
Sunday 5 May 2019

認出耶穌基督 Recognize Jesus Christ








Third Easter Sunday, Year C
Theme: Recognize Jesus Christ

First of all, let us clarify the context of the gospel today. After His resurrection, Jesus Christ appeared to elected ones, not to all. Those to whom Jesus had appeared became His witnesses. They are entrusted with the mission to proclaim Jesus' resurrection, making more people enjoy the new life brought about by resurrection!
Secondly, the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ took place in Jerusalem. On the first and eighth days, Jesus Christ appeared to his disciples. According to the gospel of John, this apparition was the third. It took place at the Sea of Tiberias (John 21:1), the Sea of Galilee in the north. That is to say, during the forty days (Acts 1:3) between His Resurrection and Ascension, Jesus Christ did not stay with the disciples every day. His apparitions were sporadic. Thus, we should not be surprised when Peter wanted to go back fishing while the others joined him (John 21:3). Following Jesus for three years, the disciples expected some positions in the Kingdom of Heaven after overthrowing the Romans. Now that the whole endeavour ended up in a tragedy, it was easier said than done to talk about standing up where you fell. Although new opportunities arose after Jesus Christ had risen, his apparitions were so unpredictable! When chances of success were slim, it would be rather risky to try new things. The safest bet is to take up the previous job again.

According to the gospel narratives, the disciples failed to recognize the risen Lord. Whether it was Mary Magdalene at the tomb (John 20:15), or the two disciples on the way to Emmaus (Luke 24:16) and the story today (John 21:4), nobody was able to recognize Jesus Christ instantly. Every time, they recognized Jesus only after seeing what He had done before. Mary Magdalene had the preconception that the guy standing before her was the gardener who moved Jesus' corpse away. When Christ called her by her name, she immediately recognized that it was Rabbouni (20:15-16). The two disciples on their way to Emmaus thought that their new companion was a pilgrim who was returning home after celebrating the Passover in Jerusalem. When Christ broke the bread and gave it to them, their eyes opened and recognized Him (Luke 24:30-31). They might not be present at the Last Supper to see the institution of the Sacrament of Eucharist. Most likely, they were present at the miracle of five loaves and two fish. They saw Jesus looking up to heaven and said the blessing over the bread (9:16). This time, the same story repeated. They fished the whole night and caught nothing. But when they followed the Lord's command, they caught a large number of fish (5:4-7). Thus, the disciples recognized the risen Lord by seeing what Jesus had done before.
This fact is an important revelation to disciples of the future generations. Jesus Christ ascended to heaven after resurrection. You and I do not have the blessing to see Him with our own eyes, to hear with our own ears, or even like the apostles, to touch the wounds which the risen Lord has deliberately kept with our own hands. But through knowing the gospel, knowing the words and deeds of Jesus Christ, we are able to recognize the risen Lord.

How can this be possible?
First of all, when Jesus Christ spoke about the Last Judgment, He leaked the "examination topics" to us. They are the Corporal Works of Mercy the Church teaches. The King says, "Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40) That is to say, Jesus Christ is present among the weak and the sick who need to be taken care of, among the marginalized disadvantaged social groups, the rootless refugees, the foreign domestic helpers whose dignity has been trampled and the victims of human trafficking etc. The King is giving us opportunities and waiting for us to serve Him and to recognize Him! If we do not know this passage, how shall we take the initiative to serve Him?
Secondly, before His ascension, Jesus Christ promised His apostles to be with them always until the end of the age (28:20). Thus, in order to honour the Lord's promise, the Church celebrates masses everyday (except on the Good Friday) to consecrate unleavened bread into the body of Christ. If we do not know this passage, how shall we attend mass to receive the Holy Communion every day?

It takes a very strong faith to recognize the presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Communion. Likewise, it is as difficult to recognize His presence among the despised refugees, ethnic minorities, newly arrived immigrants, abandoned elderly in hospitals as well as homes for the aged, inmates in prisons, exploited outsourced janitors and the working poor etc. It takes an active faith to be able to recognize. How shall we cultivate such an active faith?
Bible study is the foundation. Unfortunately, if we have not received proper training or have not paid attention to the homilies during mass, we may not have the capability to understand the Bible. Even if you attend training courses, or listen to the priest's homilies attentively, you may not understand because the Holy Spirit is essential. During the Last Supper, Jesus Christ promised to send the Advocate, i.e. the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Truth, "He will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you." (John 14:26) The Holy Spirit gives us Wisdom which helps us desire God instead of secular things; Understanding which helps us understand as Jesus' disciples, what the right things to do are; Counsel helps us discriminate right from wrong and avoid sins; Fortitude helps us insist on doing good, overcoming difficulties to bear witness for the Lord; Knowledge gives us the capability to understand the truth of Jesus Christ and the Church; Piety helps us humbly put our trust in Christ and His Church and Fear of the Lord helps us refrain from committing sins and be reluctant to leave God. Lastly, "The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord" (Proverbs 9:10). We are back to square one, Wisdom. Actually, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are linked and circular! Not only do these gifts help us understand rationally, but they also warm and melt our frozen hearts to love God. Thus, the disciple whom Jesus loved was the first to recognize the Lord on the shore (John 21:7). With the Holy Spirit in our hearts, can our faith not be active? What difficulty there is to recognize Jesus Christ?

Brethren, never forget that Jesus Christ makes us one in Him through the Holy Communion. He is also present in us. Thus, let us pray more to the Holy Spirit, to request the seven gifts to help us know the truth and love Christ. Perhaps Jesus Christ would speak through us and reveal Himself to those we come into contact!
God bless!

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