Twenty Second Ordinary Sunday, Year C
Theme: How to Keep Humility in A Competitive World? 怎樣在競爭的世代保持謙卑?
We are living in a modern commercial city called Hong Kong. Our existence is measured by our economic value: how capable we are in making money and how many houses, stocks and credit cards etc. we possess. In such a utilitarian milieu, most people would avoid those disadvantaged, marginalized, aged, sick, homeless and mentally deficient because they are economically worthless. Economically active people in lower rungs would develop an ambitious attitude and an assertive, outspoken manner to seek the attention of their bosses in order to facilitate their climbing up. People in the middle would gang together to compete with rival factions to attain control of a larger share of resources. Their minds are full of strategies and tricks, ready to betray without hesitation even their comrades. Nobody is able to stay long at the top …
In ancient times, people lived on the produce of the land and life was simple. It was natural and easy to support each other in extended families. However, it is impossible for extended families to exist in post-industrial societies and there’s no longer a kindred system based on blood-line to support each other. Alas! Though blood is thicker than water, river water can never meddle with underground water! People have to fend for themselves and there are more and more rivals who are marketing their talents in order to get employed! Today, many a Catholic would wonder how one might be able to stay humble in such a competitive world.
Jesus Christ is our Saviour and our Lord. We should follow His instructions to be humble. He says, “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 14:11) We should listen to His instructions with a pure heart (Matthew 5:8) and do not turn humility into a strategy! If you humble yourself in order to be exalted, then your humility is not genuine but hypocritical. Lord Jesus would not want us to become hypocrites. Therefore, Jesus is stating a reality which modern societies have blurred. Modern societies breed ambitious people and most of the ambitious usually overestimate themselves and easily ignore unfavourable elements. Overconfidence combined with ignorance is a sure formula for failure! In the end, those ambitious people would be humiliated. Their successes would only be brief.
Early in my meditation, I blamed the modern society for breeding ambitious people. It is insufficient because not all modern people are outspoken and ambitious. Indeed, there are introverts and autistic people too. Moreover, the chances of modern societies to revert to farming and feudalism are slim. Therefore, we need to consider the psychological factors as well. Why do people want to be exalted? If we are able to dig up the root causes of ambitions, perhaps we would be able to cure this arrogance disease.
When one is exalted, one becomes the focus of attention. Thus, people who hunger and thirst for exaltation are most probably infantile attention seekers! They have a certain group of people in mind and want this target group of people to know their presence and the work they are doing. Aren’t they similar to young children doing unreasonable things to catch the attention of their mothers? Most mothers play into their strategies, wishing to set up a rapport with their children and start teaching them something good. But seen from another perspective, those attention seekers are conditioning their “significant others”. Sometimes, it is hard to tell who is conditioning whom! On another level, take a look at how the advertising industry is keeping our economy in momentum and you will appreciate how wide reaching the attention-seeking culture is in modern societies. Ambitious people would resort to all sorts of means to assure themselves that they are important and indispensable! Our psychology is by and large moulded by this competitive society. How hard it is to resist the arrogance advocated in the societies nowadays.
Superficially, the first reading sounds hollow and irrelevant for us nowadays. “What is too sublime for you, seek not, into things beyond your strength search not.” (Sirach 3:21) This is not the kind of modern life that we know of. In our dictionary, there are no such phrases as “too sublime for you” and “beyond your strength”. No, they are “challenges” which are meant to accept and attempt! Only losers and defeatists would decline! Consequently, more people suffer mental illnesses nowadays! Humanity pay a huge price to lead their life in a competitive environment. People believe in “social evolution” and believe that competitions will eliminate the weakest. In long run, humanity would become stronger. Such an oversimplification has ignored the fact that losers are not necessarily the weakest! In the end, ambitious people become losers when they burn out or are locked up in institutions.
The book of Sirach is a collection of wisdom sayings which are able to withstand the test of time. The wisdom enables us to keep our sanity in an insane world. Time is the key. “There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens … a time to be silent, and a time to speak” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7) I’m sure all of you know that Einstein started speaking at four. So, there is no need to worry and pressurize children to achieve milestones set up by so-called experts. How can you say that when a child does not speak, it is deaf-mute? When the time comes and a child is psychologically ready, it will speak. Now, the advice of Sirach rings true. When you are not prepared and ready to lift a 78-kg dumbbell, accepting such a “challenge” is foolish and disastrous. Therefore, it is wise to remain humble when you’re not ready! On the other hand, many geniuses shine forth at an early age. It would be a waste to straitjacket their development in formal schooling! Anyhow, they belong to the minority otherwise they are not geniuses! Thus for most of us, it is wise to remain humble to wait for the appointed time!
But when is the appointed time? How do we know when the appointed time is? Thus, it brings up another essential factor in life: knowledge! Without knowledge, the chances of getting things done properly would only be fifty-fifty. Not to mention scientific endeavours, even the act of loving needs knowledge! In “The Art of Loving”, Erich Fromm argues that knowledge is one of the four basic elements of love. Thus, it is impossible for true love to be blind! If the feeling of love is blind, it can only be infatuation etc. Thus, chances of success would be enhanced with knowledge and it is only logical and sensible to accumulate knowledge. But it takes time to accumulate knowledge and further distillation to attain wisdom. Alas! Patience is in short supply for modern people because time is money! Few people are willing to complete reading documentations and manuals. They look for quick fixes and shortcuts because time is money! Sirach’s advice rings truth again. “The mind of the wise appreciates proverbs, and the ear that listens to wisdom rejoices.” (Sirach 3:29)
Brethren! Our Lord is “The Way and the Truth and the Life” (John 14:6). If we are able to establish an intimate relationship with Him, we’ll be able partake in the Truth with which we’ll have the ultimate knowledge of everything. Be humble of heart and learn from our Lord, Jesus Christ (Matthew 11:29). When we’re in Him and He in us, we’ll surely be exalted. Amen.
2019 Reflection
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