
Thursday 12 February 2009

The Creation of Woman

Today is the bicentenary of the birth of Charles Darwin. In his time, the idea of natural selection had already been floating in the air for quite some time. In 1858, Darwin jointly published his theory with that of his friend Alfred Wallace. 150 years ago, Darwin published "On the Origin of Species". 
Darwin assumed that all species evolved from a common ancestor and branched out as "a tree of life". The differences shown by different animals were the result of natural selection. Those mutations that help survival stayed. Others were extinct. When enough fossils were collected, when the missing links were found, we might be able to trace our ancestors back to apes! This view was outrageous to many church people but a welcome war cry for scientists. Nowadays, more church people are becoming more understanding towards the theory and they understand the teachings of the Bible better. In the meantime, scientists continue to refine the theory and become less defiant towards the idea of Creation. True dialogue becomes possible.
Today, we continue reading the second Creation story in which woman was created. According to this version of the story, God created man first and because he was the first, he was alone.
Then the LORD God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him." (Genesis 2:18).
Truly, man is a social animal. Indeed, he can hardly survive alone. Robinson Crusoe was not at all alone. He found Friday! Anyway, this statement prepares the context in which other animals were created.
So out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name (Genesis 2:19).
OK, this version contradicts scientific evidence. The first version in Genesis 1 agrees with the Evolution Theory in which man was the apex of evolution. This version does not. Shall we reject it because it does not agree with objective evidences? Well, not yet. Shall I say this version agrees with objective evidences in the psychological sense? Remember that in this Creation story, man is the centre of Creation. Have you forgotten how you got to know cat, dog, fish, goat, hen and ox? You exist before you come to meet them, name them and know them. In this sense, God created you before He created them. You are the centre of Creation. Q.E.D.
but for the man there was not found a helper fit for him (Genesis 2:20b).
Of course not. Therefore, God began a cloning operation, with a difference. He anaesthetized the man, took a rib out of him and made not a copy of the man, but a woman.
Then the man said, "This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man."
(Genesis 2:23)
Nowadays, scientists would not use a rib. A swab of the mouth might be enough. But that would miss the whole point. The rib cage protects the heart and the lungs which are the most vital organs of the human body. The choice of a rib symbolizes the loving relationship between man and woman more than the lining of his mouth can convey. Once again, we are dealing with literature here, not science.
Moreover, Adam the first man was made from the dust of the ground, while Eve the first woman was made from the flesh and bone of the first man. Therefore, woman is a more advanced version of man, if not more equal than man. Conspiracy theory would suggest that man was afraid of this advanced version of himself. Therefore, throughout history, men built up a patriarchy society to put women under control. Doing so, men have forgotten the teaching of Genesis. Woman is the bone of man's bone and flesh of man's flesh. How can a man ill-treat his own body?
and they become one flesh (Genesis 2:24b).
Before the creation of woman, man and woman were one. After a separated, independent state of life for some time, they come back together in marriage and become one again. Man and wife recover their missing parts, complement each other and lead a more fulfilling life.

Dear Lord, nowadays many people are leading a single life, a separated life or a homosexual life. Their situations must be very difficult. They are also Your children. I entrust their souls into Your loving hand. Married life is not easy though. I pray that You keep us, sanctify us in our families. Amen.

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