
Wednesday 30 March 2022

守護靈魂 Defending Our Souls







Defending Our Souls (John 5:17-30)

Are human beings spiritual? Why does possessing spirituality essential to mankind?
As for now, scientists are unable to prove that men possess spirit because spirit is beyond their turf of expertise. Legislators and educationalists are only able to point out that morality differentiates mankind from animals and even robots! In time, when artificial intelligence is advanced enough to write “morality” programmes to coordinate their behaviours, with what are mankind able to call themselves human persons with humanity and are not computers? I’m afraid spirituality is the last bulwark mankind cannot afford to lose!

Among civilizations sprung up throughout history, we are able to identify different forms of religions. There are many common elements among them: e.g. the existence of souls and their immortality. Why so? It is because deep down in our hearts, there is an inborn sense of fairness. Regrettably in real life, good people suffer and unfairly condemned while wicked people outwit the law and prosper. Where is justice? This contradiction stimulates humanity to see justice done beyond our earthly existence.

Christianity affirms the existence of human souls which are images of God (Genesis 1:26). Injustice is caused by sins. Not only does God deliver sinners from the bondage of sins, but He also elevates our image status to that of adopted children. This is the crux of the gospel. Therefore, when Jesus Christ mentions “son” in the gospel passage today, it includes the redeemed you and me as well!

For what he (the Father) does, His son will do also.”(John 5:19) Since the Father created order out of chaos (Genesis 1:2-2:3), as children of God we should be peace-makers (Matthew 5:9) to bring conflicting groups into communion! Since the Father does not count the world’s trespasses against them, so we too should become ambassadors of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:19-20), full of mercy and forgive those who trespass against us (Matthew 5:7, 6:12). Since God is love (1 John 4:8), so we should become love, a life-giving gift of love. As adopted children of God, we should follow examples set by Jesus Christ our elder brother. Behold, the Father made the Son to be sin who did not know sin (2 Corinthians 5:21), so we should be altruistic, not to please ourselves but for the good and building up of the others (Romans 15:1-2) … Then, we are not cold-blooded robots but children of God with spirit.

Father! Go we not with the flow and smear Your image. Help us become Your authentic children to glorify Your holy name. Amen.

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