
Sunday 7 January 2018

回應天主的召叫 Answering God's Call




的確,現代人曾嘗試從天文學的角度解釋這顆「白冷之星」,即耶穌出生時出現的星,有人說是「掃帚星」,有的說是「超新星爆炸」,眾說紛紜,可惜並不成功。近年來,科學家纔猛然想起耶穌時代還沒有天文學,祗有占星術。故此,重新出發,並運用電腦計算當年當地的星空圖,果然發現在公元前六年的四月十七日,太陽系幾顆肉眼可見的行星,都聚集在白羊座。運用占星術,可以解釋為在猶大地方出現了一位新生的君王。公元前六年是對的,因為屠殺無辜白冷嬰兒的大黑落德是在公元前四年去世的。而四月份比十二月更適合牧羊人在戶看守羊群。另一方面, 希臘文原文中的「賢士μάγοι Magi」除了解作有學問的人之外,亦可解作術士、祭司等的人。如果大家往郊外露營,看到滿天星斗時,你可認得出哪顆是火星、哪顆是土星呢、白羊座在哪呢?所以,祗有懂得占星術的人纔能看得懂這些星象,而不是一般人可以容易明白的,或者有興趣研究的。因此,「白冷之星」的出現並不像電影那樣戲劇化,而是受過訓練的眼睛纔看得見的。

天主教不是禁止信徒占卜算命的嗎?對,這樣做是缺乏信德的表現。當年,以色列的君王,阿哈齊雅從樓上的欄杆上跌下病了,便派人往厄刻龍向巴耳則步神問卜,看看自己甚 麼時候康復。先知厄里亞斥責他說:「你派人去求問巴耳則步,難道在以色列沒有天主嗎?」結果阿哈齊雅一病不起死了(列下1)。可見天主是非常厭惡偶像和拜偶像的人,反對占卜算命!可是,今天天主竟然運用奇異的天像,吸引懂得占星術的術士的注意力;然後,把全人類的救主,啟示給這些外邦人,真是奇怪!




Solemnity of Epiphany
Theme: Answering God's Call

The Bible can be said to be a collection of Vocation stories. Many heroes responded to God successfully and became famous. Others did not respond so well, or even became enemies of Jesus Christ, and turned infamous. Today, we read again the story of the Magi from the East which is good food for reflection. The narrative tells us that God beckons us in ways we are familiar with. He invites us to transcend ourselves to receive more and greater grace from Him.

We are able to find in the Bible dramatic narratives of how God called people. For example, God called Moses in the burning bush (Exodus 3). Four times He called Samuel in dreams (1 Samuel 3) and lastly, He sent an archangel to the Blessed Virgin Mary (Luke 1) etc.
If you think that today's story is another dramatic incident, you are totally wrong. Deacon, how could it be? Wasn't the appearance of a Wonder Star at the birth of Jesus dramatic enough? Our Chinese ancestors also believed that the births and demises of kings, generals and heroes were reflected by the stars in heavens. For example, during the confrontation between Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi at Wuzhang Plains, Zhuge even made use of the magic of "Septa-Stellar Lamps" to extend his life. Thus, peoples throughout the world and ages have been fascinated with astrology.

Surely, modern people tried to explain the "Star of Bethlehem" from an astronomical approach. Some proposed a comet, others a supernova explosion. None has been satisfactory. Recently, scientists suddenly recalled that there was no astronomy during Jesus' time, only astrology. Thus, scientists took a different approach and made use of planetarium software to map the distribution of stars at a particular time and location. Thus, they discovered that on April 17, 6 BC, our solar planets which could be seen with naked eyes all came together in the constellation of Aries. Interpreted in an astrological way, it means a new king was born in Judaea. 6 BC is right because Herod the Great who ordered the massacre of innocent infants in Bethlehem died in 4 BC. Moreover, was not April a more reasonable month for shepherds to keep watch by night in the field than December? Furthermore, the Greek word for Magi μάγοι not only means wise men, but also magicians and priests etc. If you go camping in the wild and look up the starry heavens, are you able to recognize which star Mars is, which Saturn is and where Aries is? Thus, only astrologists could understand these celestial phenomena, not common folks like us. Thus, the Star of Bethlehem, unlike what have been depicted dramatically in movies, could only be perceived by trained eyes.

Isn't fortune-telling forbidden for Catholics? Yes, it is! It indicates a lack of faith! When Ahaziah, king of Israel fell from his upper chamber in Samaria and lay sick, he sent messengers to inquire of Baalzebub, the god of Ekron whether he would recover. Elijah the prophet scolded him, "Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are going to inquire of Baalzebub, the god of Ekron?" (2 Kings 1) We see that God hates idols and their worshippers. He objected to fortune telling! But today, God made use of wondrous heavenly signs to attract the attention of astrologists. Then He revealed to them the Saviour of mankind. How bizarre it is!

This story strikes me at two fronts. First of all, we should know that Matthew wrote for Christians with a Jewish background. Jews were always proud to be "The Chosen People of God" and despised Gentiles. In today's jargon, it was racial discrimination. Thus, this narrative of using wondrous heavenly signs to reveal the Messiah to Gentiles aims at smashing the prejudice of Jewish Christians, telling them that God accepts all peoples. At the end of the gospel, the risen Christ instructed the Apostles to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to observe all that he had commanded them. (Matthew 28:19-20). What an inclusio.

Secondly, even when we are lost, when we have misplaced most of our energies, when we betray God and even commit sins, still God does not forsake us. How great His mercy is! On the other hand, His wisdom is ineffable. When we spend all our time doing things we desire, there God beckons us like what He did with the wise men from the East. We believe that they were not the only ones who were able to see the signs. But the other astrologists did not respond for various reasons. Probably they were not as skilful as those wise men in the Gospel and were unable to calculate the significance of the signs and seek the truth. Or they had the ability but were not willing to leave their Comfort Zone. They did not want to risk and thus failed to meet the Saviour. Or perhaps they lacked the resources or were unwilling to pay the heavy price. You should understand that it was a very costly journey, climbing mountains, wading rivers and traversing deserts. It took nine months or more. Why? It was because Herod the Great ordered to have infants two years old or under in Bethlehem to be butchered. Similarly, when one becomes a Christian and leads his life according to the Beatitudes, it is very challenging and even being persecuted. Are we ready to pay the price?

Brethren, God called us to be baptized, to become a member of the Church to enjoy the grace of being the children of God. How do we repay His great love? Does God continue to call us to serve the needy, to be a witness of His mercy in our daily life? Furthermore, does He call us to abandon our comfort zone to become a member of the clergy to expand the Kingdom of Heaven, saving more people? Let us reflect on these questions in this week. Listen and observe carefully what we desire to do most and see if God beckons us to receive more graces He has prepared for us.
God bless!

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