耶穌基督傳福音的任務,已接近尾聲。他向門徒做了一個十分簡單的民意調查,看看三年來的傳教工作,有甚麼成果。門徒七嘴八舌答說群眾認為耶穌是厄里亞、是若翰洗者 、是先知中的一位。耶穌直指其心,問在他們的心目中,他是誰。(瑪16:15)其實耶穌希望透過這個問題,尋找教會的基石。耶穌明白祂復活後要離開這個世界,祂必須把救世的工程,交託給教會繼續完成。這個「得救的團體」需要一個領導人。耶穌就借用這個問題,看看天父揀選了誰人做這個領導人。耶穌找到了,這個領導人就是西滿。於是耶穌替他起名為「伯多祿」,是磐石的意思。無論這塊磐石有多少缺陷,耶穌基督會扶持他,幫助他,並在這塊磐石上建立祂的教會。

- 不可怠惰參與主日彌撒,應熱心勤領聖事,與耶穌基督結合。
- 有計劃地讀聖經,從聖經中認識天主的旨意。首先讀對觀福音,然後讀宗徒大事錄,之後再讀宗徒的書信,先讀短的,再讀長的。
- 因循的生活容易令人逐漸迷失方向,令人固步自封,沒有進步。因此,我們必須養成良好的祈禱習慣,打破窒息天主恩寵的例行公事的生活方式。祈禱是一個與天主契合的時刻。無論生活如何繁忙,也要每天讓自己享受與天主獨處最少十五分鐘。這樣做,天主的恩寵纔更能發揮效力,改造我們,提昇我們。
- 怎樣祈禱呢?首先數算天主今天所賞賜的具體恩典,為所求而獲得的,或者沒有求也獲得的一切而感謝祂。其實,能在生活中親驗到天主的恩賜,您祈禱的功力,已經頗有深度了。感恩之後,便開始祈求天主聖神與您一起向天父祈禱。因為我們不懂得如何祈禱,祗有天主聖神纔最能明白天主聖父的思想和心意。沒有聖神的陪伴,我們的祈禱祗不過是自言自語。之後就不用多說話了,讓聖神隨祂的意願,引領我們的靈魂,或者歌頌讚美天主,或者懺悔自己的過錯,或者為所接觸過的人的需要轉求等等,一切一切,不用勉強,祗要享受聖神的帶動,聖神的改造。最後,唸一篇「天主經」結束。
Picture Credit: https://www.crossroadsinitiative.com/media/articles/itisgoodforustobehere/
Solemnity of Transfiguration, Year A
Theme: The Glory of Resurrection First of all, let us re-visit the background of this incident.
Jesus had nearly finished his evangelization mission. He did a simply opinion poll with His disciples to see how much He had accomplished among the Jews. The disciples were eager to get the master's hearing. Some said the people thought that Jesus was Elijah, John the Baptist or one of the prophets. Jesus asked a penetrating question, "But who do you say that I am?" (Matthew 16:15) In fact, with this question Jesus wanted to find out who would be the foundation stone of the Church. Jesus knew that after resurrection, He would leave this world. He needed the Church to finish His redemption mission. This "community of the redeemed" needs a leader. With this question, Jesus wanted to see whom the Father had chosen to be that leader. Jesus had found him. That leader was Simon. So, Jesus named him Peter, which means the Rock. Despite all the defects of this Rock, Jesus would help him, support him and to build his Church upon him.
As anticipated, when Jesus further revealed his salvation plan, the "Mystery of Passover", i.e. He had to suffer and die to atone for our sins, to conquer death and rise on the third day to bring us eternal life, Peter perhaps out of good will or selfishness persuaded Jesus not to take such a path. Jesus Christ understands our weaknesses. Men love pleasures and detest toils. They pursue honour and wealth, evade pains and frustrations. They fear death. Even though Jesus guaranteed that he would come back to life on the third day, the disciples would not want to see their 3-year investment come to nothing! Thus, Jesus brought His three favourite disciples up Mount Tabor to show them His divinity, to manifest the glory of resurrection in order to reassure them. See how Peter exclaim, "Lord, it is well that we are here; if you wish, I will make three booths here." (17:4) Of course it is good to stay in the mountain, attaining the glory of resurrection without going through the baptism of Passion. Who wants to go down and suffer? Peter's reaction showed vividly the weaknesses of humanity. However, God wants to purify and tune up the wounded humanity to make it worthy to partake in the glorious divinity!
What is the relevance of Jesus' Transfiguration for all mankind?
God is love. He does not want His creation to perish. Thus, He incarnated and took up humanity to become Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is truly human and divine. This is the core of Christianity. We believe that Jesus is truly human. Otherwise, His death on the cross was not genuine but a show. Had Jesus been only a man and not God, His death would not have been capable of redeeming the sins of all men in the past, present and the future. Since Jesus is a perfect union of humanity and divinity, God is able to die. He mercifully accompanies men to go through all sorts of sufferings, even death. Men, how well it is to have God's accompaniment. Let us descend, die and rise again. Since Jesus is a perfect union of humanity and divinity, men can be elevated to a higher level of existence to partake in the eternal and glorious divinity. How much God wants to elevate His creation to a more perfect state. Men, rise and have no fear. Let us descend to purify ourselves in our daily life.
St. Paul says it well, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come." (2 Corinthians 5:17) We were baptized to Christ. We lead our life as a new creation, as children of God. After baptism, we need to keep ourselves in Christ, to be united with Christ and become a new creation every day. Then we can partake in the eternal glory of God.
How do we keep this state of a "new creation"?
- We should not be lazy in joining Sunday Mass. We should be fervent in receiving the sacraments to unite with Jesus Christ.
- Follow a schedule to study the Bible to discover God's will. Firstly, read the Synoptic gospels, then the Acts of the Apostles. After that, read the epistles of the apostles beginning with the short ones, then the longer ones.
- We would easily lose our sense of direction when we lead a complacent life. Such a life hinders our spiritual progress. Thus, we need to build up a good habit of prayers to smash the smothering routine way of life. Prayer is a sacred moment of becoming one with God. No matter how busy and hectic life is, we should spend and enjoy at least 15 minutes of solitude with God. In this way, God's grace will become more effective in transforming us, in elevating us.
- How do we pray? First of all, count concretely the gifts God granted us today, those we asked for and those we didn't. For these, we thank God. In fact, when you are able to locate God's gifts in your daily life, your prayers are already deep. After giving thanks, beg the Holy Spirit to pray with you to the Father. We do not know how to pray and only the Holy Spirit knows the heart and mind of the Father. Without the accompaniment of the Holy Spirit, our prayers are just monologues. After that, we don't have to say much. Let the Holy Spirit carry our souls where He wills, perhaps to sing praises to God, or to repent for our sins, or to intercede for the needs of the people we encounter etc. No need to force yourselves. Just enjoy the embrace of the Holy Spirit, the transformation of the Holy Spirit. In the end, wrap up your prayer by reciting the Lord's Prayer.
God bless!
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