
Sunday, 31 December 2017

廿一世紀公教父母 Catholic Parents in the Twenty First Century









Feast of the Holy Family, Year B
Theme: Catholic Parents in the 21st Century

Who doesn't want to live in a happy family? However, "each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." Each family has its share of signature difficulties. Routines that work in one family, such as saying prayers together and blessing children before bed; early tea together on Sunday mornings before going to mass or even eating dinners together on holidays and anniversaries, might not work in another family. Therefore, to help people nurture a sense of belonging, it is good to observe traditional customs, such as eating reunion dinners, dumplings and giving out red packets in Mid-Autumn Festival, Winter Solstice or New Year Eve etc.

We find some Jewish customs in the gospel of Luke: including what was not read today, the circumcision and naming on the eighth day after the BVM had given birth to Infant Jesus; and what was read today about the Purification rites forty days after the birth of a male child and the offering of the first-born male to the Lord according to the Law of Moses. These customs seemed to be trivial to observe. However, they represented for the Jews an awareness of their identity as the "Chosen People of God" which they were proud to be. Throughout history, keeping these Mosaic customs becomes a spiritual strength to resist oppressions from Gentiles. They possessed and put into practice these superior traditions, handed them down so that Jews are still standing tall despite being conquered, exiled and butchered repeatedly. The Holy Family, which was made up of St. Joseph, the BVM and Jesus, was living under Roman colonial rule. The Incarnate Son of God had to rely on the careful nurture of St. Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary so as to be able to accomplish the Father's redemption project.

Catholic parents living in the twenty-first century face far greater challenges in raising their children. What the Holy Family could do might not work for us. Back then, the social milieu was not commercialized. People did not care so much about cost-benefit analysis. They only looked at whether an action was in itself good or evil. They sent their children to synagogues to study Mosaic laws and learnt a trade at home from their fathers. The whole family shared joys and sufferings together, anticipating the restoration of Israel. It was because they believed that keeping Mosaic laws was right. Working on Sabbath was evil. Even though you might earn an extra day's wage to improve the family income, it was still a bad thing. Today, will you think in this way?

Today, no matter how bad our education system is, that schooling only helps children pass examinations, that schools do not teach students proper attitudes towards life but teach only materialistic scientific knowledge, that schools do not inspire children to know the Creator of the universe and the final goal of existence etc. Both parents have to work and it is against the law not to send children to school to receive education of such poor quality! Parents, especially young ones, can you fold your arms to let your children grow up in such an environment? Shouldn't you consider the longer future, nurture their spiritual life to build up their good relationship with the Father to attain eternal life instead of short-sighted goals like entering Directly Subsidized primary schools?

Indeed, in a pluralistic society today, the registered number of Catholics is less than one tenth of the total population of Hong Kong. The chance of getting a Catholic as your permanent spouse to build up a family is slim. When your spouse is not a Catholic, you are sure to face many difficulties and challenges to live up your faith, not to mention raising your children in a Catholic manner. But what God arranges for us must be for the good of ours. Without God's consent, nothing bad can happen to you. If God consents, there must be abundant grace behind the difficulty for our good. Thus, even if our spouses do not share the same faith with us, on the question of raising the spiritual life of our children, there will always be blessings behind difficulties. So don't lose heart!

It is God who blesses your marriage, the guarantee of which is God Himself. God is love. Where there is love in the family, God is present. Last year, Pope Francis issued the apostolic exhortation "Amoris Laetitia" to advise families living in the twenty first century. There, he goes through the meanings and practices of "Genuine Love" taught by St. Paul in I Corinthians 13. We need to let go our mentality as the de facto "Master of the House" because each and every family member is a unique image of God which deserves respect. Respect the image of God is a respect to God Himself. How do we express this respect in concrete terms? It is patient and kind, not jealous or boastful, or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way, is not irritable or resentful. It rejoices in the right, bears all things, believes all things, hope all things etc. For couples with disparity of faith, these tips are effective ways to improve spousal relations. Of course such skills take time to polish.

Thus, before raising children, parents need to ensure that a good communication has been set up and that the values of both are well understood and compromised. How can parents disagree in what the best is for their children? On some negotiable points, be patient. When we come before the truth about the relationships with God, insist. But remember, even if our insistence on the truth fails, God still has His ways to give us grace in our sufferings.
May the Holy Family of Nazareth continue to bless us, to make our families a presence of the Blessed Trinity, a communion for our growth.
God bless!

Saturday, 30 December 2017

以謝恩對抗怨懟 To Fight Against Resentment with Gratitude







To Fight Against Resentment with Gratitude (Luke 2:36-40)

If Anna was married at 13, she would become a widow at 20. She should still be fertile. In the end, she spent 64 years in the Temple without leaving. (Luke 2:37). Perhaps her husband was the only son and there were no brother or near relatives to fulfil the Levirate law. Or perhaps she was barren. She bore no child to support her. We have no clue of her financial situation, not knowing if she had property to support her up to the end. Nor have we heard of any system with which the Temple helped widows subsist. Anyway, Anna did not grumble. Furthermore, she had witnessed the Temple extension project by Herod the Great. Jesus cleansed the Temple because priests mismanaged it with corruption. It must have existed for a long time and Anna must have seen it. The pitiful fate that befell her and the injustice she witnessed did not turn her cynical, or destroy her desire to love and serve God. "And coming up at that very hour, she gave thanks to God and spoke of the child ..." (2:38) She still praised and thanked God and spoke of Jesus Christ to those who were looking for God's redemption.

From Anna the prophetess, we can reflect the basic conditions for Christians to bear witness for Jesus:
Firstly, it is not suitable for resentful people to be prophets. Look at the story of Jonah. God sent him to tell people to repent. In the end, God had to help Jonah repent, to change his prejudice against sinners. Anna's fate did not make her resentful. She did not harbour any negative attitude.

Secondly, everything begins with gratitude. Probably Anna followed and echoed Simeon's witness. But first of all she came to give thanks to God. Only after that did she speak of Jesus. The first step of witnessing is gratitude. Without anything to thank God for, what salvific experience can you share with the others, encouraging the others to receive the redemption of Jesus Christ?

Thirdly, know your audience. Anna did not speak of baby Jesus to all, but "to all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem." Although we should preach to all without prejudice, we should pay more attention to those who desire salvation. For those who do not show any interest at the moment, we will not get impatient. But for those who desire to know more, we should give systematic instructions.
Heavenly Father, holy be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

Friday, 29 December 2017

一個充滿聖神的西默盎 Simeon, a Man of Spirit








Simeon, a Man of Spirit (Luke 2:22-35)

Traditionally, Simeon was portrayed as an old man advanced in age. However, reading the gospel passage microscopically, we cannot find any clue on his age. We think that Simeon was old because in the same occasion, an 84-year-old prophetess Anna spoke of Jesus to the people (Luke 2:37-38). Thus readers by association will naturally conclude that Simeon was old. Another example comes from the Matthean Magi narrative which only mentions "Behold, wise men from the East ..." without stating the number. Since they offered Jesus three gifts, readers naturally think, by association, that there were three wise men. (Matthew 2:1, 11)

In the gospel of Luke, Simeon was the fifth person, after the BVM (Luke 1:35), Elizabeth, John (1:41) and Zachariah (1:67) to be filled with the Holy Spirit (2:25-27). It was the Holy Spirit who moved him to enter the Temple, take Jesus in his arms and sing the famous "Nunc Dimittis" (2:27-28). His example helps us reflect on our journey of faith.

Firstly of all, do we choose to believe in God? Or does the Holy Spirit move us to believe in God and in Catholicism? If we choose to believe, we can also choose not to believe! If the Holy Spirit moves us to believe and not us who choose to believe, then we do not have the choice of unbelief.

Secondly, the gospel says Simeon "was righteous and devout, looking for the consolation of Israel." (2:25) Believers should possess these characters which are the proper attitudes of a person who is full of the Holy Spirit. With the Holy Spirit, believers can discern truth and seek justice. When the Holy Spirit breathes inside you, can you not be pious and desire God's redemption?

Thirdly, if Anna was a prophetess, Simeon could not be less than a prophet. Indeed, he was a prophet. Not only did he foretell the future career of Jesus Christ but he also bore him witness. Simeon was truly an exemplar for all Christians!
Venerable Simeon, intercede for us so that we too can be filled with the Holy Spirit to bear witness to Christ. Amen.

Thursday, 28 December 2017

「殺害肉身」對「殺害靈魂」 Killing Body vs. Killing Soul







Killing Body vs. Killing Soul (Matthew 2:13-18)

Many parents like to have their infant children baptized on Christmas day so that they "were born" with their Saviour on the same day, Christ on earth and their children in heaven! This is a very interesting choice. However, have any parents or ministers ever thought of choosing today, Feast of the Holy Innocents to baptize their babies, to celebrate their birth in heaven?

As Catholic parents, infant baptism is unquestionable. Which parents on earth do not choose the best things for their children? Those who argue to allow the children to grow up and make a rational choice which church to join is a respect their freedom of religions are being irresponsible. Ask which father if he would respect his children's choice to select their surnames after they have grown up, which baby-formulae they would choose to feed or which kindergartens to attend? In doing so, are they putting the cart before the horse? Of course, parents' hearts should ache when their grownup children switch to another denomination or change their genders. They would blame themselves for not teaching their children properly. Thus, infant baptism is not the problem. Faith formation of children is.

From the perspective of infants, they still have a lot of things to learn, especially trusting the adult. They only know to satisfy their basic needs, to explore the environment and do not know how to choose. Truly, they rely on adults to make choices for them and teach them until they grow up and know how to relate with others, to tell right from wrong. Then, they can make their own choices, be responsible and parents can have no more worries.

Without choice, the Bethlehem infants became sacrifices (Matthew 2:16). Their lives were cut short and lost the opportunity to grow and explore. Of course, the guilt of killing the next generation should not be laid on parents but on a single tyrant, Herod the Great. However, are parents who refuse to baptize their infants, or bring them to Sunday school, or try hard to enter an elite school rather than a Catholic school not smothering the spiritual life of their children? Killing the body of an infant vs killing the soul of a child, which sin is worse? Need we to say more?
Holy Innocents, intercede our Father for all Catholic parents so that they understand and have the courage to take up the responsibility of forming the spiritual life of their children. Amen.

Wednesday, 27 December 2017

澄清幾個有關厄里亞先知的疑問,從而反省終身執事職務 To Reflect on the Ministry of Permanent Deacons through Clarifying some issues about Elijah the Prophet



  • 厄里亞對阿哈布說:「我指著我所服侍的永生上主、以色列的天主起誓:這幾年如果沒有我的命令,天決不降露或落雨!」(列上17:1




  • 阿哈布的王后,依則貝耳因為厄里亞殺了她的450個巴耳先知,便下追殺令。





  • 敖巴狄雅既然已告訴了厄里亞,最少有100個上主的先知仍然存活著。
    為甚麼厄里亞在曷勒布山上,仍兩次向天主訴苦說:「我為上主萬軍的天主憂心如焚,因為以色列子民背棄了祢的盟約,毀壞了祢的祭壇,刀斬了祢的先知,祗剩下了我一個…」?(19:10, 14

作為執事,無論在堂區服務,或者在教區的委員會工作,切忌「捨我其誰」的虛榮感。我們上任的第一天,便應該抱著一個培養接班人的心態。一個人無論做得怎樣好,始終也有退下火線的一天,有調職的一天。所以,與其一個人享受音樂,總不及眾人一齊享受,所謂「獨樂樂不如眾樂樂。」同樣,「獨善其身」,總不及「兼善天下」。所以執事的服務,經常包括策動並製造機會給堂區的教友,投入社區內的愛德服務,例如「以物換物墟市」、「Pizza Party」、「安樂茶飯」等,這種態度,纔是正確的,符合天主的旨意。

晚生功力有限,今天祗能蜻蜓點水一樣,與各位分享厄里亞的生平對執事團的一些啟發。相對於各位,執事們回應天主的聖召比較晚,不像各位「在你還沒有出離母胎以前,我已祝聖了你,選定了你作萬民的先知。」 (耶1:5)。你們在修院的多年培養下,比我們這些半途出家的人更優勝。我們好像厄里亞和約納一樣,背負著前半生的包袱,回應上主的聖召,要費頗大的精力纔把它們卸下。在一起牧養天主子民的事工上,請大家多多包涵。

To Reflect on the Ministry of Permanent Deacons through Clarifying some issues about Elijah the Prophet

How Biblical characters responded to God's call is worth studying. Today, I would like to clarify three issues about Elijah, about how he responded to God's call in order to draw some conclusions beneficial to our diaconate ministry.

  • Elijah ... said to Ahab, "As the Lord the God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall be neither dew nor rain these years, except by my word." (1Kings 17:1)
Who can command clouds and rain? For example, we find "I will also command the clouds that they rain no rain upon it." (Isaiah 5:6) It is obviously God's word. How dared Elijah to usurp God's words as his!
However, we read, "The prayer of a righteous man has great power in its effects. Elijah was a man of like nature with ourselves and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth. Then he prayed again and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth its fruit." (James 5:16b-18) That is to say, the Jewish Christians in the first century generally believed that the three-year drought was caused by Elijah's fervent prayers. Moreover, since Elijah did not die but was taken up to heaven, he appeared with Moses during Jesus' Transfiguration and spoke with Jesus Christ. Thus, among Jews and in particular Christians, Elijah was somebody "supernatural". Thus James adds, "Elijah was a man of like nature with ourselves" to draw Elijah closer to us. What he did, we can also do. Lastly, James opines that what Elijah did was righteous.

Moreover, if the prophet was a spokesman of God, 1Kings would say, "the word of the Lord came to ..." which appears for more than 10 times in total. Thus, Elijah did not hand down God's word but swore before God that he would stop heavens from raining in order to punish Israel. This was a curse, wasn't it?

Do you think Elijah has been "too jealous for the Lord", too impulsive so much so that without thinking about the consequences, he cast a curse on which he himself also fell victim? Later, Elijah would be less impulsive. He would act when "the word of the Lord" came to him. But old habits die hard. Elijah would be impulsive on occasions!

As deacons, praying the Lauds and Vespers is our obligation. But in our pastoral work, we will meet many different people, such as patients in the hospitals or their family members, who ask us to pray for the recovery of their health; or remands in prisons who are going to courts or waiting for sentences and ask us to pray for better outcomes of their cases. In charity, it is right to pray for them. But in faith, it is a very big challenge. Will our prayers turn the course of their destiny? Are we as "jealous" as Elijah for God and the people we meet? Or we have prejudged our clients, thinking that prayers are ineffective in their situations? Please help this Unworthy Servant solve this puzzle!

  • When Jezebel, queen of Ahab heard that Elijah had killed the 450 Baal prophets, she ordered the death of Elijah in a fatwa manner.
    According to 1Kings, Elijah was difficult to track down. He simply appeared and vanished the next moment. For example, Obadiah, the Steward of Ahab's household says, "... the Spirit of the Lord will carry you whither I know not ..." (1Kings 18:7-15). Furthermore, after successfully calling down rain, "And the hand of the Lord was on Elijah; and he girded up his loins and ran before Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel" (18:45-46). That is to say, Elijah had the speed and stamina to run faster than chariots. Moreover, it was well-known that Obadiah had shielded 100 prophets of the Lord. It seemed to be an open secret. He even said to Elijah, "Has it not been told my lord what I did ..." (18:13) It is clear that this Steward of Ahab's House had enough power not to fear the murderous threats of Queen Jezebel. Or in reality, the power of Jezebel has been exaggerated. If Elijah ran as fast as Superman and was untraceable and that Jezebel was not as deadly as we imagine, why then was Elijah afraid of the fatwa of Jezebel. It is mind-boggling why, without God's word, Elijah should run away for his life. (19:2-3)
Looking back at the whole incident, probably Elijah had overdone two things which God did not tell him to do.
God only told Elijah, "Go, show yourself to Ahab; and I will send rain upon the earth." (18:1) That is to say, firstly that if Elijah had prayed every day to stop raining, then there was no need for him to continue. Secondly, God did not ask Elijah to compete with Baal's prophets to prove who the true God was. Thirdly, God did not tell him to kill the 450 Baal's prophets.

Of course, what is absent in the Bible is not evidence of absence. Moreover, this competition was a truly effective means to make the people recognize who the true Lord is. Just as Elijah declared, "How long will you go limping with two different opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; if Baal, follow him." (18:21) Thus, this competition surely agreed with God's will.

But killing 450 Baal prophets was more problematic. Surely, there is such a Mosaic law, "But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name which I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die." (Deuteronomy 18:20) This batch of Baal prophets, among whom some might just come to fill up the numbers, surely deserved to die. But had God not forgiven Ahab's sin because he repented? Could some of those Baal's prophets be converted after seeing the miracle? Would God want to deprive them of the opportunity to repent? Thus, I always feel that Elijah's decision came more from his "righteous wrath" to revenge for those prophets of the Lord whom Jezebel had murdered than from God's command. Had it been God's command, God would have protected him from Jezebel's slaughter. Rather, it was his overzealous decision that courted death and had to flee to Judah. Of course, requesting Elijah to die martyrdom might not be God's will.

This Carmel victory could be deemed the zenith of Elijah's career. Take a look at the dialogue between him and the Zarephath widow whom God had commanded to feed him. It was like a master talking to a maid! After raising the son of the widow, how could any man resist ego-expansion at the words of praises from her! No wonder Elijah was so elated as to demand a competition with and execution of Baal's prophets.

As deacons, there are many opportunities to become overzealous and forget God's will. Our prayer life and spirituality have only one purpose: to seek God's will and grace to accomplish His plans. On the other hand, God's will usually does not contain operational details. He simply said, "I shall send rain upon the earth" without further details. This is understandable because God respects our freedom. He gives us a free hand as long as we do not commit sins. In carrying out our ministry, we learn to be flexible in meeting the spiritual needs of people. But when things go well, we easily become overzealous and skip the proper procedures, thus bringing ourselves and fellow deacons unnecessary troubles. The path to hell is truly littered with good intentions.

  • Obadiah had told Elijah that he had sheltered at least 100 prophets of the Lord.
    Why on Mount Horeb did Elijah speak twice, "I have been very jealous for the Lord, the God of hosts; for the people of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thy altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left ..." (19:10, 14)
The truth is Elijah had been too arrogant before God. There were at least 100 prophets Obadiah had given protection and alive and Elijah still insisted that only he alone left! When the Lord commanded him to anoint Elisha to be prophet in his place and told him "Yet I will leave seven thousand in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him" (19:18), from then on, Elijah realized how wrong his "I Alone" concept was. When he saw God forgive Ahab's sins of murder and theft, Elijah was no longer filled with "righteous wrath", complained, protested and asked for death. He had matured. His actions had turned milder. Probably he began to be aware of an angel standing next to him. For example, when Ahaziah succeeded Ahab, thrice he sent a captain of fifty men with his fifty to arrest Elijah. Elijah was still "filled with fire". Twice he sent fire down from heaven to consume them all. On the third time, he listened to the advice of the angel of the Lord and did not summon fire from heaven to kill.

As deacons, whether we serve in the parishes or diocesan commissions, it is important to avoid the vanity of "I Alone". The first day we enter our office, we should start grooming our successors. No matter how well we have done, one day we shall leave the firing line or be transferred elsewhere. Thus, instead of enjoying classical music alone, we should share with others. "Enjoying music alone is not on a par with enjoying with the mass". Similarly, to be good alone is not as good as goodness for all. Thus, diaconate ministry should include motivating parishioners and providing them opportunities to get involved in charity such as "Barter Markets", "Pizza Parties" and "Leisure Dinners" etc. This attitude is right and God approves.

This Unworthy Servant knows his limitations. Today I can only sketch the surface of the Elijah Cycle to unearth some enlightenment for the diaconate. Compared with you, my honoured audience, our vocation comes at a later stage if our lives, unlike your vocation, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you' I appointed you a prophet to the nations." (Jeremiah 1:5) Your formation in the seminaries was more superior to ours who answered God midway in our lives. We are like Elijah and Jonah, who carried the burdens of our former stage of our life. We have to spend much energy to unload this burden. When we work together to serve the People of God, tolerate us.
God bless!

愛主之徒 The Disciple who Loves the Lord




耶穌基督曾否認了親戚血緣關係在天國中的重要性(谷3:33-35), 所以親戚關係不能令若望成為「主所愛的門徒」。是性格嗎?耶穌稱若望為「雷霆之子」(3:17)。有一次他曾經想降火焚毀那拒絕接待他們的撒瑪黎雅村莊(路9:54),他衝動的性格,可想而知。耶穌又怎會愛這種性格的人呢?會!



The Disciple who Loves the Lord (John 20:2-8)

Andrew and Peter were brothers. So were James and John. It was Andrew who made Jesus Christ known to Peter (John 1:41). To a certain extent, Andrew was a sponsor or even a mentor for Peter. But it was strange that during the early Church, Peter worked closely with John instead of Andrew. Can we only find sibling rivalry but not brothers working together in the Bible?

The gospel of John only mentions John the Baptist by name and does not mention John the Evangelist explicitly. Most scholars throughout the ages identify "the disciple whom Jesus loved" as John the Evangelist. That is to say, the author of the gospel of John employed "the disciple whom Jesus loved" as his label. It is difficult for us to speculate why he crowned himself "the disciple whom Jesus loved". Did Jesus not love the other disciples? Of course he loved. Then, perhaps it was because of family tie, or personality or some other reasons.

Jesus Christ has denied the importance of family tie in the Kingdom of Heaven (Mark 3:33-35). Thus family tie could not make John "the disciple whom Jesus loved". Was it personality? Jesus called John one of the Boanerges, sons of thunder. Once John even wanted to bid fire come down from heaven to consume a Samaritan village because the villagers denied them hospitality (Luke 9:54). You can imagine how impulsive he had been. How could Jesus love such people? Jesus could!

Jesus Christ loves all of us, tolerates our iniquities because each one of us is a unique image of God in His heart. At present, we may be impulsive, weak, greedy, lustful and arrogant etc. But when we follow the Lord with repentance and humility, we can attain the ideal image God ordained us at the beginning of Creation. Take a look at the new partnership between Peter and John. Peter has denied the Lord thrice. Had Andrew not denounced him, Peter would not have had the face to work with his own brother. When Peter proposed to verify Mary Magdalene's claim of what had happened at the tomb, probably only John supported. Why did John support? Instead of saying "the disciple whom Jesus loved", it is better to say "the disciple who loved Jesus the most". Thus, this anonymous "disciple whom Jesus loved" is like Theophilus, an exemplar of all disciples who love Jesus. You and I are John!
St. John the Evangelist, intercede for us so that we love our Lord Jesus Christ as passionate as you are. Amen.

Tuesday, 26 December 2017

用愛擁抱死亡 Embrace Death with Love







Embrace Death with Love (Matthew 10:17-22)

We always admire the martyrs very much, are surprised how they were not afraid to die and bear witness for the Lord. Think about being stoned, burnt, roasted, crucified, torn by beasts and flayed etc. How can ordinary people endure such tortures? The BVM asked well, "How shall this be?" (Luke 1:34) Would it be that "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you" (1:35)? Would the martyrs feel no pain of death with the power of the Most High?

First of all, is death really painful? Truly, from the groaning of a man at his deathbed, or the twisted face of a corpse, we deduce that death is painful. However, there are also many people who die a peaceful death, leaving this world in their sleep. People would trade anything to die in this way. Since nobody has covered dying live and reported the near-death experience. Thus, death is not necessarily painful.

Secondly, what factors cause some people to die painfully while other peacefully? This is a matter of "good death" and is controversial. I would like to take this opportunity to voice my view.

Except for those who enter eternity directly at the end of the world, most people have to go through death in order to reach the other side. Death is thus a portal to eternity. Imagine people being separated. How much they desire to reunite with their loved ones! Similarly, how much Christians desire to attain eternal life to reunite with Jesus Christ whom they love! This desire is directly proportional to the intensity of the love they have for Jesus Christ. That "Love is strong as death, jealousy is cruel as the grave." (Songs 8:6) is so true and clearly articulated by the martyrs. Love can be so stunning a death. Happiness and pain can embrace each other in such an intimate way.
Heavenly Father, Your wisdom is stunning. We beg you to fill our lives with love so that we can embrace death and set sail before You smoothly. Amen.

Monday, 25 December 2017

相對主義之錯謬 The Fallacy of Relativism








The Fallacy of Relativism (John 1:1-18)

It is Christmas. We celebrate the True Light of God enters the world (John 1:9). It brightens life and this Light brings men full life (1:4).

Life and death, Good and Evil are like twins. Many people believe that the existence of evil is necessary because evil manifests why goodness is good. That is to say, without evil, without sufferings, how can men see goodness is good and happiness is happy through contrast? If there is only goodness without evil, men will never know what evil is and what goodness is! This is a fallacy pleasing to the ears!

First of all, other than contrast, is there no other way to know life and death, benevolence and evil? Do we need Nanking massacre to know the goodness of peace?

Moreover, if this kind of relativism is right, then does a little boy who save 50 cents to support stray dogs and cats, in contrast to a rich developer who donates 130 billion to the university to develop drugs to cure cancers, is evil while the billionaire is good? If then does a Mr. Anonymous who donates 10,000 billion to social enterprises to build subdivided flats, to soothe the burning issue of housing turn the billionaire into evil? This relativism is downright wrong!

In fact, life and death, goodness and evil are inseparable. It is not for contrast, but God wants to give us edifying graces in these seemingly evil things such as illnesses, unemployment, separations and persecutions for justice! When you are sick, do you see improvements in your relationships with your family members and friends? When you are unemployed, do you leave your comfort zone to build a new world? Does separation from your family members and friends help you acquire the meaning of life? When your fight for justice ends up in total failures, do you discover that Jesus Christ has been accompanying you all along...?
Heavenly Father, we beseech You to enlighten our eyes with the Light of Your Son to see the many graces You have prepared for us. Amen.

主愛的人在世享平安 Peace on Earth to Men God loves








Mid-Night Mass, (Year B)
Theme: Peace on Earth to Men God loves

This night, we celebrate the birth of our Saviour. It is because not only does he bring us hope, but also peace. When peace is mentioned, it reminds us that the first sentences of Gloria we sing on Sunday masses come from the Lucan nativity story (Luke 2:14). However, there are many renditions on "Peace on earth to Men God loves" in the process of translation. For example, the Douay-Rheims Bible translates it as "and on earth peace to men of good will." Well, which one is right, "men God loves" or "men of good will"?

The Greek original is "καὶ ἐπὶ γῆς εἰρήνη ἐν ἀνθρώποις εὐδοκία" and the Latin translation is "et super terram pax in hominibus bonae voluntatis" This "εὐδοκία" can mean "good will, delight and satisfaction etc." all sorts of good things. Usually, in Greek and Latin, they put the adjective after the noun. Thus "good men" in Latin becomes "men good" and "bad guys" is "guys bad" etc. Thus, in Greek and Latin, the sentence can be understood as "and on earth peace to men of good will". Most of the English translations take this interpretation. But this is only one of the many interpretations.
Here, I cannot ignore the 1611 KJV translation. It reads, "and on earth peace, good will toward men." How lovely this translation is! The birth of Jesus Christ brings peace and all sorts of good things to us! The only flaw is its asymmetry. God only has one thing, glory while men have two, peace and good will. But this translation is better than others in one way. God's peace is given to all, not just to "men of good will".

From the KJV experience, how shall we evaluate the John Duns Scotus Chinese translation? Which is better, "men God loves" or "men of good will"? Personally I think that "men of good will" is morally judgmental. It excludes those of evil will, hatred, greed, sloth and lust etc. It is less tolerant than KJV. "Men God loves" is different. Whom on earth does God not love? No matter how much evil, hatred, greed, sloth and lust you harbour, God still loves you and give you chances of repentance to polish the image of God in you. Moreover, He nourishes you with all sorts of sacraments so that the image of God in you may be fully realized. "Men God loves" includes all. It agrees with what John's Gospel says, "For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him." (John 3:17) It solves the asymmetry of KJV but as tolerant as KJV. Therefore, it is so far the best translation I know of.

Well then, since we are loved by God, do we have peace?
"Life is a huge bag of worries". Indeed, as long as we dwell in our flesh, we have to meet all sorts of physiological, psychological, interpersonal, economic, social and cultural needs. When needs are not met, anxiety arises. Where can we find peace?
What does the birth of Jesus Christ reveal us?

Let us imagine Spider Man and how he swings freely in the three dimensions of length, breadth and height. Now, he is chasing some criminals between two closed built mansions. He is confined from three dimensions to two. Unfortunately, he falls into a very narrow tunnel, chased from behind by a monster. Now, Spider Man has only one degree of freedom. The incarnation of the Son of God suffers a similar fate. The Author of the Universe is unlimited and free to follow His heart. But from His infinite freedoms, he degraded Himself into the three dimensional world of humanity. For example, He lost his fourth degree of freedom, the freedom of time. He had to spend nine months in the womb of the BVM to grow, unlike the Monkey King who was fully grown at birth etc. He took upon himself human flesh and all its inconveniences such as hunger, exhaustion, all sorts of emotions and even death! Jesus Christ did all these to obey the will of the Father to save this world from the bondage of sins. That is to say, Jesus Christ sacrificed his own freedom in exchange for the freedom of the world!

Not only has Jesus Christ set the world free, but he also gives us the freedom from the bondage of sins so that we can have peace. We suffer anxiety because we only focus on our needs and our difficulties. We are unhappy because people do not meet our expectations! The government worries about young people taking part in social activism because they do not focus on their studies. Parents worry about the studies of their children, thinking that there is no future without a university degree. However, many successful people in the society are not university graduates. Moreover, is it God's plan for me to study in the university? Does God want me to study medicine? Or does God calls me to become a social worker to serve the needy or even to be a clergy? Many adults worry about their health and are afraid of death, thus fattening the pharmaceutical companies! But isn't birth, ageing, sickness and death natural stages of life? Does God not sustain our lives in His hand? Do we need to be so excessively worried? Jesus teaches us the Lord's Prayer. Does he not teach us to ask the Father today for our daily bread? Let tomorrow's worries for tomorrow. That is to say, entrust everything into the hands of the Father. How much do you buy?

Brethren, let us entrust everything, our life, health, career, family, the Hong Kong society, our mother country, the entire Asia and the whole world into the Father's hand, that they unfold according to His will. Let us enjoy this heavenly bestowed peace. Let the whole world enjoy peace.
Merry Christ!
God bless!

Sunday, 24 December 2017

與天主合作 To Work with God










Fourth Advent Sunday (Year B)
Theme: To Work with God

Although the Bible is a mini-library made up of 73 books, on the whole, it is a history book which tells us how God redeems humanity. This book describes how different people have worked with God to save a world contaminated by sins. In fact, God does not need the cooperation of men. Moreover, without men's participation, the redemption project might have been more efficiently done. With human factors, the situation becomes very unstable and a heavier price has to be paid. But God decided to get men involved in this redemption project so that the image of God within each man can be more fully expressed.

From the Bible, we find that most of the people God invited to cooperate were not perfect. They more or less rejected God's invitation. For example, when God called from the burning bush the 80-year-old fugitive prince of Egypt to liberate the Israelites, Moses declined five times until God lost His patience. Moses reluctantly accepted the mission (Exodus 3). Another example was the prophet Jonah who had spent three days and three nights in the belly of a big fish. Could he ever be willing to work with God to tell his despised citizens of Nineveh to repent? Consequently, he was swallowed by a big fish, only to be spitted out at Nineveh. It is not a comfortable job to work with God because people generally don't want to change the status quo or to leave their comfort zones. In this way, God's image would rust.

The first reading tells the story of King David at the zenith of his career. David was the second king of Israel. He was able to unite the 12 tribes into a kingdom. After the first Israel king had ignored God's commands and lost trust in God, "the Lord has sought out a man after His own heart; and the Lord has appointed him to be prince over His people." (1 Samuel 13:14) At that time, this man was only a teen shepherd. God helped him defeat Goliath and spent more than two decades to train this lad to become the king to unify Israel. David had loved God passionately since young. He always sang and danced to express his love of God. Most of the psalms collected were penned by him. When he brought the Ark into the City of David, i.e. Jerusalem, whenever "those who bore the Ark of the Lord had gone six paces, he sacrificed an ox and a fatling. And David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod." (2 Samuel 6:13-14) We can see how David loved God and was a king after God's own heart.

The first reading today is the famous "Nathan Oracle". Seeing that the kingdom was settled and at peace, David decided to build a Temple to house the Ark because it was a sign of the presence of God. God approved of David's piety but as it was written in Isaiah, "Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool; what is the house which you would build for me, and what is the place of my rest?" (Isaiah 66:1) Thus, on the contrary, God promised David that his dominion would last forever. "And your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me; your throne shall be established forever." (2 Samuel 7:16) David's piety towards God has earned him the honour to be the ancestor of Jesus Christ. The Messiah the Jews had expected must be a descendant of David. He would restore Israel for the Jews to stand tall.
Later, David was corrupted by a complacent life. He committed adultery and murder. Although he repented and received God's forgiveness, a due punishment descended on him. His beloved son usurped his throne. Although in the end his throne was secured, his beloved son was killed. David's life was not flawless. There is consensus on his merits and demerits. But one thing is certain. God's plan for David has fulfilled.

Many heroes and men of repute in the Bible were hindered by their achievements so that they could not work well with God. On the contrary, many Biblical women, who have been unfairly treated in ancient patriarchal societies, were able to work smoothly with God for the redemption project through their humility and trust in God. For example, we can find four such women in the Matthean genealogy of Jesus. They are the unfairly treated widow Tamar, Rahab the prostitute, Ruth the Moabite and the wife of Uriah whose name is even not recorded in Jesus' genealogy! Without them, Jesus could not acquire the legal status to be the son of David!

The gospel today tells us the exemplar of the Blessed Virgin Mary whose "Let it be to me according to your word" (Luke 1:38) raised the curtain of the redemption of the world. But it was only the opening. Since then, Mary had been walking quietly behind Jesus to seek God's will and worked hard to actualize it. After Jesus' ascension, she accompanied the new born Church until she was assumed into heaven. She is the exemplar of each and every Christian.

Brethren, let us follow the example of the BVM. Work with God in humility and faith. Bring Jesus to where he is not known to live out the true meaning of Christmas.
God bless!

Sunday, 17 December 2017

喜從何來? Whence comes the Joy?


今天是「喜樂主日」,禮儀的顏色由紫色轉為玫瑰紅色,它既標誌著將臨期第二階段的開始,即紀念救主在二千年前的誕生。救主的誕生帶來喜樂,所以我們以玫瑰紅色表達出對這份喜樂的期望。 與上一個主日的福音一樣,今天福音的主角仍然是若翰洗者。他是上主派來為耶穌基督作証的先鋒,幫助群眾作好心靈的準備,迎接默西亞,救主的來臨。他教訓群眾悔改,放下世俗的憂慮,心神轉向天主。他的教訓,今天仍然合用。另一方面,耶路撒冷的宗教領袖,一直監視著他的舉動,恐怕出了亂子,給羅馬殖民地政府一個藉口,大開殺戒。今天的福音,記載了他們對若翰洗者的查詢。







Third Advent Sunday (Gaudete Sunday), Year B
Theme: Whence comes the Joy?

Today is Gaudete Sunday. The liturgical colour is rose-coloured instead of purple. It marks the beginning of the second stage of Advent Season to celebrate the birth of the Saviour two millennia ago. The birth of the Saviour brings joy. We put on rose-coloured vestments to express this expectation of joy.
Like the previous Sunday, the hero of the gospel reading today is John the Baptist. God sent him to be the forerunner of Christ to bear him witness. He prepared the hearts of the people to receive the Messiah, the Saviour. He taught the people to repent, to put down secular worries and turn their hearts to God. His teachings are still relevant today. On the other hand, the religious authority from Jerusalem watched over him anxiously lest any unrest would give the colonial Roman government an excuse to butcher the people. Today's reading is a record of their interrogation of John the Baptist.

Two groups of people were sent. Priests and Levites were ministers of sacrificial works in the Temple. Offering sacrifice was the core of Jewish religious life. But in Jesus' time, some communities were unhappy about the corruption of priests. They opposed Temple sacrifice and left Jerusalem. They ventured into the wilderness to establish their own cults. Moses was a Levite. He set down the sacrificial laws. He liberated the Israelites from Egypt. Moses could be deemed the first Messiah. Later, when Judah was conquered and exiled to Babylon, Cyrus, the Persian king conquered Babylon in turn and set Judah free to return home to rebuild the Temple. Isaiah calls him "the Anointed", i.e. the Messiah (Isaiah 45:1). John's father was a priest (Luke 1:5). Thus John knew very well the intention of the priests. If he were the Messiah, would he, like Moses and Cyrus, support Temple sacrifices? Thus, when the priests asked him who he was, John directly denied that he was the Messiah (John 1:19-20). Do you remember John's clothing? Signs indicated that he would oppose Temple sacrifice. Thus, the priests interrogated further.

When the Israelite king led the people to worship Baal and abandoned the Lord, Yahweh sent Elijah to restore order. Firstly, there was a drought of three years. Then on Mount Carmel, Elijah challenged 450 Baal prophets to offer sacrifice to respective gods to beg for rain. In the end, Elijah won. Yahwehism was temporarily restored in Israel. The sacrifice to Yahweh was restored. Thus, when the priests asked if John was Elijah, they wanted to find out if he supported Temple sacrifice. John denied once more. (1:21) That is to say, it was probable that John opposed Temple sacrifice.
Then they continued to ask John if he was "the Prophet". Who was this anonymous Prophet? He was the one whom Moses prophesized God would raise up one day a prophet like unto Moses (Deuteronomy 18:15). That is to say, if John were that Prophet, he would support Temple sacrifice like Moses. Unfortunately, John denied again. The priests and Levites could not get the answer they wanted to hear. Lastly, they demanded John to speak for himself who he was. John's answer, "a voice in the wilderness" did not seem to oppose Temple sacrifice. The priests had accomplished their mission.

The Pharisees worked in local synagogues. They were responsible for managing doctrines and religious behaviours. They ensured the orthodoxy of teachings and traditions and their orthopraxis, like "morality policemen". For example, although Mosaic Law stipulated the observance of the Sabbath, how to observe, how much weight was allowed to carry, how far a person was allowed to walk etc. were handed down by traditions. This was the turf of the Pharisees. They asked John, if he did not support Temple sacrifice or object, why he baptized like those runaway communities in the wilderness. The Pharisees wanted to assess if John's baptism had violated traditions and whether John was on their side. John told them that he baptized with water like them. They could rest assured. John further bore witness to Jesus Christ (John 1:26-27), hoping that they would work with Jesus to regenerate the religious life of the Jews. John could not be more wrong. In the future, the Pharisees would criticize Jesus the most, of course with a handful of exceptions.

From the gospel passage today, we may deduce that the priests, Levites and Pharisees would not rejoice in the witness John bore. They only cared if John opposed Temple sacrifice, if he would be an anti-establishmentalist who opposed Jerusalem, if he was a trouble-maker sent by the Romans to create an excuse for the Roman government to send in troops to suppress them etc. They were living in power struggles and their daily life was under high tensions. There was no room for God in their hearts. In fact, no authority wanted to change the status quo. They rejected Messiah/liberators because they would suffer financial and power losses when a Messiah emerged. See how Herod the Great massacred the newly born King of the Jews. Thus, John's teaching on repentance, to put down secular interests and turn to God would only land on deaf ears!

On the other hand, ordinary people suffered oppressions and exploitations. Life was difficult and under pressure. The teaching of John seemed to be relevant. They needed a Messiah to liberate them from the collusion of government officials and businessmen. They desired to leave behind for the posterity a fair society rebuilt by Elijah. They hoped that "the Prophet" would make their dreams come true, that they might lead a stable and prosperous life. They were doomed to disappointment! It is because, like the religious authorities, they confined what God could do!

Does God prepare for us a society free from exploitation, where people could lead a stable and prosperous life? St. Paul says, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him." (1 Corinthians 2:9) Indeed, the Creator of heaven and earth stays with us. He holds everything in His hand. When, in the course of seeking God, we come to a dead-end, God shall open up a new path for us to come close to Him.
Brethren, don't shut God up inside a box. He who surpasses the Creation is the source of all our happiness and joy. There is about one week to go before Christmas. Let us continue to meditate what graces God has prepared for us!
God bless!

Sunday, 10 December 2017

向若翰洗者學習 Learn from John the Baptist







The Second Sunday of Advent, (Year B)
Theme: Learn from John the Baptist

John the Baptist was legendary.
John's father was a priest, a righteous man that kept the Mosaic laws. Unfortunately, his wife was barren. They did not have children in their old age. Then for some unknown causes, his wife was able to give birth to a son and during her pregnancy this priestly father of John's had become a mute until the birth of the child. Armed with such wonderful events in his portfolio, this child was believed to be extraordinary and would become a great person in the future.

According to the gospels, this John did not succeed his father as a priest. Instead, he went into the wilderness to become a prophet. He preached repentance and baptized people to forgive sins. He was able to attract a significant number of followers, including some who later became the first disciples of Jesus. Contemporary Jews thought that he was the Messiah. John denied and bore witness to the coming Messiah who would baptize believers with the Holy Spirit. (Mark 1:8) After Jesus was baptized by John, some followers of John's began to follow Jesus. Later, John the Baptist was arrested for criticizing the marriage of Herod Antipas and subsequently died in custody. His followers were dispersed, absorbed by other sects and vanished from history. Indeed, John the Baptist bridges the Old and the New Testaments. He acted as the spokesman of God in the spirit of Old Testament prophets. He preached repentance among the Jews to prepare their spirit to welcome the Messiah, the dawn of the New Testament age.

The words of deeds of the Baptist are still relevant today.
First of all, although prophets are God's spokesmen, there were different kinds of prophets because they discharged their ministry in different contexts. There were those who passed on God's will to kings in the palace. For example, prophet Nathan at the side of King David. There were those who wrote and had set up a school of thoughts of their own. For example, prophet Isaiah. There were those lone wolves who criticized social evils but they were full of charisma and worked miracles. For example, prophet Elijah. John the Baptist was an amalgamation of the second and third types. He was called to live in the wilderness to come into close contact with God and listen to His will. His words and deeds had attracted a crowd of idealistic followers. His poverty contrasted deeply with the life styles of contemporary religious authorities. His was even an accusation of those religious leaders.
As Catholics, we do not need a legendary life like that of John's. At baptism, we partook in the prophetic ministry of Jesus Christ. Besides speaking up God's values to humanity, our life style should also be compatible with these values. Not only do we advocate such values as "poverty in spirit, meekness, hunger and thirst for righteousness" etc, but we also put them into practice. Of course, we do not need to dress up like the Baptist, "clothed with camel's hair, and had a leather belt girdle around his waist, and ate locusts and wild honey." (1:6) But we should have the mentality to lead a simple life, not to show off with brands and lead an extravagant life.

After resurrection, Jesus appeared to two disciples going to Emmaus. He explained to them the meanings of laws and prophets. (Luke 24:27) Jesus' words and deeds mostly fulfilled laws and prophets of the Old Testament. From another perspective, the laws and prophets of the Old Testament bore witnesses to the Messiah, to Jesus Christ. The Baptist also bore witness to Jesus Christ. He persuaded the Jewish people to repent, baptized them and foretold the one who gave the Holy Spirit would be the Messiah, the Saviour. When Jesus came to be baptized by him, John the Baptist pointed out to the people that Jesus is "the Lamb of God". (John 1:29)
As Catholics, bearing witness to Jesus Christ is the best way to discharge our prophetic ministry. In interacting with people, we are meek and merciful. We build up others and not afraid to be taken advantages of. We forgive others, giving them seventy times seven chances to turn a new leaf. When we lead our life in the spirit of the Gospel, we are showing people the countenance of Jesus Christ. Like all the prophets and John the Baptist, we are bearing witness to Jesus Christ.

On the First Advent Sunday, the gospel taught us to Watch Out. Being alert is of course right, but not sufficient. For example, you keep an aquarium of tropical fish. The thermometer can tell you if the water temperature is too low. The thermometer in the aquarium is the "Watch Out". But can the thermometer protect the fish from freezing? Of course not! We need a heater. Similarly, being watchful is not sufficient. Thus the gospel message today tells us to repent. We need to forsake our obsession with worldly things. We need to turn to God. We need to love God with all our hearts and souls, not love studies, mobile games and investment etc. with all our hearts with all our souls, with all our strength and with all our minds. Repentance is a life-long exercise, something we must do before and after baptism.
Brethren, there are two weeks to go before Christmas. Have you got your Christmas cards, Christmas gifts and even Christmas parties ready? Bear in mind, we celebrate the incarnation of the Son of God in Christmas. If our hearts are stuffed with worldly things, where comes the room to welcome God? How can we call a Christmas without the Son of God in our hearts Christmas?
God bless!

Sunday, 3 December 2017

Where should we put our hope? 我們的希望在哪?

First Advent Sunday (Year B)
Theme: Where should we put our hope?

We begin a new Liturgical Year today, Year B on this First Advent Sunday. We will spend the whole year reading the gospel of St. Mark. The gospel according to St. Mark gives us a lively picture of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the Son of God who is a man of actions, of powerful actions. His teachings are simple, direct and therefore easier to understand. Thus, if you want to have a full picture of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the gospel of St. Mark is the best to start with.

For example, the gospel message today is clearly spelt out in the passage, "Watch, therefore, you do not know when the Lord of the house is coming!" (Mark 13:35) Why should you care about the coming of the Lord? It is because he shall bring us a better tomorrow. Today, life is miserable. When the Lord comes, life shall be joyful. Today, life is unfair. When the Lord comes, life shall be full of justice etc. It is the hope for a better future that keeps us going.

Where there is hope, we have the direction and motivation to work hard, even to suffer exploitation. For example, why did you borrow huge sums of money and leave your family members behind to work here in Hong Kong? It is because you could earn more money here and remit it back home for your families to improve their livelihood. The hope for a better future keeps you working.
When there is no hope, we have no motivation to press ahead. For example, adults are realistic and mature after long years of working while young people are more idealistic. In Hong Kong, adults keep telling the young people that it is impossible for Hong Kong to be independent. The independence of Hong Kong has no future etc. However, some young people do not see the way the adult see. They believe that life shall be better, fairer and happier when Hong Kong shakes off the control from Beijing. Therefore, these young people keep on fighting for the independence of Hong Kong.

As Catholics, we look forward to the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ because by then, the Kingdom of Heaven shall be fully realized. "God will wipe away every tear from our eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away." (Revelation 21:4) When the Lord comes to bring us to heaven, we don't want to be left behind. Thus, Jesus advises us to keep watch and not let Him find us asleep.

What does "find you asleep" (Mark 13:36) mean to you? Does it mean that you are lazy and fall asleep? No! Nobody is lazy in Hong Kong. All of them are very hard working. Children have to do their homework and go to tuition, learning violin and ballet etc. Even old people gather cardboard paper on the streets to earn a few extra dollars. Therefore, we fall asleep not because we are lazy. On the contrary, we fall asleep because we are exhausted in our studies, in our work, in our ambition and in our making money etc. Jesus gives us a warning! Do not exhaust yourselves. Take a break on Sundays to go to Church to pray, to help the needy, to take care of the sick and visit prisoners. Then you can build up a good relationship with God and with men. When the Lord comes, He will not find you sleeping in exhaustion. Rather, you find Him in the least of the brethren you are serving. (Matthew 25:40)

Young people are the hope of our future. The Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong makes the new liturgical year, the Year of the Youth. We encourage them not to lose hope in themselves. Be courageous because the Catholic Church listens to your opinions. Participate more in the life of the Church and in the Hong Kong SAR government which is also trying to incorporate more young people into her offices.
Keep this in mind. Not only are young people the hope of our future, the needy people too are our hope.
God bless!



例如今天所選讀的福音,教訓非常清楚:「所以,你們要醒寤,因為你們不知道,家主甚麼時候回來。」(谷13:35)為甚麼我們要留意主的回來呢? 因為祂會帶來更美好的明天。今天,生活艱苦。當主重臨時,生活將會變得喜樂。今天世上充滿不公義,當主再度來臨時,世上將充滿公義等。就是這份對美好未來的期望,支撐著我們不斷奮鬥向前。



