task.

This is the third call to all Catholics to glorify God through married or consecrated life. Most people take the married life to sanctification. Only one-three thousandth of people take the clergy way. Both styles of life to sanctification is not easy. But God is happy to infuse extra graces to help those who lead a married life or a consecrated life to overcome difficulties, to sanctify and to glorify God. Today is Mother’s Day as well as Vocation Sunday. It is a good opportunity to meditate the vocation of mothers. Truly, mothers brought us into this world. They rear us up and show us the Creator. The mission of mothers is a mission of total love. They are exemplars of priestly vocation!
Why then do only one-three thousandth of people take the clergy way to sanctification? Does the Church set too harsh the requirements? No. In order to enter the Holy Spirit Seminary to discern whether you have priestly vocation, you only need to finish DSE, not even 3322, the minimum requirement to enrol in university. Therefore, the requirements of the Church are not harsh. In fact, how would God be a miser in showering us with grace? Or do people, then like the rich young man, not willing to forsake what they possess or would possibly possess, money or achievements (Luke 18:23)? Probably it is the biggest factor. In a commercial society like Hong Kong, most people think in a utilitarian manner. They look for quick gain and lack long term noble causes. However, to be utilitarian, one need to think for long term benefit as well. In the long run, a society will suffer if there are not enough clergy teams to defend the moral values of this society. Or do people, like Peter, lack faith and fear bringing down the Church with scandals? So when Jesus Christ called him, Peter asked Jesus to leave him alone because he was a sinner (5:8). Truly, it was scandalous for Peter, who is the Prince of the Apostles, to deny Jesus Christ three times to save his own skin (22:54-62). But how great are the mercy and grace of God! After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, didn't He ask Peter 3 times whether he loved him and sent him to take care of the Church? Thus, we see how God desires us not to be afraid to answer His call and not to be afraid to accept grace.

Brethren, the age is changing constantly. The Church is facing constantly changing challenges. We do not have sure-win strategies to solve all problems, be they internal or external. Let us put our trust in the God who loves us, beg Him to send us the Holy Spirit to build up His Church.
God bless!

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