
Tuesday 29 March 2022

換心 Heart Transplant

換心 Heart Transplant(若5:1-16)






Heart Transplant (John 5:1-16)

Scientists believe that the universe is ordered. Otherwise sciences would lose their foothold to build up scientific laws. It is understandable for scientists to be skeptical towards miracles because miracles seem to defy scientific laws. Deplorably, some Christians try to deny miracles in order to make gospel messages more acceptable to non-believers. Their good intentions lead only to hell! For example, they explain away the five loaves and 2 fish miracle as a moral story in which the 5000 plus crowd was touched by the altruism of a child (John 6:9). So they took out their food to share among all etc. Even if they were able to explain away the miracle of five loaves and 2 fish, I wonder how they would explain the miracle of manna in which God fed 600,000 Israelites for forty years in the wilderness!

In fact, both scientists and God agree in “order”. In a sense, God did not create something out of nothing. Rather, He established order out of chaos (Genesis 1:2-2:3). Miracles do not negate order. In other words, God is definitely capable of applying Einstein’s E=mc2 equation to work the five loaves and two fish miracle; or allots the food to Bethsaida (Luke 9:10) from another time-space without violating any physical laws! Not only do scientists need positive evidence, but they also need an open heart!

On the other hand, there are narrow-minded people pursuing their version of “order” in the society. They are the Pharisees in the gospels and their “rule by law” counterparts in modern society. Pharisees advocated laws because laws brought about order, social stability and prosperity which showered them with status and benefits. They stressed the letters of the law and deliberately ignored the spirit. For their own interests, they manipulate the law above the benefits of the commoners they served. Law has become a devouring monster. They ruled by law but made use of the law to commit sins, fattening themselves at the expense of the welfare of the people (Mark 12:40)!

God blessed the Sabbath to allow the Israelites to celebrate their freedom from slavery. They could afford to take rests and make good use of the time to remember the graces of God’s creation (Exodus 20:11) and liberation (Deuteronomy 5:15). How satirizing it was for the Pharisees to accuse the Son of God of not observing the rule of refraining from unnecessary labour on Sabbath! What these hypocrites need are not more detailed laws but a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 11:19)!

A clean heart create for me, Lord;renew within me a steadfast spirit (Psalm 51:12). Amen.

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