
Sunday, 26 March 2017

心盲 Spiritual Blindness









The Fourth Sunday of Lent (Year A)
Theme: Spiritual Blindness

Today, let us meditate from the perspective of the born blind.
The gospel does not tell us the age of the blind, only says, "He is of age." (John 9:21) That means he was over 20 years old. It is difficult to imagine his suffering of more than 20 years. What could he do for a living? As expected, he begged. (9:8) Blindness is a special disadvantage because he could not protect his own safety and possession. Even if he was lucky enough to be given more coins than usual in one day, he did not have the ability to keep them safe. The coins would be easily stolen. Thus, the blind know the Lord's Prayer well. They totally rely on God and are happy to ask only for their daily bread. The second disadvantage was that they were always made fun of. That was why Moses stipulated in the law to forbid people to "put a stumbling block before the blind." (Leviticus 19:14) Only the blind know their own plights. But a blind has one advantage over the other beggars. They do not see the faces of other people. They don't need to please them. They feel better.

But there is a spiritual suffering torturing him ever since he began understanding. Man is a curious animal, always asking why's. Being born blind, this beggar did not know what blindness was until others told them, or made his hands touch things or colours which others saw and he was unable to see. This is blindness! This experience was painful because it would be life-long. It was incurable at that time. (John 9:32) Naturally, this pain urged him to seek answers to relieve the pain. He would ask why he was born blind. After asking for ten odd years, somebody must have told him that illness was a punishment from God. His being born blind was God's punishment. Probably he believed this explanation for a while. Then, he might start questioning that answer and continue to ask why God punished him. What sins had he committed to deserve this punishment? Perhaps it crossed his mind that it might not be his sins but his parents'. He was not sure. He could not find a satisfactory answer and he had been tortured by a sense of guilt until he met Jesus. Jesus' word is truly good news. It unknotted his burden. Somebody spoke in front of him, "It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be made manifest in him" (9:3). His heart and soul were relieved. From now on, he would continue to be blind happily, manifesting the works of God!

Of course, God's works are more than relieving the souls. God's works would make him see this world! Thus, Jesus anointed his eyes with clay and told him to continue the work he had started, sent him to the Pool of the Sent to wash his eyes (9:7)! We do not know whether the blind man went himself, or led by somebody or being made fun of and dragged there. No matter what, he followed Jesus' instruction "and came back seeing" (9:7). The first batch of people he saw were those who had seen him before as a beggar. But why did they argue? It was me! Was there another blind beggar? He really wanted to see Jesus and thank him in person. The beggar thought that the crowd were bringing him to see Jesus only to find that it was another group of people. He repeated his healing story once more and they started arguing. Why did the non-blind like arguing, thinking that they were right and the others were wrong? Was there anything worth arguing about his healing? To his surprise, there was! Some people even questioned his being born blind and wanted to interrogate his parents! This was illogical. If he faked blindness, what made them so sure that the parents they summoned were really his parents? It was me. I was born blind. Could I fake this?

It was supposed to be a happy and touching moment for him to see his parents for the first time. However, he was openly forsaken by his parents in this first encounter! The world God made him see turned out to be such a terrible place. There was some evil forcing parents to openly deny their relationships with their children. Now, this blind man had no family members. But he had Jesus. This group of men wanted to force him to declare that Jesus was a sinner. But Jesus had cured his blindness. Thus, this blind man did not bend. He defended Jesus with evidence. He had never given people face and avoided offending authority. Consequently, the Pharisees failed to rebuke him and angrily drove him away. Now, where could he go to find Jesus in this wide wide world? Don't worry! Jesus took the initiative to seek him!

In this story of the born blind, there are a few points which are worth reflecting.
First of all, we should ask why's because our faith is not superstitious. It is reasonable. But people do not accept or reject truth out of rationality. The Pharisees used to enjoying prestige among the people. But their status was shaken by Jesus. They held grudges against him. Thus, they rejected the truth in front of the Truth, thus making themselves the ‘seeing' blind. We should not be surprised or blamed them for going against Jesus. Aren't there a lot of such people in our society today? Clinging onto their benefits, people do not stop short of twisting facts, promulgating fake news and even denying reality point blank. The Pharisees were once heroes defending the Jewish identity of the Chosen People of God. It is a pity to see them fall.

Secondly, the blind did not accept the truth and believe in Jesus out of logical reasoning but of personal experience. Many stories in the gospels, including this story of the born blind, tell us that Jesus went out to seek us. All of us must have gone through different experiences to become Catholics, to enjoy the grace of becoming God's children. This blind man who bore witness for Jesus was not a hero. He only shared his redemption experience. You and me, everybody has such experiences. These experiences are worth sharing to expand our vision, making people praise God for the variety of ways He redeems us.

Lastly, Jesus did not cure the blind man on the spot but instructed him to perform the remaining steps. Thus, following Jesus' instruction is to do God's works and doing God's works does us good. Thus what would prevent us from following Jesus' instructions, doing works that benefit us? Today, my vestment is not the usual Lenten colour of purple but rose colour. It is because today is the Lætare Sunday. That means half of the Lent season is passed. There remain three more weeks before Easter!
Brethren, before we continue to prepare for Easter, it is time we evaluated how well we have fast, prayed and given alms in the last three weeks.
God bless.

Friday, 24 March 2017

【愛的喜樂】五至七章 Amoris Lætitia Chapters 5-7












March 24, 2017
Holy Redeemer's Church
Theme: Difficulties in Amoris Lætitia

A priest made an incisive analysis of Amoris Lætitia. The layout of the document talks about the teachings of the Scriptures and Jesus first. This is the ideal part. Then it talks about all sorts of difficulties the families have to confront. This is the concrete part. Thus, among the nine chapters of the document, the odd number chapters are theoretical and idealistic, while the even number ones are realistic and concrete. Indeed, life cannot do away with concrete "wood, rice, oil and salt". But like a line in a popular movie which reads, "If a man lacks dreams, how is he different from a salted fish?" There must be ideals in a man to sustain him in moving ahead, in growing and maturing. Therefore, dreams and reality are inseparable and reinforcing each other. Balancing dreams and reality is the art of living.

Fr. Milanese invited me to share chapters 4 to 7 of Amoris Lætitia, a total of 202 paragraphs. With my limited capability, it is a "Mission Impossible". Still I feel that it is my responsibility, no matter how superficial it will be, to summarize them. Last week, I managed to scratch the surface of Chapter 4. Now, let me summarize the remaining three chapters first. Then I will analyze a case as a sharing.
The title of Chapter 5 is "Love made Fruitful". It touches on the fruitfulness of love and about welcoming new life because love is creative. Thus, Chapter 5 mentions the period of pregnancy, the love of a mother and a father. Moreover, it breakthroughs the confines of blood relations and encourages adoption, how the familial love heals the wounds of being abandoned. Lastly, it stretches parental love across the generations, pointing out how young and old people living together may enrich each other's lives.
After talking about the ideals, Chapter 6 returns to reality with "Some Pastoral Perspectives" to deal with some concrete problems, including mixed marriages, preparation of the engaged for marriage, the accompaniment of couples in first years of married life, issues of responsible parenthood, of accompanying abandoned, separated or divorced persons, families with homosexual members and widowhood.
Chapter 7 looks "Towards a Better Education of Children". Although modern society has delegated the major educational tasks to schools, family is a community of love and thus an effective training ground which ordinary schools cannot replace. Without surprise, Chapter 7 discusses the formation of morality and faith. What surprises all is an 8-paragraph manifesto on "The Need for Sex Education". Parents ought to teach children modesty in clothing and speeches, how to express love and dignity; to appreciate and respect their own bodies and others'.

Let me stress once more. Listening to two twenty-minute homilies cannot replace reading the text. Last week I shared an ideal case with you. Tonight, I want to discuss a less than ideal case and see how to handle it with the guidance of the Ode of Love.

Parents raise boys and girls in different ways. Mothers usually do not allow boys to do house chores. After marriage, the wife or the domestic helper will take care of them. Probably because of this, many men do not want to grow up. Imperceptibly, many a man chooses a "mother figure", a female who takes care of everything for him, to be his wife. The first years of marriage were wonderful. But gradually, the man discovered that his wife is a worse "control freak" than his mother. How pitiful it is that he worked so hard to escape the control of his mother only to jump into the snare of another. Just when he was suffering, an understanding female colleague, who needs to be taken care of, appeared ...
Share what difficulties, what crisis this marriage is facing. Will it survive? Follow the teachings of the Ode of Love. You have two minutes.

This case involves the problems of familial education. These were things of the past which we cannot change. However, the personality of a man and his relation with God are shaped by family. It is affecting the present and the future. To a certain extent, what happens to a person is caused by his personality. If this happens to other people, it will take another route. Don't be pessimistic. It is because in many cases, crises are redemptive opportunities God gives us to liberate us from the defects of our personality. The Pope says, "Families are not a problem; they are first and foremost an opportunity." (AL#7)

All men were born of women. As a mother, it is natural not to let go their children to develop freely. It is easy to fall into the trap of "Controlling their children". The Pope says, "The Gospel goes on to remind us that children are not the property of a family, but have their own lives to lead." (AL#18)
Modern people want good quality in life. Therefore they practise family planning to keep the number of children to the bare minimum. In the last century, the war cry of the Family Planning Association of Hong Kong was "Two are enough". When the number of children is small, parents would invest all their expectations on one or two children, thus exerting tremendous pressure on them. Amoris Lætitia has this to say, "When children no longer feel that, for all their faults, they are important to their parents, or that their parents are sincerely concerned about them, this causes deep hurt and many difficulties along their path to maturity." (AL#263)

Let's return to the case. In the shadow of "extra-marital affair", what would married life be like? Within this crisis of "extra-marital affair", arguing and fingerpointing are inevitable. What shall they do? What enlightenments does Ode of Love has for them?

Love is not irritable or resentful
Should Christians not be angry? Doesn't Jesus teach us, "If any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also" (Matthew 5:39)? In fact, angry is one of the three basic emotions humanity is born with. Its proper use is to give us courage to fight against injustice. Without anger, we are not able to right injustice. Moreover, the gospels tell us that Jesus was angry twice. The first time was at the cure of the man with a withered hand. The second time was at the cleansing of the Temple. So, anger is not necessarily a bad thing. However, the destructive power of anger is huge. Therefore, there are relatively more Bible passages warning against anger and not to make it a habit. St. Paul gave us a famous advice, "Do not let the sun go down on your anger." (Ephesians 4:26) Furthermore, "Our first reaction when we are annoyed should be one of heartfelt blessing, asking God to bless, free and heal that person." (AL#104) Why should we be considerate? Why should we pray for an unfaithful spouse? It is because he/she is my spouse, the other half of the One Flesh. If we curse our spouse, we curse ourselves. Do you still not understanding the teaching of the Bible? Keeping calm is the only way to find a solution.

Love does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right
When we see a bad guy fall, probably some people will applaud. If we see our enemy fall, perhaps some of us may rejoice. If we see our rivals fall, sportsmanship does not allow you to rejoice! Who on earth will rejoice when we fall? Are you an enemy of yourself? Why does an extra-marital affair turn a couple into enemies? Reason#1, men cannot face the reality and evade responsibility. They blame the spouse. Men are truly descendants of Adam! Reason#2, we are not doing "rejoices in the right" enough, the opposite of "rejoicing at wrong". That is, "we rejoice at the good of others when we see their dignity and value their abilities and good works." (AL#109) "Sees that others are happy, they themselves live happily and in this way give glory to God." (AL#110)
In your daily life, do you affirm the dignity of your spouse, or enumerate his/her inadequacies before others? "I marry below myself to him." "I know she married me for my money." In your daily life, do you find any ability or achievements in your spouse that is worth praising? Do you feel happy and give glory to God when your spouse are doing well? This is what St. Paul says, "rejoices in the right."

Love bears all things, believes all things etc.
The Pope says, "It (love bears all things) has to do with the use of the tongue. The verb can mean ‘holding one's peace' about what may be wrong with another person. It implies limiting judgment, checking the impulse to issue a firm and ruthless condemnation." (AL#112)
Amoris Lætitia 113 interprets "love bears all things" very well. Let me quote it in full as a conclusion to the homily tonight. The Pope says, "Married couples joined by love speak well of each other; they try to show their spouse's good side, not their weakness and faults. In any event, they keep silent rather than speak ill of them. This is not merely a way of acting in front of others; it springs from an interior atti¬tude. Far from ingenuously claiming not to see the problems and weaknesses of others, it sees those weaknesses and faults in a wider context. It recognizes that these failings are a part of a bigger picture. We have to realize that all of us are a complex mixture of light and shadows. The other person is much more than the sum of the little things that annoy me. Love does not have to be perfect for us to value it. The other person loves me as best they can, with all their limits, but the fact that love is imperfect does not mean that it is untrue or unreal. It is real, albeit limited and earthly. If I expect too much, the other person will let me know, for he or she can neither play God nor serve all my needs. Love coexists with imperfection. It ‘bears all things' and can hold its peace before the limitations of the loved one."

Sunday, 19 March 2017

從安樂窩中解放出來 Liberation from our Comfort Zone









  Third Sunday of Lent (Year A)
Theme: Liberation from our Comfort Zone

Our adaptability is very strong. For the sake of survival, we change ourselves and even modify our environment. In order to ensure the continuous supply of food, we cultivate the land, change the course of rivers, plant crops and vegetables, graze cattle and keep poultry. From living in caves to building houses and cities, men develop culture and laws to stand together to ward off the hostility of the nature. In order to gain protection from the community, men were willing to forsake some of their freedom to obey the law. They invented lamps so that they didn't have to rely on the lighting of the sun, thus increasing their productivity. They have done all these for one single purpose: to survive, to lead a stable life. However, in the course of changing ourselves or the environment, sometimes we make wrong choices and thus do harm to ourselves. For example, extended working hours increases incomes but harms our health and family relations. The gospel today demands us to reflect if our choices bring us closer to God or farther away from God.

Samaritans and Jews were enemies because after the Israel Kingdom was conquered by the Assyrians, the Assyrians enforced mixed marriages as a means of ethnic cleansing. Samaritans were offspring of these mixed marriages. Later, the Judah Kingdom was conquered by the Babylonians. Jews had learned from the Israelites. In order to maintain the purity of their blood, they strictly observed Mosaic laws and forbade mixed marriages. Thus, the Jews were proud of the purity of their blood and despised Samaritans. Of course the Samaritans would fight back. They always stirred up troubles with the Jews under the new conquerors such as the Persians and Greeks.

Geographically, Judah was in the south and Galilee the north. If a Jew wants to go straight to the north, he has to go through Samaria. If he does not want troubles from Samaritans, he needs to take a longer route. The gospel of Luke records an incident in which the Samaritans did not receive Jesus and his disciples. The disciples were angry and wanted to bid fire come down from heaven to burn the Samaritans. Jesus rebuked them and went on to another village. (Luke 9:53-56)Why did Jesus not take another route this time? Of course, taking another route would save the trouble and the hard feelings of rejection. But Jesus knew that it was time for harvesting. If they did not enter the village, they would miss the opportunity of evangelization, thus depraving the Samaritans an opportunity to come closer to God. Therefore, Jesus and his disciples took the risk of rejection and entered the Samaritan village.

Since it was evangelization, you should choose a location frequented by many people. Jesus had chosen well. He sat down beside Jacob's well (4:6). The location was right but the timing was wrong. It was the sixth hour, i.e. twelve noon. It was hot and usually nobody came to draw water at this hour. But a Samaritan woman did come! Obviously she wanted to avoid other villagers such that she waited until this hour to come and draw water. She changed her living habit because she did not want to hear the gossips about her. In fact, this was rather passive. Even if you don't want to hear, will the others stop the gossiping? The problem was whether she had the determination and ability to change her situation.
We have to admit that for a woman living 2000 years ago in the Middle East, there was little she could do. Similar to her Chinese counterparts, the life of a woman was dominated by three men: her father before marriage, her husband after marriage and her son after the death of her husband. But things were not so simple. Before marriage, a father might sell the daughter off to repay debts. A husband was allowed to have concubines (in the case of Chinese men)or to write a certificate of divorce to put her away. In case a husband had died, he might leave the widow no son or an ungrateful son.
The dialogue between Jesus and the woman proceeded smoothly. The woman was more and more willing to open up until Jesus said, "Go, call your husband" (4:16). This was her Achilles' heel. The woman shut herself off immediately with "I have no husband" (4:17). There were four possibilities: 1) she was unmarried; 2) she was divorced; 3) she was widowed and lastly she was cohabiting with a man. Which one?

Of course, Jesus knew. He said, "You have had five husbands, and he whom you now have is not your husband." (4:18)This shows the unfortunate fate of women in ancient times. They could not exist independently in the society without men. The man could be her father/master, husband or son. This woman had had five husbands. That is to say, she had undergone a combination of 5 widowhoods or divorces. Even worse, she might have cohabited with six different men without any legal status. She was the Seductress in the eyes of the public! Whatever the case, she had resigned before her fate. She had given up and did not intend to change, to improve her situation, her marital status until Jesus Christ came into her life. What choice could she make? The gospel today tells us that many Samaritans believed in Jesus because of her testimony. Therefore, this Samaritan woman might have become one of his disciples and followed him to Jerusalem.

Not only individuals, a people can also make choices harmful to themselves. The Samaritan woman said, "Our fathers worshipped on this mountain." (4:20)What happened? The 12 tribes of Israel were unified by Kings David and Solomon into a kingdom. Unfortunately, after the death of King Solomon, the kingdom was split into the northern kingdom of Israel and southern kingdom of Judah. King Solomon had built the Temple in Jerusalem, the capital of the southern kingdom after the breakup. If the king allowed the people to offer sacrifices at Jerusalem, their hearts would go back to the house of David. So, King Jeroboam built two golden calves, made altars and appointed priests himself and told the people it was no longer necessary to worship God in Jerusalem (1 Kings 12:26-33). For more than two centuries, God sent prophets to exhort them to no avail. Consequently, the northern kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Assyrians two hundred years later.

Brethren, Lent is a good opportunity to come closer to God. The gospel today reminds us not to be afraid to get out of our comfort zone to come close to God. Make up your resolution. Forsake the comforts that prevent you from coming close to God. Continue to fast, pray and give alms.
God bless.

Friday, 17 March 2017

【愛的喜樂】第四章 Amoris Lætitia Chapter 4

















「不作無禮的事。」向對方做出無禮的事,是出於缺乏尊重。這是十分基本的人與人來往的規矩。教宗說:「越是親密和深摰的愛,越是要求我們尊重對方的自由,靜待對方敞開心扉。」(AL#99)與無禮缺乏尊重相反,我們要練習以溫柔可親的目光(a kind look),彼此相處。請大家以一個溫柔可親的目光,看看坐在你右邊的教友30秒。


Homily on Amoris Lætitia Chapter 4
March 17, 2017
Holy Redeemer Church
After Stations of the Cross

Each of us reads and understands differently. Therefore, though I am a permanent deacon, my interpretation may not represent the official teachings of the Church. Look, at the moment, even four Cardinals are demanding the Pope to clarify his instructions on administering sacraments to divorced Catholics. Therefore, the following sharing cannot replace your own reading of Amoris Lætitia.

It is a cliché to say that "It is better to suffer short and acute pains than chronic ones". This is absolutely wrong. "Prevention is better than cure" is always true and this document is very proactive. Seeing more than 50% of marriages end up in divorce, would it not be better to do preventive pastoral works? The Pope says, "Our most important pastoral task with regard to families is to strengthen their love, helping to heal wounds and working to prevent the spread of this drama of our times." (AL#246) Further on, he continues to say, "Today, more important than the pastoral care of failures is the pastoral effort to strengthen marriages and thus to prevent their breakdown." (AL#307)

Don't be misled by the title of this document. The Church makes use of the beginning two words of the Latin version to be its title. After translation into Chinese, it is not necessarily the first two words. The title "The Joy of Love" may make people think that love is joyful. Indeed, love brings joy but there are also a lot of pains in love. Furthermore, when our love is deep, it can be painful. We can even say, "If love doesn't hurt, it is not true love." Jesus is the best model. The title can mislead in a second way. It makes people think that the document only talks about the joyful parts of love and ignores other elements such as understanding, respect and commitment. These actions will bring inconvenience and pains as well.

Chapter 4 of Amoris Lætitia is the core of the whole document. There are 76 paragraphs, about 23% of the total of 325 paragraphs. Its importance is shown by its length of nearly a quarter of the whole document. Indeed, a man and a woman make a marital vow, promising to stay together for life to build a family and raise children. This is important for the society. Thus, the document spends a quarter of its length to discuss marital love.

This chapter begins with a meditation of the "Ode of Love" in chapter 13 of St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians. Then it points out that marital love helps the couple to grow. Some people say, "Marriage is the grave of dating". Again, the Church deems it totally wrong. "Marriage is dating goes mature" Since marriage is a process of growth, it is lifelong, it is sharing joys and pains together. How do you share joy together in marriage?

It is because love is joyful. It is because love is beautiful (This sounds like a jewellery commercial!) "Beauty" appears 24 times in the document. The Pope says, "Beauty --- that ‘great worth' which is other than physical or psychological appeal --- enables us to appreciate the sacredness of a person, without feeling the need to possess it." (AL#127) How does this joy, this beauty interflow? It is through dialogue. Furthermore, this interaction, this dialogue is not confined to verbal channels. It also includes the erotic and emotional dimensions. It is difficult to imagine how a Church document can touch upon these erotic issues. We can see that our Pope is not a high-sounding theologian but a compassionate father with a lot of pastoral experiences.

Where do pains come from? When one party becomes very ego-centric, ignoring the feelings and needs of the other party. When violence appears and the desire to control inflates, pains will follow. In the end, the Pope touches on the question of celibacy and the problems of ageing. With the advances in medical sciences, a couple will not spend only thirty to forty years together but seventy to eighty. When the body ages and can no longer fire up passions, life would be unimaginably painful if the love between husband and wife has not matured to the stage of being in "faithful and loving closeness." (AL#164)

The Pope knows well "every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way". He refuses to impose an ideal standard on the daily experiences of love in marriage. "There is no need to lay upon two limited persons the tremendous burden of having to reproduce perfectly the union existing between Christ and his Church, for marriage as a sign entails ‘a dynamic process…, one which advances gradually with the progressive integration of the gifts of God'". (AL#122)

If it sounds difficult to understand, don't blame the Pope. Blame the translation. The Pope points out that for Catholics, marriage is a sign of "Christ loving the Church". In the document, he continuously shows his concerns for the limitations of the individuals, the imperfections of marriages in real life. But the Church is full of hope. Relying on the grace of God, the couple cooperate with God. Their marriage will become perfect and mature daily. Their married life will be more able to manifest Christ's love for the Church.

When I visit the prisons, I usually hear many tragic stories. Many inmates came from broken families. They are resentful, make bad friends, abuse drugs and engage in trafficking etc. All these sound pretty stereotyped. However, sometimes we may discover God's amazing redemption.
An inmate came from a secular family. The father is a disciplinary civil servant, very hot tempered. The mother is an insecure woman. She even continuously called up her husband when he was on duty. This ended up in domestic violence and at last divorce. The inmate was too young to handle these family stresses and kicked off a train of regrettable incidents. At last, the inmate spent 13 months in jail. "It is better to suffer short and acute pains than chronic ones" cheats. Following the "short and acute pains" are many complications. At first, the inmate was angry with the mother when she visited. It was all her faults. After a while, the inmate began to see more clearly and understood that it was not all her faults. The father began to visit the inmate. Once, the father and mother came one after another and the three of them spoke and wept together. That visit was touching and the family was reconciled. Praise be to God. Even an unbelieving family is able to develop mutual concern, attain reconciliation and rebuild a loving community. God should be praised because He is able to transform evil and pains into joy.

The Pope stresses that the essence of marriage in which the couple commit to each other for life comes from the fact that "Marriage is an inevitable mixture of enjoyment and struggles, tensions and repose, pain and relief, satisfactions and longings, annoyances and pleasures." (AL#126) Only love can help us safely weather through these ups and downs. Let us join the Pope in meditating the "Ode of Love".

"Love is patient"
We lack patience. We are impulsive because the other party does not meet our expectations, because we are self-centred and forget that God has His plan for this person. Being a mother, she feels that "he should study medicines to earn hundreds of thousands. Two-dimensional design is not lucrative…" As a father, he thinks that "I am the bread-winner of the family. I should call the shot!" In fact, easily resorting to violence, whether it be verbal or physical, only reveals our impotence. The patience of a Karate master is proportional to his dan rank. He understands how destructive his power can be. Similarly, "God's patience, shown in his mercy towards sinners, is a sign of his real power." (AL#91)

"Love is at the service of the others"
Not only is receiving happy but giving brings happiness too. The Pope says, "Love is shown more by deeds than by words. It ... allows us to experience the happiness of giving, the nobility and grandeur of spending ourselves unstintingly, without asking to be repaid, purely for the pleasure of giving and serving." (AL#94)

"Love is not jealous"
Things others have, I may not need to possess because I don't need to. Thus, "have vs. have not" does not necessarily engender jealousy. But when what others possess poses a threat to us, our negative reaction will be jealousy. The Pope says, "True love values the other person's achievements. It does not see him or her as a threat. It frees us from the sour taste of envy. It recognizes that everyone has different gifts and a unique path in life." (AL#95)

"Love is not boastful"
Why do we need to become the centre of everybody's attention? Do I need other people to affirm my own value? I show off my biblical knowledge, my piety, my being smarter, more insightful and great connections etc. In short, I am more important and greater than the others! The Pope says, "Yet what really makes us important is a love that understands, shows concern, and embraces the weak." (AL#97)

"Love is not rude"
We are rude out of a lack of respect. But respect is the most basic rule of human interaction. The Pope says, "The deeper love is, the more it calls for respect for the other's freedom and the ability to wait until the other opens the door to his or her heart." (AL#99) We need to practise the opposite of rudeness and lack of respect by gazing others with a kind look. Let us now turn and gaze at the one on your right with a kind look for thirty seconds.

Due to a lack of time, please read Amoris Lætitia #101-119 to discover the rest of the Ode of Love.

Sunday, 12 March 2017

如何把天主展示人前 How to show God before people

Second Sunday of Lent (Year A)
Theme: How to show God before people

I'm sure somewhere somehow, you must have met such non-believers as the following. They are your good friends, relatives or your employers. They are not bad people but they do not believe in God and challenge you, saying, "If your God appears right now in front of me, then I will believe in him! Now show me your God." Of course, it is very unlikely that God would really appear in front of such non-believers. But this challenge is real. How do we present a convincing proof of the existence of God in front of non-believers? Before answering this question, let us look at what happened when God really appeared to believers. Today, let us meditate on the story of Transfiguration.

The gospel today begins with "After six days ..." (Matthew 17:1) So, what happened six days before? Well, it was the famous story of Peter's Declaration in which Jesus was doing an opinion poll, asking his disciples what they thought he was. Then representing his fellow apostles, Simon Peter declared that Jesus was Christ, the Son of the living God (16:16) As a reward, Jesus gave Simon a new name, Peter, making him the rock on which he would build his Church. Afterwards, Jesus began telling his disciples how he would die and three days later would come back to life. The disciples were shocked and Peter tried to persuade Jesus not to save the world with his crucifixion! Jesus rebuked Peter and called him Satan ... Jesus found that his disciples were unable to imagine what resurrection is all about. So after six days, Jesus transfigured in front of them to show them the glory of resurrection to assure them.

Several questions arose. First of all, why didn't Jesus show his glory to all the disciples but to only three? This comes back to the original challenge. Why does our God not show up to all peoples but chooses to reveal Himself to only a few? Wouldn't it be more efficient for Him to reveal to all peoples once and for all? Why did God choose a handful of men and take more than two thousand years to spread the gospel and still the end of evangelization is nowhere in sight? Why did God take such an inefficient approach? We Christians are the chosen few on earth and our mission is to bear witness to God.
Well, the time will come when Jesus Christ shall reveal His glory to all peoples on earth. That will happen at the end of the world. But before that, it is the mission of us all to bear witness to the merciful face of God. But if you continue to ask why me and not him, I am afraid only God knows.

Secondly, among so many Old Testament characters, why did Moses and Elijah show up in Jesus' Transfiguration? In particular, why did King David not show up? His appearance would show that Jesus was his descendant, thus proving that Jesus was the Messiah-king. Or why did Abraham not show up? All monotheistic religions treat him as the Father of their faith, the ancestor of all these religions. This is a significant question because it shows that Christianity is a universal religion.
Unlike some religions which are closely related to their ethnicity, their races and blood lines, we Catholics accept people from all over the world. That is why we are called Catholics. Had David shown up, Jesus became a Messiah-king who would drive away the Romans to gain Jewish independence. Had Abraham shown up, our religion would only be a branch of Judaism or monotheistic and would not accept atheists or pantheists. Moses and Elijah showed up because Moses represented the liberator who cemented a covenant between God and a law-abiding people. Moses was the law-giver. As long as we keep God's commandments, we are God's people wherever we came from. Elijah represented all prophets who were spokesmen of God. As long as we listen to and believe in God's words, we are God's people whatever our blood lines are.

Lastly, how does the gospel describe the glory of Jesus? "His face shone like the sun, and his garments became white as light." (17:2) Of course, Jesus is God and light radiates from him. But we are only mortals. Can we shine like him? The answer is a "Yes" because God is love (1 John 4:8, 16). Therefore, the bright light Jesus radiated was his great love. That is to say, love makes us shine. Remember that Jesus told us to be the "light of the world" (Matthew 5:14) and he told us, "to let your light shine before men so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." (5:16) The light Jesus shone was his love. His love is great because he loves us until it hurts, until it kills him on the cross. We are capable of loving people though to a lesser extent. Our light may not be as bright but still, it is through our actions as Catholics, as God's people that people may see the work of God, may see God and glorify Him. Now, we have the answer to the question at the beginning of the homily. How do we present a convincing proof of the existence of God in front of non-believers? It is through the good work we do.

What work are we good at doing as Catholics? What work do we do in Lent? Fasting, prayers and almsgiving! In fasting, we empty ourselves so that we may receive more grace from God. In prayers, we open ourselves to welcome God into our hearts, listen to God and receive His consolation. In almsgiving, we reach out to the needy in whom we may find God because Jesus promised us that we may be able to serve him in the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the homeless, the sick and the imprisoned (25:35-36, 40).

Last year, we recited the Jubilee of Mercy prayer which read "Jesus is the visible face of the invisible Father." Brethren, we were baptized and made adopted children of God. Ask ourselves. How do we show up the face of God, like Jesus did? Lent is the right time to repent and return to our Heavenly Father. How do we manifest the glory of the Father, like Jesus did in the gospel today? It is through fasting, prayers and almsgiving. Start from now. We will be able to shine a little bit and glow brighter each day. In Easter Vigil, I am sure our lights will shine brightly when all the lights of the Church are switched off.
God bless!









Sunday, 5 March 2017

天主子的誘惑 Temptation of the Son of God






耶穌的榜樣,給我們甚麼啟示? 首先,耶穌對抗誘惑的方法,十分簡單直接。祂沒有使用法力,消滅魔鬼,或者與魔鬼進行辯論。祂祗引用聖經,而且祂所引用的,全部出自【申命紀】,是以色列人作為生活指標的法律書。耶穌引用【申命紀】說:「人生活不祗靠餅,而也靠天主口中所發的一切言語。」(瑪4:4,申8:3)開宗明義,提醒我們必須熟悉聖經,熟悉天主的教導,纔能抗拒誘惑的挑戰。



First Sunday of Lent (Year A)
Theme: Temptation of the Son of God

Jesus Christ is truly human and truly divine. This is the core of Christianity. He is truly human. Otherwise, his death was a show and not redemptive. He is truly divine. Otherwise, his death was not able to redeem all the sins past, present and in the future. Thus, we read in the gospel that Jesus was hungry, tired, wept for the death of his friend, was angry, afraid and was tempted. These are all genuine experiences not different from ours. With the gospel reading today, let us reflect on how to deal with temptations.

What is temptation? Let us think along from a negative perspective! If you are full, food cannot tempt you. If you are a zillionaire, you will not be tempted by a few million dollars. If you already have a fulfilled married life, the seductress has no place. If you were a king, no more authority is able to tempt you. You would only look for the elixir which extends your life forever so that you might enjoy your power and awe of your subjects forever. Do you know what the last piece of music written by most Western composers was? It is Requiem because by that time, there was nothing more which could showcase his musicianship better. From these examples above, we can conclude that as long as our hearts beat, we have to satisfy all sorts of needs: physiological, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual needs. Meeting these needs is important. Otherwise, men cannot develop and their potentials cannot be actualized. Temptation is the idea to meet these needs in an improper way, in a way against the will of God. Notice that temptation in itself is not a sin. Putting it into action is. For example, conjugal love in married life satisfies the sexual needs on one hand, strengthens the friendship of the spouses, enhances their spiritual growth and makes babies on the other. This is good and fulfils God's will. However, the thought of gratifying sexual needs outside of marriage is a temptation. Putting it into action commits a sin and even a crime. Thus, whenever temptation emerges, the decision to act or to resist turns you into a demon or a saint.

Do not think that Jesus Christ is divine and thus is immune to temptations. Jesus Christ is both human and divine. Thus temptation is trickier. Among the three temptations, the Devil spoke twice "If you are the Son of God" (Matthew 4:3, 6) Of course, probably the Devil wanted to verify that the man was yet another prophet sent by God or the Son of God. But Satan must have sensed that the man standing in front of it was no ordinary man. Thus, these two temptations must be enticing both the humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ.

On the humanity, it is easier to understand. You are hungry. Of course you want to eat to release the tension. When something can be done as easily as a snap of your fingers, why refrain from doing it? On the divinity, it is beyond us to contemplate. We can only speculate. I opine that the temptation to Christ' divinity was to make use of his divine power to satisfy the needs and relieve the pains of his humanity. Had Christ done so, he would have suppressed the potentials of humanity. Both hunger and patience are painful. But if we are fed whenever we are hungry, we are no different from animals. Then, doesn't turning stones into bread to feed us downgrade us to animals? A Chinese idiom came from a story in which a man refused relief and subsequently starved in dignity when a rich man bade him rudely over for some congee in a famine. Men go hunger strikes to fight for ideals and reasonable human rights. These are the pride and potentials of humanity. Had Jesus made use of his divine power to make himself not hungry, his fasting for forty days and nights would have only been a show and become worthless. You might find proving your identity as the Son of God by jumping down from the top of the Temple trivial. Please think again. After hanging on the cross for three hours, had Jesus become impatient and jumped down from it, the consequences would have been disastrous!

What have we learned from Jesus' exemplar?
First of all, Jesus resisted temptation in a simple and direct way. He did not make use of his divine power to destroy the Devil or argue with it. He simply quoted the Bible and all his answers came from Deuteronomy, the Torah of the Israelites. From the start, Jesus quoted Deuteronomy to tell us that "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." (Matthew 4:4, Deuteronomy 8:3) We must know the Bible, know the teachings of God in order to resist the challenges of temptations.

Secondly, Jesus is full of love. He neutralized temptations with love. This is further supported by the teaching of St. Paul who said, "Love is patient ... is not boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way ..." (1 Corinthians 13:4-5) Thus, in our daily life, we should be patient, not impulsive and not easily irritable. This is how love is manifested. Do not be egocentric and demand people to follow our wills. We need to know that others were also created in the image of God. Respect them. Give them adequate time and space to develop, not according to your will, but according to God's will. So, Jesus quoted Deuteronomy, saying "You shall not tempt the Lord your God." (Matthew 4:7, Deuteronomy 6:16) Lastly, as Christians, we should make God the centre of our life. We shouldn't betray our souls and make a deal with the Devil. Thus, Jesus quoted Deuteronomy once more to reveal the true face of the Devil and rebuked it, "You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve." (Matthew 4:10, Deuteronomy 6:13)

Brethren, Lent is a good opportunity to turn around to embrace the Father again. Firstly, study the Bible and draw strength from the Gospels. Secondly, care about the others. Don't be self-centred like those who play mobile games and ignore pregnant women standing right before them. Be patient and give people time to grow. Don't impose your will on others. Lastly, go to God. Kick bad habits and make no deals with evil powers.
God bless!