
Wednesday 2 March 2016







FULFILLING THE LAW (Matthew 5:17-19)

"Abolishing the old to establish the new" is a revolution. But it is not necessary to abolish the old in order to establish the new. Reform is also a way capable of establishing the new, of breaking new path. Revolution is not necessary.

Doubtless, in the ears of Jesus' contemporaries, his speeches were revolutionary. The Jews had taken for granted the observance of Sabbath, divorce, circumcision and avoiding sinners etc. Observing these precepts was a sure way to salvation. Jesus did not observe the Sabbath to heal the sick. He objected to divorce, dining with sinners and his disciples even did away with circumcision ... in the eyes of holy men, this was blasphemy. But from the moral stance nowadays, it is no big deal to work on Sabbath, to enjoy the freedom of association and not to circumcize. Therefore, Jesus' teachings are not that revolutionary after all. Rather, forbidding divorce, Jesus was too conservative and had not taken women's rights into consideration.

Thus, it was not necessary for Jesus to abolish the laws and the prophets. With the progress of time, the laws would become more nearly perfect and the prophets' prophecies would come true. Therefore, Jesus' mission was not to abolish the laws, but to make them fulfilled, to make the prophecies come true.

On the contrary, do permission of divorce, legalization of abortion and same-sex marriages truly protect the human rights of women and homosexuals? Do these practices not harm their bodies, numb their conscience and trample upon children rights as well as the future of the whole society? Although the OT laws are not perfect, they are still great and contribute to the building up of human civilization. Jesus had warned that people who relax these commandments, permitting and legislating divorce, abortion and same-sex marriage shall be called least in the Kingdom of God (Matthew 5:19). Attention, although people involved in divorce, abortions and same-sex marriages and the legislators are called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven, they are still inside and have not been kicked out. God's mercy is truly amazing.
Heavenly Father, give the spirit of truth to those who invoke Your name. Amen.

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