The Fourth Sunday of Lent (Year A)
Theme: Spiritual Blindness
Today, let us meditate from the perspective of the born blind.
But there is a spiritual suffering torturing him ever since he began understanding. Man is a curious animal, always asking why's. Being born blind, this beggar did not know what blindness was until others told them, or made his hands touch things or colours which others saw and he was unable to see. This is blindness! This experience was painful because it would be life-long. It was incurable at that time. (John 9:32) Naturally, this pain urged him to seek answers to relieve the pain. He would ask why he was born blind. After asking for ten odd years, somebody must have told him that illness was a punishment from God. His being born blind was God's punishment. Probably he believed this explanation for a while. Then, he might start questioning that answer and continue to ask why God punished him. What sins had he committed to deserve this punishment? Perhaps it crossed his mind that it might not be his sins but his parents'. He was not sure. He could not find a satisfactory answer and he had been tortured by a sense of guilt until he met Jesus. Jesus' word is truly good news. It unknotted his burden. Somebody spoke in front of him, "It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be made manifest in him" (9:3). His heart and soul were relieved. From now on, he would continue to be blind happily, manifesting the works of God!
Of course, God's works are more than relieving the souls. God's works would make him see this world! Thus, Jesus anointed his eyes with clay and told him to continue the work he had started, sent him to the Pool of the Sent to wash his eyes (9:7)! We do not know whether the blind man went himself, or led by somebody or being made fun of and dragged there. No matter what, he followed Jesus' instruction "and came back seeing" (9:7). The first batch of people he saw were those who had seen him before as a beggar. But why did they argue? It was me! Was there another blind beggar? He really wanted to see Jesus and thank him in person. The beggar thought that the crowd were bringing him to see Jesus only to find that it was another group of people. He repeated his healing story once more and they started arguing. Why did the non-blind like arguing, thinking that they were right and the others were wrong? Was there anything worth arguing about his healing? To his surprise, there was! Some people even questioned his being born blind and wanted to interrogate his parents! This was illogical. If he faked blindness, what made them so sure that the parents they summoned were really his parents? It was me. I was born blind. Could I fake this?
It was supposed to be a happy and touching moment for him to see his parents for the first time. However, he was openly forsaken by his parents in this first encounter! The world God made him see turned out to be such a terrible place. There was some evil forcing parents to openly deny their relationships with their children. Now, this blind man had no family members. But he had Jesus. This group of men wanted to force him to declare that Jesus was a sinner. But Jesus had cured his blindness. Thus, this blind man did not bend. He defended Jesus with evidence. He had never given people face and avoided offending authority. Consequently, the Pharisees failed to rebuke him and angrily drove him away. Now, where could he go to find Jesus in this wide wide world? Don't worry! Jesus took the initiative to seek him!
In this story of the born blind, there are a few points which are worth reflecting.
Secondly, the blind did not accept the truth and believe in Jesus out of logical reasoning but of personal experience. Many stories in the gospels, including this story of the born blind, tell us that Jesus went out to seek us. All of us must have gone through different experiences to become Catholics, to enjoy the grace of becoming God's children. This blind man who bore witness for Jesus was not a hero. He only shared his redemption experience. You and me, everybody has such experiences. These experiences are worth sharing to expand our vision, making people praise God for the variety of ways He redeems us.
Lastly, Jesus did not cure the blind man on the spot but instructed him to perform the remaining steps. Thus, following Jesus' instruction is to do God's works and doing God's works does us good. Thus what would prevent us from following Jesus' instructions, doing works that benefit us? Today, my vestment is not the usual Lenten colour of purple but rose colour. It is because today is the Lætare Sunday. That means half of the Lent season is passed. There remain three more weeks before Easter!
The gospel does not tell us the age of the blind, only says, "He is of age." (John 9:21) That means he was over 20 years old. It is difficult to imagine his suffering of more than 20 years. What could he do for a living? As expected, he begged. (9:8) Blindness is a special disadvantage because he could not protect his own safety and possession. Even if he was lucky enough to be given more coins than usual in one day, he did not have the ability to keep them safe. The coins would be easily stolen. Thus, the blind know the Lord's Prayer well. They totally rely on God and are happy to ask only for their daily bread. The second disadvantage was that they were always made fun of. That was why Moses stipulated in the law to forbid people to "put a stumbling block before the blind." (Leviticus 19:14) Only the blind know their own plights. But a blind has one advantage over the other beggars. They do not see the faces of other people. They don't need to please them. They feel better.
First of all, we should ask why's because our faith is not superstitious. It is reasonable. But people do not accept or reject truth out of rationality. The Pharisees used to enjoying prestige among the people. But their status was shaken by Jesus. They held grudges against him. Thus, they rejected the truth in front of the Truth, thus making themselves the ‘seeing' blind. We should not be surprised or blamed them for going against Jesus. Aren't there a lot of such people in our society today? Clinging onto their benefits, people do not stop short of twisting facts, promulgating fake news and even denying reality point blank. The Pharisees were once heroes defending the Jewish identity of the Chosen People of God. It is a pity to see them fall.
Brethren, before we continue to prepare for Easter, it is time we evaluated how well we have fast, prayed and given alms in the last three weeks.
God bless.