主題:「非暴力」─ 和平日五十周年
和平是我們的基督信仰的本質。「真福八端」指出締造和平的人是有福的,因為他們要稱為天主的子女(瑪5: 9)。所以,基督徒蒙召是為了做一個締造和平的人。屆此五十周年,教宗方濟各提出「非暴力」的中心思想。他說,既然暴力源自內心,那麼,非暴力的訓練必須從家庭開始。家庭是一個訓練場,是家中各個成員學習溝通和表示彼此關懷的地方。磨擦甚至衝突是在所難免的。解決這些磨擦和衝突,不能使用暴力,包括語言暴力。因為使用暴力一定有人會受傷,而暴力祗能達到表面上的和平,問題並沒有解決,而是把它埋藏到更深的地方。這樣做是危險的,後患無窮,因為我們不知道這些被抑壓了的情緒,在何時何地會失控地爆發。所以,解決衝突的有效方法,是交談,尊重、慈悲、寬恕和關懷他人的益處。這份「愛的喜樂」會從家庭滿溢到社會上和世界上。教宗呼籲世人立即停止家庭暴力、停止虐待婦孺、解除軍備及銷毀核武。
Feast of Mater Dei (Year A)
Theme: Non-violence, Golden Anniversary of Word Day of Peace
We have just celebrated Christmas to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, the King of Peace. He brought peace to this sinful world which lacks peace. The Church was established by Jesus Christ. Thus, promoting world peace is our mandatory responsibility.
On October 11, 1962, St. Pope John XXIII officiated the opening of the Vatican Council II. October 16 saw the beginning of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Nuclear war was imminent. Humanity was at the brink of self-annihilation. October 22, U.S. President Kennedy delivered a televised address to the nation, psychologically preparing the people for a nuclear war. October 24, St. Pope John XXIII telegraphed a message to Kremlin through the Soviet embassy in Rome. He said, "We beg all governments not to remain deaf to this cry of humanity. That they do all that is in their power to save peace." He even offered to mediate between Kennedy and Khrushchev to reach secret deals. The Cuban Missile Crisis ended on October 28.
On April 11, 1963, St. Pope John XXIII issued the "Pacem in Terris" encyclical, appealing all people of good will to resolve conflicts by negotiation, not by recourse to arms. June 3, St. Pope John XXIII died and was succeeded by Blessed Pope Paul VI. Soon after installed as pope, Blessed Paul VI addressed the refugee problem in a radio broadcast in November. The Vatican Council II ended on December 8, 1965. The modernization of the Catholic Church officially began. In 1967, Blessed Pope Paul VI issued the "Populorum Progressio" encyclical. He linked justice and peace together. Without justice, where comes peace? Without peace, where comes developments? On January 1, 1968, Blessed Pope Paul VI invited all men of good will to keep January 1 a "Day of Peace".
"… today, Peace is both necessary and threatened … One cannot rightly speak of peace where no recognition or respect is given to its solid foundations: namely, sincerity, justice and love in the relations between states … Oppression … is not peace which will exist --- even if, perchance, oppression is able to create the external appearance of order and legality --- but an unceasing and insuppressible growth of revolt and war … Peace is not pacifism … it proclaims the highest and most universal values of life: truth, justice, freedom, love."
These were truly prophetic words. Since then, popes made use of the occasion to issue social teachings of the Catholic Church. For example, promotion of human rights, fraternity, reconciliation, defending life, say no to violence, development and solidarity, reconciliation with God and Creation, respect of conscience, opt for the poor, family, women are teachers of peace, without forgiveness, there is no justice & without justice there is no peace etc. Today, it is already the 50th anniversary.
Peace is part and parcel of Christianity. The Beatitudes teach that "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God." (Matthew 5:9) Thus, Christians are called to be peacemakers. On this Golden Jubilee, Pope Francis makes non-violence the theme. He says, "If violence has its source in the human heart, then it is fundamental that nonviolence be practiced before all else within families …The family is the indispensable crucible in which spouses, parents and children, brothers and sisters, learn to communicate and to show generous concern for the good of one another." Frictions and even conflicts are inevitable. We cannot resort to violence, including verbal violence, to resolve these conflicts because violence hurts. Even if it seems peaceful on the surface, the problems are not solved but buried deeper. This is dangerous because we do not know when and where these repressed emotions will erupt beyond control. Therefore, "conflicts have to be resolved not by force but by dialogue, respect, concern for the good of the other, mercy and forgiveness. From within families, the joy of love spills out into the world and radiates to the whole of society … I plead for disarmament and for the prohibition and abolition of nuclear weapons … I plead with equal urgency for an end to domestic violence and to the abuse of women and children."
Today, the Church celebrates the Feast of "Mary, Mater Dei". It is very meaningful to celebrate the "Day of Peace" on the same day. The BVM carried and gave birth to Jesus Christ who helped humanity reconcile with the Father, thus bringing genuine and everlasting peace to this world of confusion. He is truly the King of Peace. The BVM made known to us that we cannot achieve peace which can only be bestowed by God. Then is peace possible? For God, nothing is impossible. See, if He wishes, He could even be born of a virgin, a creature of His own hand. This goes totally contrary to human logic and is impossible. But it did. Thus, if God so wishes, peace is possible because God has taken the initiative to reconcile with sinners.
How do we receive peace? The social teachings of popes are mostly loving care and forgiveness. These are clearly shown by the BVM. We can see her concern for humanity in her care for her cousin Elizabeth, the host of Cana wedding banquet and her many apparitions after her assumption. When Jesus was crucified on the cross, he forgave the people who killed him. I trust this was the fruit of the training the BVM gave him as a child. Just as Pope Francis said, non-violence must be practiced in families.
Brethren, let us reflect on our own family life, on the relations among family members. Let respect for each other, concern for the good of one another become the routine of our family life. Let peace overflow from our families to the community of Tin Shui Wai.
God bless!