近兩個月右肩痛了,吃了兩個星期止痛消炎藥,仍未好轉,惟有按醫生指示吃多兩個星期。太太早已為我預準了一個可以拖的背囊,盛載沉重的物品,例如派往監獄裡的公報報和聖經等。可惜我尚未習慣把需要用的東西從用慣的背囊搬到新的背囊。今天就出事了!首先,出門口的時候,竟忘了拿鎖匙包,是Mariane 追上給我的。乘小巴往小欖精神治療中心途中,猛然醒起沒有帶通行証…😱😱
電聯太太,她已乘西鐵外出。惟有急 Call John Lam。太好了,他有空可以接送我……回家取了通行証,直奔停在斑馬線上的轎車,拉開車門,司機哥哥有點愕然,但仍很客氣地問:「有甚麼事?」噢……幾乎上錯車!😵😵

在車上,John Lam 安慰我,並分享他退休後當義工的得著:就是放下從前的權威和雄心去做天主的事,學習用天主的眼光看人,不要判斷他們。時常祈禱,三日、八日、三十日避靜,辨別神類…下車時,我明白天主為甚麼要我忘記帶通行証,祂為我安排了一個護守天使,指給我一條出路,免得我油盡燈枯。
Picture credit: https://crew.co/blog/how-to-bounce-back-after-burning-out/
Today, God gave me another sign to remind me that visiting prison is not my ministry.
In these two months, my right shoulder aches. Two weeks' medication shows little improvement. I shall have to follow the physician's instruction to take two more weeks of medication. My wife was very considerate. She bought me a snapsack with wheels to carry heavy stuff such as Sunday Examiner and Bibles which I hand out in prisons. Unfortunately, I am not used to using two snapsacks. At last, something went wrong this morning. First of all, I forgot to take my keys. Mariane ran after me to hand me the bunch of keys. On my way to Siu Lam Psychiatric Centre in a minibus, I suddenly remembered that I did not bring my Prison Pass!I called my wife. She was on-board West Rail travelling. I called John Lam. Luckily he was free to drive me home to get the Pass. After taking the Pass, I rushed down to the car on the zebra-crossing. I opened the door, the driver was a little shocked but managed to ask courteously, "What is the matter?" Oh! I nearly boarded the wrong car!
On the way, John Lam consoled me and shared with me his retirement experience as a volunteer: Let go of the previously established authority and ambition to do God's work. Learn to see people in God's eyes. Do not judge them. Pray constantly, go to 3-day, 8-day and even 30-day retreats, discern the spirits etc. When I alighted from his car, I understood at last why God made me forget to bring my Pass. He has sent me a guardian angel to show me the way lest I burn out quickly.
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