
Sunday 13 March 2016










The Fifth Lent Sunday (Year A)

John was written last among the 4 canonical gospels, more than half a century from the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. At that time, the three Synoptic gospels, Mark, Luke and Matthew had been circulating for more than two decades. Except for some important incidents, such as the witness of John the Baptist, healing of the blind, the paralyzed, five loaves and two fish, raising the dead and the Passion/Resurrection narratives etc., John does not repeat what the Synoptic have written. After half a century of reflection, John realized that Jesus is the Word of God incarnate. From this perspective, the words and deeds of Jesus have assumed a transcendental dimension. Thus, John is a deep, but a must-read gospel.

The story of the "Raising of Lazarus" is rich in contents, enough for meditation in a 7-day retreat. So we read the short version and meditate a tiny section of it today. I ask you all to read and meditate the whole story within this week at home. The story is very simple. When Jesus preached the gospel in Bethany, this family which consisted of Martha, Mary and Lazarus, received him and became Jesus' acquaintance. Every time Jesus came around, he would stay in their house. This Mary was the woman who anointed Jesus and wiped his feet dry with her hair. This time, their brother Lazarus fell sick and Jesus visited them only after he had tarried for a few more days. Consequently, Jesus arrived late and Lazarus had already died. For the sake of the people around, Jesus decided to go to the tomb to raise his good friend Lazarus. In the end, many Jews who had rejected Jesus before believed in him.

Besides Jesus, the main character in this story should be Lazarus. In Hebrew, Lazarus means "God has helped". What happened to Lazarus illustrates this name well. But throughout the whole story, even in all gospels, Lazarus did not say a single word. He led an ordinary life as a Jew. During his life time, nothing dramatic happened to him like Mary, his sister. He lived quietly, fell sick quietly and died quietly. His life was nothing but ordinary. What made his life extraordinary were his two sisters. We do not know of what illness he fell sick. But when he did, his sisters sent for Jesus. So, it must have been a serious illness. And because of the faith of Martha and Mary, Lazarus was raised, making a lot of Jews believe in Jesus. Brethren, it is not necessary for a Catholic to die martyrdom, nor to lead a saintly life like Blessed Mother Teresa. Even if we are as ordinary as Lazarus, working together with God's mercy, we can also convert our neighbour to believe in Jesus, to accept him as our Saviour.

What happens in our lives may not be radically different from that of Lazarus: he had sisters, fell sick and died. We too have our relatives. We do fall sick. We die. Do not think that after believing in Jesus, your life would become smooth, you would be liked by everybody and no harm would fall upon you. As a good friend of Jesus, a man whom Jesus loves, you fall sick and die like any other people do. But could Jesus want to see his good friend suffer? Sorry. Jesus could! Therefore those of you who are prepared to be baptised this Easter, think thrice! As a good friend of Jesus, Lazarus and we have to learn the virtue of patience. If you are short-tempered, learn to be patient! God has His own schedule. When the times were not right, any action would be futile. So, in order to befriend Jesus, besides knowing him, trusting in him and loving him, we need to beef up our patience. We usually call this the virtue of hope. Hope is the patience shown in times of difficulties.

The exchange between Martha and Jesus was subtle in the story. At first, Martha blamed Jesus for coming late. What? We may blame God and Jesus does not mind at all? We have more down's than up's in our life. When we fall sick, are frustrated or suffer unfairly under some bad guys, it is alright to blame God. God will understand. He will not be offended. Martha's frustration could not cover up her desires. Pay attention to how Martha prayed. The way she prayed was correct because she did not tell God what to do for her. Very often, when our loved ones fall sick, we pray to God for their recovery. When we meet bad guys harming the innocent, we pray to God to neutralize them. Praying in this way is wrong because we are telling God what to do. This is temptation rather than prayer. Instead, we should pray God to give strength to the patient and his family members to go through it; pray God to give the bad guys opportunities to repent to do good for the citizens. This illness, this social situation is an opportunity to receive God's grace, God's mercy.
Martha had prayed and Jesus prompted her to pray for the resurrection of her brother. Martha believed in resurrection but she thought that it would happen on the last day. So, Jesus corrected her. Resurrection is a contemporary event. Jesus declared an important dogma which is the core of the whole story. Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life." (John 11:25) Wait a minute. Jesus is a person and resurrection is an event, a process. How could the two be identical? In fact, Jesus wanted to draw our attention to our relationship with him. Jesus Christ is the author of life, the source of life. If we are dying or like Lazarus, dead, with our relationship with him, Jesus can bring us through death to come out alive. If we are living, with our relationship with him, Jesus can make our life more fulfilled. Of course, if we commit sins, rebel against him or compromise our relationship, we put our lives at risks. We even bury our conscience and lose our life.

Brethren, the story of "Raising Lazarus" reminds us to keep a good relation with Jesus Christ. Trust in him, desire and love him, keep our patience in times of difficulties. When we practise these theological virtues, we can enjoy the inexhaustible eternal life of God, now and at the hour of our death. Baptizees, the story of Lazarus guarantees you that Jesus Christ is the author of life. Be patient and pray unceasingly. Very soon, Jesus will liberate you from the darkness of your tomb.
God bless.

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