
Tuesday 8 March 2016


You will be amazed how much people DON'T want to be healed! In particular, patients of chronic illnesses have adopted a life style in the years. Given long enough time, patients are able to adapt themselves to their health conditions. The illness only degenerates into a kind of inconvenience similar to short-sightedness. It doesn't hurt much. It is only inconvenient. The patients have learned to "live with" the illness. They have no problem keeping the status quo. Furthermore, other people show greater kindness to patients of whatever sicknesses. Therefore, there is no incentive for them to be healed. On the other hand, acute illnesses are sharp and short. You want to get rid of them as soon as possible. You are willing to take drastic actions to relieve yourselves.

In the gospel reading today, the man had been paralyzed for 38 years. What Jesus spoke to him later suggests that the cause of his paralysis was his sin (John 5:14). So, this man had been staying in a sinful state spiritually and been paralyzed physically for a very long time. After 38 years, he might have lost his faith and hope in God already. He might not eagerly want to be healed. Superficially, he explained how, as a paralyzed man, disadvantaged he was in securing a cure. I suspect that he was not determined enough to get cured for reasons mentioned above but Jesus' question (5:6)was an invitation. His question rekindled a ray of faith and hope in the paralyzed man. His question was also an eviction. Jesus forced the paralyzed man out of his comfort zone. Get out. Let God love you and forgive your sins.

Let us give the benefit of the doubt to the Jews. Even though Jesus was wrong because his instruction had really violated Sabbath, that did not forfeit the mercy of God. Be careful, I am not justifying an "illegal" action with its good consequences. I am saying that the mercy of God overwrites legal technicalities. Given that Jesus' instruction was "illegal", we should keep our minds open. Jesus may have to resort to extreme measures to kick us out of our comfort zones.

Merciful Lord, I want to be healed. Instruct me and I will follow. Amen.

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