Second Advent Sunday (Year C)
Theme: Make straight the Lord’s path, cultivate a grateful heart
The Church designs a three-year cycle to reflect repeatedly on Christ’ redemptive mission. She follows the traditional sequence. She reads the gospel of Matthew in the first year, that is Year A and in Year B, Mark. Last Sunday marked the beginning of Year C in which we focus on the gospel of Luke.
Luke was not one of the Twelve. He was not even a Jew and had never seen Jesus in his life. That is Luke was not qualified to be called a first-generation Christian. He became a disciple when Paul preached among the Gentiles. He followed and worked with Paul in his missions. From the letters of Paul, we learn that Luke was a physician. The gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles were written by him. Since he was educated, his writing was elegant. Many beautiful stories such as the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son were penned by him. Before he committed incidents into writing, he carefully did a lot of research. Thus, even though Luke was not a first-generation Christian, his writings were included in the New Testament.
Luke wrote for Gentiles. Thus his gospel is appropriate for us to read. He did not carry the burden of Jewish expectation on the Messiah. Therefore, in his understanding, Jesus was a merciful Saviour for the weak. The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy is about to start. It is high time we read careful this gospel. I wish you have finished reading Mark, the gospel of Year B, and can start meditating the merciful Saviour articulated in Luke.
The gospel text today begins with a list of Roman Cæsar and officials. Thus, Jesus was not a fictitious character but a genuine historical character. But in Luke, these powerful political kingpins made up a backdrop only. Their power prevented them from accepting the gospel and thus were saved. In Luke, the poor, the tax-collectors, prostitutes and widows etc, those socially marginalized people were saved.
If John the Baptist were to appear in Hong Kong today, Hongkongers would treat him like a mentally unstable homeless man. But during the New Testament time, John’s clothing, his words and deeds showed clearly that he was a prophet. The gospel text we read today tells us that the appearance of John the Baptist was a fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy. John was the “one crying in the wilderness”, in modern jargon, a “social conscience”. As it is of the society, why did he cry in the wilderness? Obviously, honest words are unpleasant to the ears. Thus the main-line social media, such as television stations, radio broadcasting companies, newspapers and magazines will not give you space or air-time. You can only cry in the wilderness.
John’s mission was to “prepare the way of the Lord, to make his paths straight.” Of course it was not road’s works the gospel means. It must be the hearts’ works. Thus, the mission of the Baptist was to preach repentance, to prepare the hearts of the Jews to receive the Messiah.
What then does the prophecy “every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low” refer to? Of course it refers to the valleys in our hearts, the mountains and hills in our hearts.
“The valleys in our hearts” means we are aware of our weaknesses and inadequacies. We humbly confess our sins. Who then can fill up these valleys? Who else but God? But we need to cooperate with him, open up our hearts and let God fill them up. How do we open up our hearts? I believe we need humility.
“The mountains and hills in our hearts” means our pride, our self-righteousness. If we think we are right, how can we easily admit our wrongs? Therefore, it is extremely difficult to bring low these mountains and hills. We need to seek God’s help to remove our pride, to bring it low. Therefore, whether it be pride or humility, we need God’s help. When we build up our virtue of humility and bring low the vice of pride, we begin to cultivate a grateful heart. Why is a grateful heart so important?
Last week, I shared with you the examination syllabus Christ the Universal King will judge us at the end, i.e. the seven corporal works of mercy. Since God gives us different durations of examination time, this examination will only count continual assessments. But when we perform corporal works of mercy without a grateful heart, it is a waste of effort. What does that mean? Why should we be grateful when we sacrifice our time, money and effort to serve? Let us go into the solitude of our heart and reflect deeper.
God bestows graces unceasingly. Do you agree? Can you imagine a moment when God stops and no longer supports this universe? We dare not to imagine. God is like a radio station, a television station which broadcasts graces non-stop. The question is whether you have received it. Do you feel it? What tailor-made gifts has God given you, from the moment you went to bed last night up until now? Not those general blessings such as “a sound sleep last night, a sun-lit clear morning, the roads are not congested, the pedestrians are harmonious” etc., but those tailor-made for you. It is impossible not to have any. If there is none, it is because you do not feel their presence. If you do not feel any grace, how can you be grateful? What is blocking you from feeling God’s grace? Pride. It is the mountains and hills in our hearts.
What is the difference between service with and without a grateful heart? A huge difference. With a grateful heart, you thank God for bestowing health, time, money and capability to serve, the opportunities to earn “credits”, widening your visions, giving you the experience of meeting the weak and sick, unbeknown to you healing your regrets and deformities buried deep down in you. You thank God and want to repay Him through your services. Consequently, both you and those you serve benefit in a positive feedback loop.
On the other hand, those who serve without a grateful heart tends to serve like almsgiving without respect. You feel superior and refuse any gratitude from the beneficiaries. Your focus is yourself but you do not see your own inadequacies. Nor do you see the real needs of the others. Consequently, both you and those you serve do not benefit at all, and may even end up hurting each other. Therefore, we need to cultivate a grateful heart to serve.
Let us recap. During the season of Advent, we need to prepare our hearts to receive the coming of the Saviour. The preparatory work is to remove pride, to open up our hearts in humility and let God fill them. Then we may cultivate a grateful heart to perform the seven corporal works of mercy so that we may stand in front of the Lord in the end.
God bless.