
Sunday 26 April 2020

主四出尋找我們 The Lord Goes Out To Seek Us









Third Easter Sunday, Year A
Theme: The Lord Goes Out To Seek Us

God is a great mystery which human intelligence is unable to fathom. If one day somebody claims to understand God thoroughly, that "God" which he claims to grasp completely is definitely not our God. At most, it is a watered down version of God. Even though the Father condescended for our sake, sent the Son to incarnate as one of us, "one who has similarly been tested in every way, yet without sin" (Hebrews 4:15) to redeem us, we are still debating the essence of this Jesus Christ! This is good because rational discussions prevent our faith from becoming superstitious and fanatic! But we have to admit that human rationality is finite. It is unable to reduce the mystery of God who is forever a God of surprises!

We are certain of some attributes of God. For example: God is merciful. Like a good shepherd, He always goes out to seek the lost sheep. Even those sheep which are already in the fold have to go out grazing. There is still a possibility of getting lost! After all, sheepfold on earth is only temporary and defective. It is a truism that as long as we have not reached the heavenly Jerusalem, the possibility of getting lost is always there awaiting us. After Jesus Christ has accomplished His mission on earth, He returns to the Father to prepare a place for us (John 14:3). Before He ascended into heavens, He promised to be with us always until the end of the age (Matthew 28:20). Thus, we may boldly discharge our evangelization mission. The Gospel passage today encourages us that even though all hopes are shattered, the Lord stays with us always and opens our eyes to see new possibilities! Had the Lord not appeared to the two disciples, they would not have rushed back to Jerusalem where fifty days later they received the powers of the Holy Spirit!

The two disciples who left Jerusalem for Emmaus were a genuine portrayal of each and every one of us. When people follow Jesus Christ, they certainly are responding to God's call. But there must be ulterior motives: "We were hoping that he would be the one to redeem Israel" (Luke 24:21). The contemporary Jews were anticipating a liberating Messiah and "Jesus the Nazorean was a man commended to you by God with mighty deeds, wonders, and signs" (Acts 2:22). Moreover, some had forsaken everything to follow Jesus Christ. How much they wished Jesus Christ would honour His promise to reward them a hundredfold (Mark 10:29-30)! Are we not the same? When we first joined the Church, did we not want flour/milk powder, an enrolment in a Catholic school, a mate or becoming a school principal etc.? But Jesus Christ does not reject us for these ulterior motives. He embraces all, taking tax-collectors, zealots and even a future traitor! Although Jesus Christ teaches His disciples with inexhaustible patience, it would not guarantee that His disciples would not exit the fold in times of troubles.

The two disciples did not believe in the testimony of the women and of the vision of angels mentioned by the women (Luke 24:23). It is understandable because women's witness was not acceptable in Jewish society. Although some other disciples went to the tomb and found things just as the women had described, the two disciples still decided to leave Jerusalem because "him they did not see" (24:24). We can safely conclude that Thomas' request was indeed the request of the faithful in general. Jesus Christ is God whom we cannot summon at our whim. Poor witnesses to Jesus' resurrection! The two disciples only saw a crucified Jesus but failed to see Christ for whom they had abandoned everything. They failed to see a future! People' faith in unseen things varies. As for the future, some people need more concrete visible guarantees. Some need no guarantee at all. The two disciples returning to Emmaus belonged to the former. They could not stand a God of surprises. They could only return to their comfort zone which they were familiar.

On their way, surprises awaited them! Although Peter had denied Him, Judas had betrayed Him and the two disciples had deserted Him, the merciful Lord did not give up. He still ran around to gather His flock and brought them back to the fold! Not only did the risen Lord appear to Peter, but He also gave Peter three chances to compensate for his three denials (John 21:15-17); The risen Lord did not force the two disciples back to Jerusalem but walked patiently with them on their way to Emmaus, explaining the Scriptures and opened their eyes when He broke the bread so that they were able to see what they had most desired to see (Luke 24:31). What about Judas? We definitely shall not doubt God's mercy and try hard to harmonize it with His righteousness. However, we should know our position and where to stop. "What if I want him to remain until I come? What concern is it of yours? You follow me." (John 21:22) Let's wait and see. Perhaps Judas would yet be another surprise awaiting us. As for now, we just follow Jesus Christ to work hard evangelizing the world. Leave the rest to God.

Brethren! The risen Lord has defeated death and restored our hope in eternal life. Let us beseech the Lord to grant us the Holy Spirit to illuminate our understanding and keep a mind open to the Father to accept surprises He has in store for us every day. May the Holy Spirit teach and sanctify us so that we may be able to recognize Jesus Christ present in our neighbour, serve Him and bear witness to His resurrection with our charity works. May we be a fountain of blessings to our neighbours.
God bless!

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