
Sunday 28 January 2018

Drive Out Unclean Spirits in Us 把內在的邪魔驅逐

Fourth Ordinary Sunday, Year B
Theme: Drive Out Unclean Spirits in Us

Modern people seldom believe in miracles and exorcism. They prefer believing in physical sciences. If you believe in anything spiritual, you are superstitious.
However, we are human beings. We need to make sense of the world we are living in. Otherwise, we feel uncomfortable. The world we live in seems to be more than what we can see, hear, feel and touch through our senses. We are rational beings. We feel restless if we cannot find meanings and purposes in our life. Now, there simply are too many unfair things going on in the society. Our society seems to be sick in many ways! We don't feel comfortable with such things because we believe in fairness. We believe in a righteous God who will finally bring justice. When we believe in God, we also believe in an invisible, spiritual world where God, angels, devils and other spiritual beings reside.

The Bible tells us that Satan exists and it is a liar. Its best trick is to make people think that it does not exist. Unfortunately, Satan has been very successful and many people think that when most of the things we see can be explained with science, there is no place for God and for Satan. The second best thing Satan does is to gain possession of our souls. We were created in God's image. We are precious in the eyes of God. Now Satan needs ammunition to fight against God. What better ammunition there are than human souls! Therefore, Satan and its demons would do whatever they could to possess human beings in order to build up an arsenal to war against God.

What happen when a person is possessed by demons?
Simply put, when a person can no longer take control over himself for an extended period of time, when he does harmful things to himself and to others and finally when some supernatural phenomena happen around him, that person is being possessed. Truly, a mental patient cannot take control over himself for an extended period of time. He harms himself and even others. But he is not necessarily a possessed person unless some supernatural phenomena happened around him. Therefore, the Church must ascertain whether a person suffers mental illness or possession before sending in an exorcist to drive the demon away. In fact, a demon cannot possess any human being unless that human person opens himself up to invite possession. How? Curiosity can be a rather harmful tendency that invites possession. Secondly, when the moral integrity of a person is breaking down because of substance abuses and continual unrepentant sinning, that person will also easily become a target of possession.

When human beings make advancements in science and technology, Satan also evolves with us. Nowadays, Satan has many more inroads to gain possession of our souls. In ancient times, a person might find satisfaction and excitement in money, in honour, in glory and in sex. Nowadays, there are many more ways to make ourselves happy and be obsessed! We have many kinds of entertainment drugs. We can easily flip through pornographic webpages on our mobile phones and get connected with strangers through dating apps etc. What we eat makes us what we are. This is also true in a psychological and spiritual way. What we read makes us what we are. When we are unable to put our mobile phones away, when we feel restless without our mobile phones around, we are addicted. We are semi-possessed. Other than mobile phones, we can be addicted to other things such as drug abuses, gambling, shopping, sex and even work! There are workaholics who simply collapse in their work place! Isn't it tragic?

Unfortunately, God does not call us in an attractive manner. He speaks in "a still small voice" (1 Kings 19:12). On the other hand, there are far too many distractive obstacles which prevent us from responding to God's call. In a way, we have lost control over ourselves. We are possessed by our work, by maintaining relationship through sex, filling up our inner emptiness with shopping, looking for excitement through gambling and drug abuses etc. We are unable to shake off those chains with our own efforts. Who can deliver us from all these evils? The gospel reading today gives us the hope of deliverance. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is God himself. When the unclean spirit met Jesus Christ, instead of running away, it presented itself before Jesus. Why? It is because Jesus was its source of existence. It knew that there was no escape because cutting itself away from Jesus meant annihilation. Even demons know that they have to return to the Lord of life. Similarly, we need to return to Jesus, our source of life.
Thus, it is imperative for us to clean ourselves of our own addictions. Daily examination is an essential habit. Be humble to acknowledge our weaknesses. Reflect on how intimate our relationship with Jesus is. Like the possessed man in the gospel, present ourselves before Christ to acknowledge his Lordship. Say to Jesus, "Have mercy on me, Lord!"

The gospel does not say what happened to the possessed person after exorcism. In another occasion, the possessed person wanted to follow Jesus. Probably he wanted to ensure his own safety. He wanted Jesus to protect him for the rest of his life. But Jesus told him to go home to tell his friends how much good God had done him. (Mark 5:19) Similarly, be brave to answer God's call. He heals us and He wants other people to receive His blessings through us.
God bless!

2015 Reflection





當人類的科技日新月異時,撒殫亦隨著進化。今天,撒殫有更多的途徑俘虜我們的靈魂。在古時,一個人可以從金錢,榮譽,性愛尋求滿足和興奮;今天,我們有更多事物令自己快樂著迷。我們有不同類型的軟性毒品,我們在手機上很容易瀏覽到色情網頁,有很多交友程式接觸到陌生人等。 西諺有云:「我們吃甚麼,就成為甚麼。」同理,「我們瀏覽甚麼,就變成甚麼。」當我們不能放下手機,當手上沒有智能電話便坐立不安時,我們已經上了癮,我們已陷入「半附魔」。除了手機外,我們也會沾染其他的癮,例如濫藥、賭博、購物,性甚到工作!君不見有人在工作間猝死嗎?多麼可悲!



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