Solemnity of the Blessed Trinity, Year B
Theme: What Have Jesus Commanded?
Judaism can be said to be the ancestor of global monotheism today. Abraham is their ancestor of faith. The process through which Israel believed in one true God was not a smooth journey. Israelites looked at themselves as the Chosen People of God. But the Babylonian Captivity dealt them a harsh blow. Their Temple was burned down and they suffered from an identity crisis. Thus, they worked hard to redact their history and scriptures, hopefully they would recoup when the Captivity was over. They were not disappointed. After seventy years, the Persians conquered the Babylonians. Jews would return home to rebuild their Temple. A systematic monotheism, Judaism in which temple sacrifice went hand in hand with scripture studies emerged. During the first century, a new branch appeared among the Jews. They believed in a carpenter who was crucified and, they claimed, was risen from the dead. He was Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Both Christians and Jews believe that there is one true God who created this universe. But the Christian God is more complicated. Not only is He one, but three Persons in one! Islam is another monotheism and another story which we would not delve into today.
Today, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Blessed Trinity to reflect on the great love the trinite God shows men. One verse from the gospel today is rather meaningful. So, I keep all these things, reflecting on them in my heart (Luke 2:19). On the past three days, I was leading an annual retreat for the St. Vincent de Paul Society, St. Jerome’s Church Confederation to practise “Lectio Divina”. If I do not practise myself, it would be my shame as their retreat director. Which verse was it? “Teach them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:20)
First of all, Jesus has commanded the disciples many things: the “Sermon on the Mount” has already occupied 3 chapters. There are also instructions on how to treat each other within the Church (18:15-35); and lastly of course, the great commission to make disciples of all nations (28:19). How do we begin? Is there any all-encompassing principle which is able to cover all commandments? I think of the new commandment which Christ gave the disciples at the Last Supper, “I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.” (John 13:34) I trust nobody would object that this is most capable of covering all the commands! It is totally legitimate to think in this way because there is precedence in the gospel.
In Judaism, if one wants salvation, one has to observe the 613 laws scattered among the five books of Torah. Obviously, being righteous and to be saved is not at all easy. Don’t ever think that the Ten Commandments are representative of the 613 laws and keeping them would ensure you a place in heaven. Sorry, the Son of God Jesus Christ doesn’t think so.
It came to pass when one scribe tried to trap Jesus, asking “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” (Matthew 22:36) Is the first commandment of the Ten Commandments the greatest? In no haste, Jesus recited, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” (Deuteronomy 6:5) “This is the greatest and the first commandment.” (Matthew 22:37-38) Then He continued to recite, “You shall love your neighbour as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18) and added, “The whole law and prophets depend on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:40). Sorry, the Ten Commandments are not qualified to be the greatest. Moreover, the Son of God agrees with summarizing the details in this manner.
Let’s return to the verse. Is the new “To love each other” commandment from the gospel of John able to cover all of Jesus’ commands in the gospel of Matthew? This is an interesting topic. Since my knowledge is limited. I have not found “all that Jesus Christ has commanded” in the gospel of Matthew. Even if I have, there surely exist scholars who disagree. Look, even Catholics and Protestants disagree on how the famous Ten Commandments should be divided. Thus, there must be uncertainty in what should be included in “what Jesus Christ has commanded” in gospel of Matthew! On the other hand, the new “love each other” command is the last words of Jesus Christ in the Last Supper. It should carry heavy weight. Furthermore, Jesus Christ is no schizophrenic. The two gospels are narrating the same Jesus Christ. Only that the two evangelists took different materials to write for different themes. The narration should not affect the message of Jesus Christ, His gospel! Thus, “As I have loved you, so you should love one another” in John is sufficient to cover all that Jesus has commanded in Matthew. Let’s turn our focus on this new commandment!
This commandment is really great, even the greatest because Jesus Christ loves us so much as to give up His life for us! He commands us to give up our lives for each other. As least, this commandment surpasses the status of “love your neighbour as yourself”. Is it able to challenge the standing of the Shema? A categorical yes! The Son of God incarnated to take up human flesh in order to elevate our humanity to attain divinity. Not only was Jesus Christ happy to walk with sinners, actively got Himself involved among them in order to save them, but He is also willing to be present, and even to incarnate among the sick, the weak and the imprisoned, to be sick and imprisoned to carry the burden of all the sins of the world. Thus, “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40) is no empty talk but a real presence among them, such as His real presence in the Holy Communion! Thus, loving men is loving God. Jesus’ new commandment is on a par with the greatest commandment.
God is free. He would not force us to believe in Him. Thus, even in loving each other, we should love like Jesus Christ, allowing the other party to reject and to accept the pain of our goodwill being rejected. Take a look at the rich young man whom Jesus loved. He would have been a very promising disciple. When the rich young man declined Jesus’ invitation, He did not impose His will on the young man but lamented (Mark 10:23-24). I was touched by the verse in Matthew, not because of surrendering my life, but the pain of rejection. Don’t take me wrong. If I don’t mind surrendering my life, what pain do I still have? The pain I mentioned was not the anger or frustration of being rejected but the loss the other party incurs in rejecting the gospel. I don’t mind surrendering my life in evangelization, but I feel painful for your demise as a consequence of rejecting the gospel! Do we share the same feeling?
God bless!