
Picture Credit: http://media.salemwebnetwork.com/cms/BST/31479-jesus-pulls-peter-from-water11.jpg
Nineteenth Ordinary Sunday, Year A
Theme: To Jump out of Our Comfort Zone First of all, let us clarify some background information because this incident happened before the Transfiguration which we read last Sunday. It is out of sequence. "He dismissed the crowd" means this incident took place after the Five Loaves and Two Fish miracle. According to the gospel of John, the crowd wanted to force Jesus to become their king because they would not hunger anymore if they followed Jesus (John 6:15). Therefore, Jesus sent his disciples to go before him to the other side while He dismissed the crowd. Then He went up on the mountain alone to pray. "In the fourth watch" (Matthew 14:25) means three o'clock in the morning, the darkest hour before dawn.
All four canonical gospels mention the miracles of Five Loaves and Two Fish as well as Jesus' walking on the Sea. Only Matthew mentions Peter walking on the sea towards Jesus. Scholars conclude that this incident was credible. Mark was the disciple of Peter. If for some reason Peter did not tell this story, Mark had no way to know. Luke was the disciple of Paul who was not there. There was no way to verify. Both Matthew and John were on the spot. Matthew had written. It was not necessary for John to repeat. After all, the main character of this incident was Jesus, the Son of God, not Peter. Moreover, this incident does not fit into the theme of John's gospel. On the other hand, the focus of Matthew is different. It is more about the life of the Church. Even if Peter, perhaps out of humility or of shame, was reluctant to mention it, Jesus would soon make him the rock on which to build His Church. It is logical for Matthew to think that this incident was worth written down to show the unique role Peter.
So, what value was there in this failure of Peter?
According to the Synoptic gospels, when Jesus called his first disciples, whether the four fishermen or Matthew the tax-collector, they were surprisingly generous to abandon everything to follow Jesus. But things could not be so simple. How can you abandon your career so easily? How can you change your life style overnight? Take a look at what happened after Jesus' apparition after resurrection. One day, it was Peter who proposed to six other disciples to go fishing, their previous career (John 21:3). Therefore, after following Jesus, we will always be tempted to return to our previous life style which we are familiar and feel safe. Was it hyperbole for me to say "be tempted"? Categorically not! Take a look at the Israelites whom Moses liberated from Egypt. For several times, because of hunger and thirst, they demanded returning to the house of slavery, Egypt! Thus, returning to our comfort zone is truly a temptation.
Among the disciples, only Peter had the courage to jump out of the boat. It was the small hours and dark. The boat was beaten by the waves (Matthew 14:24). Only their boat was a relatively safe place. What attracted Peter to leave his comfort zone? It was Jesus Christ! Brethren, what can we learn from Peter's experience?
First of all, we need to remind ourselves not to lead a complacent life. Joining Sunday masses, going to confession and receiving the Holy Communion are good but don't turn them into a routine. If we don't support these with a habit of Bible study and prayers, the effect of these sacraments will not be fully utilized. Every day we eat the same breakfast, take the same vehicles to go to work or school. These are comfortable routines. Have you tried to turn them into materials of your prayers? Have you discovered the gifts God grants you in the people and things you encounter?
Secondly, under what conditions should we leave our comfort zone? In fact, we left our first comfort zone when we were baptized and converted to Jesus Christ like the disciples whom Jesus called. Soon after baptism, we might start building our second comfort zone to lead a complacent Catholic life. We care more about receiving sacraments, about reciting prayers and even joining lay associations etc. and forget all about evangelizing the people around us! Evangelization is the mission of not only the clergy, but also the entire Church. We are one of the members of the Church. Evangelization is an indelible duty. We have the responsibility to jump out of our comfort zone! Under what conditions? When we see Jesus in the dark!
Lastly, although we may jump out of our comfort zone into darkness and danger, with Jesus, everything shall be fine. At first, Peter was able to walk a few steps on the waters. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and began to sink (14:30). At that time, he must have been at a distance from Jesus. But when he cried for help, Jesus instantaneously stood by him, reached out his hand to catch him. Unlike a life guard, Jesus was not pulling Peter in the water but standing next to him on the water surface to catch a half-submerged Peter. Please meditate. Had Peter stayed in the boat, in his comfort zone, he would never have had this unique experience! Similarly, if we stay in our comfort zone to lead a complacent life and not to evangelize, I am afraid we shall, like the rest of the disciples on the boat, miss the opportunity to encounter Jesus at close range, to enjoy His rescue and support. Brethren, if you feel that you are not ready to preach the gospel, the most effective way is to pray with the gospel. The Church has a wonderful tradition of Lectio Divina. We can learn this particular way of prayer. After encountering Jesus, beg the Holy Spirit to grant us grace to jump out of our comfort zone to receive more abundant graces.
God bless!
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