
Sunday 12 April 2020

所有基督徒都是巴辣巴! All Christians Are Barabbas!







Easter Sunday, Year A
Theme: All Christians Are Barabbas!

Surrexit Dominus vere, Alleluia!
It is natural for living things to seek gratifications and to avoid pains. Human beings are no exception. Under normal conditions, they would invest most of their energy in competing for their self-interests. But as a social animal, as long as it is possible to protect most members of their group, to retain some DNA of their community, some brave altruistic behaviour may emerge! Thus when the economy is good and everybody is able to make money, most people appear to be selfish in accumulating wealth. On the other hand, when an enemy looms large threatening everybody, some brave souls may come forward to sacrifice themselves for the sake of all!
In easy times, death seems remote and the idea of resurrection irrelevant! But this Easter is very special because for the past ten months, we have been overshadowed by "death". Since last June, social unrest has inflicted great physical, psychological, economic, social and political damages on us. This pandemic follows the heels! Then what can resurrection give us? Today, let us meditate what the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ reveals us.

When we meditate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, how can we tear it away from His Passion? His Resurrection is "earned" with His Passion! Among the cast of the Passion, one role deserves more attention. He is Barabbas (Matthew 26:16-17). The repentant thief crucified with Jesus Christ had surely died and definitely been in Paradise (Luke 23:43). Judas committed suicide out of remorse (Matthew 27:5). Nobody knows whether he is in Hell. What about Barabbas? According to what he had done, there is no doubt of his damnation! But Jesus of Nazareth appeared at the last minute sparing him of a sure death. I'm afraid only those patients who are dying waiting for organ donations to sustain their lives would understand this experience of a narrow escape. Isn't this narrow escape a taste of resurrection?

St. Paul the Apostle speaks well, "Indeed, only with difficulty does one die for a just person, though perhaps for a good person one might even find courage to die. But God proves His love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us." (Romans 5:7-8) What befell on Barabbas is a proof of this statement! If the death of Jesus Christ on the cross for the stead of sinners is not able to convince unbelievers of God's love for us, I'm afraid nothing else could (Luke 16:31).
How did Barabbas' life come to the end? Some say that he went to see Jesus Christ die on Mount Calvary. Others say that he was killed in a revolt. It is good of the Bible to leave this blank! Like the open ending of the parable of the Prodigal Son, it should be filled in by believers themselves. In the same way, all of us are Barabbas! Out of mercy, the Father sent His Son to take up human flesh to die for us. If we are untouched and continue to move along the same path of rebellion after the Father has given us yet another chance, we perish! Worse still, some people even go further as to deny resurrection. Not only do they not believe, but they also prevent others from believing (Matthew 28:11-15). Or we regret, repent and follow Jesus Christ along the path of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:19-21). Who knows, perhaps in the end, we would become St. Barabbas! Bear in mind, heaven or hell is our own choice, not others'!

Brethren! All the gospels mention the post-resurrection apparitions of Jesus, "Not to all the people, but to us, the witnesses chosen by God in advance." (Acts 10:41) He appeared to the women, telling them to report the resurrection to the disciples. (Matthew 28:10). He appeared to the disciples, telling them to proclaim the gospel of resurrection to all nations (28:19-20). Therefore, you and I have an evangelization mission to accomplish.
Today, the pandemic teaches us one thing: in this global village, no man is an island! All men and all nations must work hand in hand together to fight against this pandemic. Similarly, Christians cannot selfishly look at their own benefits. All denominations must work together to proclaim the gospel of resurrection to all tongues. Even though heaven and hell is a matter of personal choice, in order to build a new heaven and new earth, we must radiate in our daily life the peace we obtain from the risen Lord to the brothers and sisters we encounter.
God bless!

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