
Saturday 19 March 2016


今天讓我們來默想按耶穌基督的教訓行善卻仍受人迫害的事件。 三月十五日,星期二,教宗方濟各在樞機會議上,宣佈五位真福,最早將於今年六月,最遲十個宣聖。其中包括德蘭修女。梵蒂崗將於九月四日(主日),就是德蘭修女的逝世前夕,為她舉行宣聖彌撒。






  This evening, let us meditate the persecution we receive when we follow Jesus' command to do good.
Last Tuesday, March 15, Pope Francis announced the canonization of five Blessed's during an ordinary public consistory, including Blessed Mother Teresa. The earliest will take place in June and latest in October. Vatican will celebrate her canonization mass on September 4, the vigil of the anniversary of her death.

To canonize Blessed Mother Teresa during the Jubilee of Mercy is the most appropriate of all because she was a personification of mercy. She experienced two calls in her life. Firstly, when she was 18, she entered the Sisters of Loreto. At 19, she was sent to teach in India. She experienced a deeper call when she was 36 to serve Christ among the poorest. At 38, she took off her Loreto habits and put on a traditional white sari with blue border. White symbolizes purity and blue the BVM. After teaching for nearly 20 years, she started serving the poorest. Daily she concretely performed corporal as well as spiritual works of mercy. Her works of mercy touched the hearts of more people than the most effective evangelists and preachers. Many people have already regarded her as a living saint of the twentieth century.

Of course, her fame had brought her attacks and manipulations.
There were people who attacked her out of jealousy. But do not think that all who attacked Mother Teresa were bad guys. We have to understand that she was raised a pre-Vatican II Catholic. Her faith and the precepts she kept were conservative and strict. She always recited the Rosary and opposed contraception and abortion. Even in her Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, she did not shy away from telling the audience her intense love of life and her opposition to abortion. These stances went against people of good will who wanted to eradicate poverty because many people believed that over population was the root cause of poverty in India. There were also people who worried about her being taken advantaged of or being idolized because of her simple kind-heartedness. Therefore, even good people attacked and opposed her.

Of course, there were not a few people who had manipulated her fame and kindness. She was meek but would not refuse the donations from the rich out of fear of being taken advantage of. Nor would she hate the rich after they manipulated her kindness. Being attacked and misunderstood was spiritually painful. Yet, she was still willing to perform the will of Jesus Christ and to pray for all people, including those who attacked her as well as took advantage of her.

Wasn't Jesus Christ attacked, persecuted and even died on the cross for doing good? As followers of Christ, not only do we follow Jesus' command to do good, but we should also follow his example to go through the stations of the cross in our daily life, quietly enduring persecutions for doing good.
God bless.

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